Tamagotchi Target Audience


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I just thought of something. If you go on the website, the earth has eyes and a mouth. Then on tv there may be someone who wants to destroy the world. Put those together and it's like destroying a person. Also, HOW IS THERE A GIANT ANTENNA STICKING OUT OF THE TOP OF THE EARTH!?!?

Also--in EVERY SINGLE AD THIS WEEK, Tamas were listed as "Cool toys for Girls" and "The Perfect gift for a little girl". They are on tha same page as the little dolls and dress-up stuff for 4 year olds.

Whoo. I gotta get this off my chest... *Deep Breath* Here Goes!
Okay, so I just recieved 3 P1 Tamagotchis in the mail to add to my collection. My collection is fairly small, so I wanted to grow it some. When I took them out of the package they were so... so... great!

Back then, Tamaotchis were unisex. They were for everyone, not just 10-year-old girls. I still love the new ones, I just wish they weren't so girly and childish now.

I'm so tired of sneaking onto the Tamagotchi aisle at the store. What if someone I know sees me! Do you know how humiliating that would be?!?!? All my friends and family are constantly saying how I need to grow up. That's what Bandai has done! They have taken something as great as a Tamagotchi and mutilated it beyon repair. Just look at the website. Flowers, happy faces and eyes... Yes, I said eyes. Everything has eyes.

I just wish that Bandai would make Tamagotchis cool again. In the 90s they were for EVERYBODY!!!

I hope I didn't offend anyone, I just need to get that off my chest!

:) ^_^


P.S. Go to this page and tell me what you think. I have 3 words. Oh. My. Gosh. : (
MMMM.............deep.lol.i never thought of it that way.Honestly, I don't care what anyone else thunks, if your friends think it's childish then you should totally ditch them.And for your family memebers,you should tell them that your not the only one that likes tamagotchis on the planet and that their cool and that they should live with that.

Well i'm 19 and I loooove my Tamagotchis. Plus I love the new ones because they're so cute and girly. And I love all the eyes, too! =P

I totally see your point though and agree, cause I don't know anyone (YET) that even has a Tamagotchi either old or new. Buuuut I looove love the cutsie poopsie faces on everything stuff. Boys should like it, though, cause there are ungirly Tama's and cool NINJA Tamas! So yeah. ^.^

ya. and teh uber BOXERTCHI! UBERIFIC! but you are liking them for the reason most people dont like them

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I completely agree with the comments on this topic.

I just got my v4 today and was so happy when it came in the post but my mom was like ''why did you buy a toy for children??'' It made me feel quite pathetic.

None of my friends know that I like tamas and I'm sure that they would have something to say about it.

I will have to pause my tama everyday when at school and will be reluctant to play with it in public too.

I'm sixteen, and maybe some people may think that this is too old to be playing with a ''toy'' but it makes me happy so whats the problem?

If Bandai changed their advertising and made an effort to market their product to everyone, maybe public opinion would change and it would be acceptable to be seen with our tamas.



You don't have to sneak into any aisle anywhere. If your buddies laugh at you for liking a Tamagotchi, then that's their problem for being so immature.

I think the "everything has faces" thing is a cute touch, it reminds me of Super Mario. Y'know, everything in Mario had faces: the clouds, the trees, the stars, the blocks...everything! XD

I may be a girl, but I am 21 years old and a fan of Tamagotchis and Vpets for as long as they were around...and I don't think they've kiddyified it or girlied it up beyond blasphemy.

i know! ill go to school and peeple wil say "a tamagotchi?! thats for girls!" and ill have to go thru the whole story how the old ones were unisex and all that. it gets realy annoying, and a lot of them had tamas in 4th grade too! ;)

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Im a boy and i love tamagotchis . i think that they should get rid of the flowers,but i think that the faces on every thing are cute. by the way im 9 years old. i think that they sholud put the tamagotchi isle in the technoligy isle :kuribotchi: :D :( :D :D :D :D :D :D

ok im not a cutsy little female person but tamagotchis where kinda originaly for insane little cutsy japanese girls...not that it tamagotchi cant change to fit everone, wich i should =P

Im a boy and i love tamagotchis . i think that they should get rid of the flowers,but i think that the faces on every thing are cute. by the way im 9 years old. i think that they sholud put the tamagotchi isle in the technoligy isle :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D
well said brother!

