tamagotchi robots


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Mar 20, 2006
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i was surfing the web for tamagotchi and it came up with this which ive copied and pastedTamagotchi reborn as an adult


Tamagotchis have grown up

Tamagotchi, the interactive robot pet, is to get a new lease of life.

Bandai, the Japanese toy firm behind the egg-shaped plastic toy, has said it plans to relaunch the Tamagotchi robot next month.

But the new Tamagotchi's habits will be more grown up than the original version; it will be able to go on dates, marry and have babies.

The original pocket sized Tamagotchi toys won hearts by beeping to demand regular attention from their owners.

But their demands for affection were more limited, focused largely on food and drink.

Tamagotchis that did not receive enough love died, shutting down their screens.

The new Tamagotchi Plus will be able to mingle, chat and date with other Tamagotchis using infrared portals, according to its makers, Bandai.

Tamagotchi was first launched in 1996 and had sold 40 million units within a couple of years.

Tamagotchi Plus will go on sale on 2 March priced at 1,980 yen ($19). sorry it's so long i thought it may be intresting

[SIZE=11pt]In the article it says what the thing is called. The "Tamagotchi Plus". Those were relesed in March of '04. Heh, it's an old article.[/SIZE]

Tamagotchi Plus is the Japanese version of the V1. :D It's nice of you to send it on but you found an old article. :(

yes she's right. It is an old article but thanks anyways :lol: Its still sorta interesting though ^_^

Mothra is correct. As I was reading that I thought "what's the tamagotchi robot?"

Oh good, it's not another "THEY'RE ANDROTCHIS NOT ROBOTCHIS!!!" thread. *breaths sigh of relief*

This is VERY old! xD Tamagotchi Plus is the Japanese v1. Good info, but O-L-D info.

thats old but thanks for tying to help :D

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