Tamagotchi PC Pack


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
I was so excited when my Tamagotchi PC Pack came in the mail. But not long after I got started using the pack, I was frustrated to tears.

First off, it is very hard to install. I took my dad and I almost an hour!

Then, what really ticks me off, is the microphone. For those of you who have this and know what I'm talking about, when you're configuring the microphone at the beginning, it works fine when I wake Kuchipatchi up. Then it tells you you'll tire him out to put him to sleep, and to click next to continue. But when you click next, I says, "Uh-oh. You couldn't get Kuchipatchi back to sleep..." And it asks you if your microphone is working. Meanwhile, I know it is when it just worked for waking Kuchipatchi.

The microphone also won't work when I try to get my desktop buddy to do a command, like, "read a book," or something.

And then, on top of everything else, I clicked on "Fun Extras" and then "Wallpapers." When I selected the Wallpaper I wanted, a message came up saying, "We couldn't install the wallpaper."

What the heck!!!! The only thing I'm happy about is the V4.5, which is awesome.

I would try and exchange it just incase mine is defective, but I don't want to lose my precious V4.5, with little Sid on it.

Is it just my PC Pack that is being gay like this? Or is everyone else's messed up, too?

Any advice and information is much appriciated.


the PC pack CD works well on my pc. I am on windows XP SP1

I would never ever update to SP2 because I hate how that SP2 is.

SP2 is known to break many softwares and apps.

I think it is stupid SP2 blocking the software from doing what you want.

I Got a Pc Pack......Mines fine on my Computer...My computer is Windows XP (Home edition?) It Works fine but trust me the Actual Cd rom is boring for me i just like playing with my v4.5 and i use the microphone for Msn Messenger.... and i also put my tamas in the microphone(its also a holder) Thats All..........It might even the kind of computer you have......?

Hope I Helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Melza_Rocks

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