(sorry for double posting)

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I know. Kids stare at me when I am in the Tama aisle...they really should make Tamas more unisex.

ill be standing in the tama isle and people look at me llike im an animal at the zoo.... they should be like the old tamas! unisex with less folwers and more camo type things. pink is ok, but what about the boys that like tamas? what about us!?

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Whoo. I gotta get this off my chest... *Deep Breath* Here Goes!
Okay, so I just recieved 3 P1 Tamagotchis in the mail to add to my collection. My collection is fairly small, so I wanted to grow it some. When I took them out of the package they were so... so... great!

Back then, Tamaotchis were unisex. They were for everyone, not just 10-year-old girls. I still love the new ones, I just wish they weren't so girly and childish now.

I'm so tired of sneaking onto the Tamagotchi aisle at the store. What if someone I know sees me! Do you know how humiliating that would be?!?!? All my friends and family are constantly saying how I need to grow up. That's what Bandai has done! They have taken something as great as a Tamagotchi and mutilated it beyon repair. Just look at the website. Flowers, happy faces and eyes... Yes, I said eyes. Everything has eyes.

I just wish that Bandai would make Tamagotchis cool again. In the 90s they were for EVERYBODY!!!

I hope I didn't offend anyone, I just need to get that off my chest!

:p :wacko:


P.S. Go to this page and tell me what you think. I have 3 words. Oh. My. Gosh. : (
I agree because in the 90's they were for everybody but now they have changed I guess it is because they try to taget girls but boys like them too :D

I'm just like you, although, my parents and friends don't say that I'm childish out loud. :/ It's sad really, how they are for little kids now, but I really don't care anymore, because if people make fun of me, they're just trying to hide their secrets and flaws. <_<

I'm just like you, although, my parents and friends don't say that I'm childish out loud. :/ It's sad really, how they are for little kids now, but I really don't care anymore, because if people make fun of me, they're just trying to hide their secrets and flaws. :)
Ya they are for little kids now but my friends like tamagotchis :D and my parents think it is okay for me too like them. But I know the v5's are childish and girly but there are some options for you. One tamagotchi v5 is okay for both it is the house oneyou could get that or wait to see if they come out with more deigns or get one and paint it or decorate it

haha that happened to my little brother he went into there and there were only flower designs and his friend was there oh and i set him up so his friend would be there. turns out he was getting 1 too so they both laughed and talked me and pulled my hair. what a memorable day

I still like tama's, even though my friends look at it and ask, you still have a tama? That annoys me. And the v4 and v5 have boyish-girlish designs. In the v4 isle, I bought a girraffe pattern v4 and boys have it too. But one of them was girraffe patterened and had a pink bead thing going to the side!! that is ridiculous!! i think there is too much pink in the Tama isle. The v5 has a Mametchi design, but the buttons and the rooftop thing is red. It looks like one for both boys and girls. I dont think bandai is creating more boy shells, more girls shells are popular. BUT....CMON BANDAI!!! TOO MUCH GIRLY STUFF! NOW MY FRIENDS THAT ARE BOYS WANT THE V5 BUT THEY ARE IN TOO MANY PINK COLORS AND THEY CANT GET 1, SINCE THEY ARE AFRAID THAT SOMEONE MIGHT FIND THEM IN THE BARBIE ISLE! B)

I still like tama's, even though my friends look at it and ask, you still have a tama? That annoys me. And the v4 and v5 have boyish-girlish designs. In the v4 isle, I bought a girraffe pattern v4 and boys have it too. But one of them was girraffe patterened and had a pink bead thing going to the side!! that is ridiculous!! i think there is too much pink in the Tama isle. The v5 has a Mametchi design, but the buttons and the rooftop thing is red. It looks like one for both boys and girls. I dont think bandai is creating more boy shells, more girls shells are popular. BUT....CMON BANDAI!!! TOO MUCH GIRLY STUFF! NOW MY FRIENDS THAT ARE BOYS WANT THE V5 BUT THEY ARE IN TOO MANY PINK COLORS AND THEY CANT GET 1, SINCE THEY ARE AFRAID THAT SOMEONE MIGHT FIND THEM IN THE BARBIE ISLE! :angry:
ya they should create more boy colours

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