Tamagotchi ps


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Dec 22, 2015
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I found a new tamagotchi p thats only 7 dollars in a bidding war right now and i want it, but i was wondering a few things. first is it easy to get a phone that can do the tamagotchi p english patch? and are there any online interactions on the p like there was the dream town or something for the connections, and if i get the english patch for the p would it interfere in letting me use these online interactions if there are any?

The patching process is quite simple and buying an infrared phone can be easy or a bit more difficult depending on where you live. People migt overprice them if you're in a big city.

And there's no online interactions for this tama, but the downloads and pierces are what replaces them.

You could also obtain a IrDA USB Dongle, which will connect the Tamagotchi with your PC. You can find these online as well, such as in Amazon or Ebay.

Yeah, the dongles are quite cheap but I heard there's a lot of problems with them and that sending items over through it is rather tedious.

Yeah, the dongles are quite cheap but I heard there's a lot of problems with them and that sending items over through it is rather tedious.
Can you elaborate on the problems? I just ordered one and it's coming tomorrow and I'm slightly concerned

Yeah, the dongles are quite cheap but I heard there's a lot of problems with them and that sending items over through it is rather tedious.
Here here! I usually send items by loads, like thirty downloadables a go, and I did it once. Now, I can't seem to make it work and I've tried really hard to make it work. I experience this problem on both my P's and iDL. :(

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