Tamagotchi Shops! The CRAZY little shops for Torii


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Mametchi 4ever

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
At Yankee Stadium admiring field.
It was the busiest day in Torii the :D 's life. He was running to his newly opened dentist.

Torii: OOMP!

Torii had barely made it alive into his dentist. Fat kutchipatchis, the ones who ate at TamaKing and TamaDonalds everyday had sumo fights in the line, poor Torii getting squeezed between their big fat bellys. Finally, he burst open the door of his dentist, only to be overrun.

"Oh flying Tama dice!!!" He yelled, feeling hard feet against his back. "OOMPH! OHH!" He yelled as the fat kutchipatchi's ran on him.

Freddy, his buddy who worked with him, who was a :D quickly cleared up the crowd, also barely. "You k, dude?" He asked.

Torii painfully nodded. He then padded to the desk, where Ann, his cousin the :rolleyes: was quickly scribbling down names and getting paid. Torii put his face down on the smooth counter, he thought he was dead by now, those stupid kutchipatchis... When he treated them, he was gonna rip out.... "TORII! WAKE UP, YOU SILLY DEPRESSO! HURRY UP AND SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS!"

Torii padded down to the Dentist room. A :huh: came in. Funny, he was clutching his wheel, not his mouth. "Ok, so what's the problemo?" He asked the robot.

"Uh, my wheel got dented."

"Sorry sir, we only treat teeth here."

"WHAT? I thought this was a DENTist! Fixing dents in anything!"

"No way joe, that is lame. Go to the hospital."


The :D rolled away, Torii panting.

A fat kutchipatchi came in, and sat down on the seat. He grabbed one of each kind of toothpaste, and shoved it all into his mouth, and swallowed before Torii could say "What the..-"

The fat kutchipatchi laughed. "You really think I'd come in here so I could get some lame little white chunks treated? No way. I like having toothpaste flavors. Thanks for the Fruity flavors." Said the fatty as he started to walk out. As soon as he heard the door to the waiting room close, he swore he could hear a THUMP of someone falling. There was a reason it said on Toothpastes, DO NOT SWALLOW OR USE FOR ANYTHING BUT BRUSHING. He heard someone get loaded on a stretcher and tooken away. "Deserves it." Then a little :angry: came in. "Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh.." It was about half an hour before the boy said, "I'D LIKE HELP! HELP MY TEETH!"

Torii examined the boy, but found nothing wrong. Just some lettuce and meat stuck in the guys teeth. "Ok, you're fine." He flossed out the lettuce and meat, and shoved it in the trash. The guy jumped out after Torii rinsed it with water. "K thanks bye." The :huh: ran away. Torii felt doubt tugging at his stomach. This whole dentist thing seemed positvely HOPELESS.

After what felt like 500 customers, he finally was staggering to his van. Fat kutchipatchis complaining, babies whining, little boys asking too much, little girls making saliva, old men and old women complaining and adults biting down on his hand.

Torii jumped into his van, and drove home. Dentist was not his job, that's for sure. That's what had to be expected, he thought.

Next time, is..... *drum roll* CLEANERS!
