Tamagotchi Music City: Loading Glitch


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I've had this same problem it didn't let me go to MC. Always froze at 58% but then I downloaded Safari to my computer. I tried to get on MC that way and it worked. :D . And about week after that Mozilla let me go to MC normally what it didn't do before. I'm not very sure about does it work, but hey! at least try it.

Safari is a fast browser. :(

Always froze at 58% but then I downloaded Safari to my computer.
Actually, the problem Tama-Star_Girl was referring to was that the percentage did not even appear. The music note with the loading percentage on it was blank and did not even say "0". It said "" (Nothing).

Anyway, I've tried Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari and none of them worked. I do not have an anti-virus program and also, I'm using a Mac. Even after Music City updated, I still couldn't load it. I suspect that it has something to do with my meddling with the mac. The file I edited couldn't load properly when the Mac's battery was nearly flat and Music City loaded correctly. Obviously, the next thing I knew after the "3%" which actually loaded was a black screen. The Mac had shut down. That was the only time I saw Music City load after the problem started.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the connection error message would pop up several seconds later. In other words, I can wait forever but it still wouldn't load.

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:( Oh. How long you let it load before you switch off the site? Sometimes it loads very long time ( I mean that it doesn't show the numbers, or even the notes) I had to wait about 10 minutes and then it started to load (showing the numbers) slowly. :D
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I had to wait about 10 minutes and then it started to load (showing the numbers) slowly. :blink:
I wish it could load after the connection error message pops up. But it doesn't.... once I had the page open for an hour, waiting for it to load. But it never did, not even 1%....... :( :( :(

Actually, this happens to my dad's computer, and my siblings and I's homework computer. What else happens before the 'Sorry your server to the connection has been lost, please try again'?

I've been having the same problem for weeks too <_< only managed to get on to the site using Google Chrome on my cousin's PC.... still trying to figure out what's causing the connection time out.

I've been having the same problem for weeks too :huh:   only managed to get on to the site using Google Chrome on my cousin's PC.... still trying to figure out what's causing the connection time out.
My boyfriend says its my internet speed. I believe him, but when I have my broadband on, which is very fast. Its still doesn't load... and I have no idea why. He said it might be my computer, so I tried my dad's and it still the same (Will it was using dail up speed at the time, which is SLOW. But what is that go to with it!?). I think its the internet speed maybe.... <_<

He also told me that Tamatown has SO MUCH on it now. Its hard to load anything. I believe that because some of my friends just walk around Music City, and then that get that "message" about the connection.

But if it is the internet speed, how comes when I load Tamatown using fast Broadband, it isn't doesn't load. Same with three of my friends (One of them has got it fixed now since the update), they have fast internet speed but still doesn't load for them. :huh:

Tamagotchi Music City has been updated you know. AND I still can't get onto it because of this gltich. PEOPLE PLEASE! IF ANYONE KNOWS HOW TO FIX THIS! PLEASE TELL ME! I Think i am going to cry.... I really want to go back onto Music City.... and all because I can't.... IS BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID ANNOYING GLITCH! :D :lol: :( :D

What broswer are you using? ;)
I use Internet Explorer 7. It could be that Internet Explorer 8 Is being updated, or it is either Music City is just being crappy. But yeah I said it wasnt working for Internet Exlporer 7 because I was using my dad's Laptop.

*later* OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just found out the way it works!!!!! I went on my dad's laptop to try it it failed, and I kept on doing it and IT WORKED!!!!!!! If you have the same problem DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!! :D



P.s Patchi-Forrest Will be opening between July 16th - July 30th.

try to download Adobe flash player 9 (latest version) :angry: try to use other internet browser like CometBird and Firefox :angry: because "Internet Explorer" SUCKS! :(

- Oxie :angry: (SR9248) :angry:

I've had this too, but I repair my internet connection if this happens, because if you try loading other sites, it would be very slow. (That's for me, dunno about you.)

try to download Adobe flash player 9 (latest version) :D try to use other internet browser like CometBird and Firefox ;) because "Internet Explorer" SUCKS! :p
- Oxie :D (SR9248) :)
Latest version?! I have Adobe flash player 10.1. :D

It may be you don't have the other program it needs to run, do you have Adobe Shockwave player?
Ahhhhhh..... IDK! <_<

I think so because I was able to load Tamagotchi Music City before this glitch. :eek:

Actually, the problem Tama-Star_Girl was referring to was that the percentage did not even appear. The music note with the loading percentage on it was blank and did not even say "0". It said "" (Nothing).

Anyway, I've tried Firefox, Google Chrome
i got the same problem as well i tried both google and mozilla firefox and i was able to login on tamatown yesterday using google but not today which is weird

I have been stuck on my apartment before, but I have only experieced the loading error/server lost thing once or twice. Maybe your Adobe Flash Player is not compatible, or as recent as TamaTown.

I think I know what the problem is. Since Tamatown's update (I think), they have edited the start of the loading things on Tamatown. Instead of loading it like parts like 1% to 100%, then again and again over like 7 times, they have edited this into one load, instead of it being in parts. Because of this, it is harder to load. But it gets worse. I think there is now a timer on it, if you don't get to 1% in about 20 secs, the connention will cut. I know 20 secs seem long, but think about all the things you needed to load, packed into ONE! THAT IS ALOT!? I think it was somewhat of a good idea to put all the things together so its faster to load, but the timer is just stupid. Tell me a GOOD REASON why we need a loading timer at the start set at 20 secs?! :lol:

P.S. I found this out when I was loading Tamatown at school, and trust me, it took awhile to load. And that was on fast as Broadband!? :D

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Has this happend when you were using Dial-Up? Well it isn't because of the New Music City it is because more people are coming to TamaTown because of Swirl Sweet City. Broadband could be having something wrong with it or it is either you computer is being crappy or Music City is being crappy.

I think I managed to find out what's wrong. FINALLY! It has to with my router. Are u connected to the internet via a router, Tama-Star_Girl? I hooked my mac directly from my modem and managed to finally see the loading percentage.... at long last.

Friend me, people! I'm GS1625 :)

This is happening to me it is SO annoying I haven't been on Music City for a while and when I try to open Music City after like 3 months the connection error comes up on both my computers. For the past few days I have been trying to get on but it won't!

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