Tamagotchi Online Connector


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Aug 6, 2005
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Ok, I used to be the user "TamaGear^_^" but i forgot my password while i was on vacation, but anyways, some of you might remember a post i made, about a tamagotchi online connector, well in that post i said i had submitted it to bandai and was waiting for a response, well i got one, they said that if i could produce a few protypes, they would test it on a focus group and if all goes well, we could make a distribution deal, but if any of you know, it costs money to make proto types {I need 10}

And i highly doubt anyone will just start giving money to the project, so im going to make a newsletter {via U.S mail} with new tips hints,videos {yes videos}, letters, & colums from readers and people on the forum,and exclusive news on the project {which means like you get to see pictures, papers stuff like that}, also some of the readers will be picked during a few of our contests to recive free tamagear and such, through contests and such.

Also in the newsletter there will be a few pages in the back where you can order things for your tamagotchi, such as pouches, stands,covers and other tama knick knacks.{and they wont have outragious prices like some people sell things for}

This is the best way i could think of to get money for the prototypes, sound good to you guys?

it would only be like $5 every month or 2 months and would eventually go down in price as more people start to order the newsletter & accessories

so how does that sound?

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