Tamagotchi Mini.


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Nov 28, 2005
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Never get one. I got one, it lived to be over 20, but it was sooo boring.

First of all, it doesn't even have an age meter. Or any meter. You can really only feed it every 4 or so hours, and this is by pressing A. Button A does everything. Press B, clock, press C, get out of the meal/snack menu. It may even make a "present", which you simply press A to clean up (oh yeah, no food/toilet/medicine icon, or any icon).

AND there's no game to play with it. It only needs food, cleaning up, and someone to turn out the lights.

But every store that stocks it is apparently putting it on clearance because it's so unpopular. So maybe it'll be a collector thing.

Oh yeah...


There has to be more codes out there. My friend went to the shop and pressed A until the guy did the thing, and then tried a bunch of different combinations when he was bored, and he got an item called "darts" that look like throwing stars. No idea what it was, as he wasn't paying attention.

i think tama mini's are for the people who don't have pets but want one and for the people who are busy...like say you have a job and your alergic to pets...then you don't have to keep a constant eye on your pet but your able to have a pet because there is no pet dander...i dunno.

erm yeah i have a mini. it lives forever and it takes a long time to die. i wish there was a way to debug it... hmm i will have to take mine apart and see what i can do to it...

What did everyone's evolve into? Mine went like: Babytchi, Marutchi, Mametchi, and then Ginjirotchi.

What did everyone's evolve into? Mine went like: Babytchi, Marutchi, Mametchi, and then Ginjirotchi.
do you mean young mametchi or an adult mametchi?

GeO1422 you're correct but there's no need to be rude about it.

The tamagotchi mini was designed for younger kids to experience taking care of a pet. It's easy and simple for them where as a Tamagotchi connection might be too hard for them to raise because it's more complicated than the Mini!

I bought one and took it back...I agree with SebastianHUnewearl - It's designed for the younger kids. I know my little cousins would enjoy that one more.

OMG! My little sister is five, and she really wants a tamagotchi, but she is so young and has to go to school, so while this sounds like a complete drag for anyone oler than seven, the long lifespan would be a good thing for a five-year-old. does anyone think I am guessing correctly? or am I sorely mistaken?

I really love the Tamagotchi Mini. They are so cute.

As mentioned, they are for people who don't have time for a real Tamagotchi - and I guess it will become a collectors item. :unsure:

my sis is 5 & she NEVER takes care uv her non-mini tama so it takes up most uv its time being dead!

i think tama mini's are for the people who don't have pets but want one and for the people who are busy...like say you have a job and your alergic to pets...then you don't have to keep a constant eye on your pet but your able to have a pet because there is no pet dander...i dunno.
You know, you made no difference of tama mini's and tamagotchi. If youi said "Tamagotchi Plus", instead of "tama mini", it would still make sense. You didn't clearify what makes the mini so "bad" that tamagotchi aren't.

Anyways... Personally, I don't like minis. They have exteremely low detail. But they're still kewl!!

Yes, they cannot breed.

Simply put:

Tamagotchi Mini/Chibi is a very simplifed version of a Tamagotchi P1. :)

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