Tamagotchi Sanctuary Adoptions!


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Your Welcome! Would you like to consider purchasing some items from the shop?



Shimmer walks up to Sunny outgoingly, and says 'Hello!'

Awwwww, BFF's! :wacko: ;)

Oh, by the way, you get a new care certificate for taking such good care of Sunny!

[ :hitodetchi: Care]

Hey Everyone!

TSA has something new we'd like to share with everyone! Everytime you adopt a tamagotchi from here; you get 1 each of their favorite foods...for free! Here at TSA we're dedicated to helping tamagotchis be happy, and live better lives! (For a limited time only)

Thank you for visiting TSA! :lol:

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Hey Everyone!

I'd thought I'd give you the Stage updates on your tamas...so..here we go!

To: tamabuddi

:furawatchi: Violet-Stage 3-Teengaer~enrolled in college

:lol: Laurelai: Stage 2-Toddler~enrolled in pre-school




:hitodetchi: Sunny: Stage 2-Toddler~enrolled in pre-school



Looking for some tamas to adopt? Go to Page 4 Post #11! Looking for the shop? TSA Shop on Page 1, and Specialty Shop on Page 3!


Thank you for visiting TSA :lol:

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Wow! Thanks for the Certficate!


Awww, Sunny and Shimmer are BFF's!


I'll visit the shop to buy somethings soon.


Can I have Sunny's stats plz?

Oh, can I just say, you are doing a Great job here.


Sunny:luv2dance! Thanks for giving me to Tammie! That way I wouldn't have met your Lovely Tama Shimmer! Thanks!


Yay! Sunny's going to Pre-school!


To: *CJPirate*:

Here's Matthew!


To: sqeuakythepenguin92:

Here's Henry!


Take good care!




Sunny's stats are full!

Special Note: I've been busy lately, and I'm sorry to say I have to take another break from TT. I just don't have time for it anymore. Sorry. Thank you for understanding. [/b]

I will adopt Matthew. *scoops up Matthew in arms* *leaves note*


Dear luv2dance,

I have adopted Matthew.

Hopefully you'll return from your break soon,

and if you're looking for him, he'll be with me.

Thanks, GG96

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