Tamagotchi Music Star Problem?


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Aug 16, 2010
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Hello all Tamagotchi fans,

I have a problem with my music star v6. Actually, i don't really know if its a problem, but here goes:

Recently, my tamagotchi baby grew to a child. and somehow. When i feed it and all. The hearts (hungry,happy) R ALWAYS full..Even if i go one hour without feeding. Is that supposed to happen? Or is it some kind of problem? I read some forums about when your tama gets older u have to buy stuff for it to eat from the shop. But i nvr heard about the hearts always being full.

please reply A.S.A.P

ok, no need to worry ok? its alright. when your tama becomes a teen, adult, and oldie, the baby food and baby milk will only fill the hearts halfway, so you need to buy food from the store. since yours is still a child, it will be full on baby food and baby milk.

That doesn't answer the OPs question.

I have a Mametchi and it went hours before any hearts dropped. If I remember right good care characters don't need fed as often too.

Yes, compared to a baby one hour is a lot, but it is not really strange yet.

Several hours would be strange for a child, but if you've taken really good care, this will be the result. :D :p :D :)

I always get the toddler/child/teen thing confused. Seems to me like there should be an extra evolution in between to distinguish toddler from child.

Anyway, if I remember correctly (it's been a little while since I ran my Music Star), when they evolve into the second stage from baby--> toddler (child?), the baby food and milk still fill hearts. It is only after the second evolution toddler/child-->teen, that the baby food stops working and you need to buy stuff from the store. Sounds to me like your Music Star is working fine, so you have nothing to worry about. :D

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