Tamagotchi Target Audience


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Dude, I'm 18 years old and happily stride over to that aisle xP Don't worry about what people will think. What you like is none of their business. I also see the people at the store everyday, because I work there. They have all the time I'm at work to tease me about it, but nobody ever does.

People like different things. Regardless of age or gender. If people don't accept your liking for tamagotchis, they're ignorant and aren't worthy of your attention.

I agree with the site its like eye raping with its bright happy childishness, but the Tamas I have are pretty unisex. My V4 is white with glow in the dark, doesn't really scream boy or girl and my V3 is a gray brick wall that has graffiti on it. There really isn't anything stopping you from getting some spray paint or plastic paint and painting it for your self :D .

THere's a video on youtube with a boy bored of his tamagotchi, so he destroyes it with a hammer. In my shops, there are loads of boys' designs, but I think lots of the new designs are more edged towards girls, like the love my family.

But I could imagine a 6 year old girl caring for a little virtual pet as I think a 6 year old boy would be more into star wars and stuff

Does it matter if people see you in the tama isle?

sorry I have mutiple posted I just keep coming back to this topic and finding more to say lol

who says they are girl shells? WHO says pink is a girls colour? theres this boy in my class called Jack and he likes pink

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Tamagotchi's target is grade school girls because Bandai happens to sell most of their Tamagotchi's to grade school girls. However the V5 is introducing some unisex Tamagotchi's that do appeal to males, such as the 'Tamagotchi House', 'Space Trip', 'Aquarium' and 'Blue Abstract'. Bandai could possible include more masculine designs in their line up and make their commercials more appealing to males.

I COMPLETELY agree! When I first got the v1 there was nothing wrong with having it... but now... I have to hide it from everyone so I don't feel embarrased. They have made tamas only for little elementary school girls, and I wish they would change it... :D

Unfortunately EVERYTHING in America is marketed towards children nowadays, it just seems to be the most profitable way to go for companies, even though it might be something thats for everyone, it is still mostly targeted towards children. Look at the Ipod, its mostly kids you see carrying one around (at least here, what 8 year old DOESN'T have one?), but that doesn't mean that adults cannot own one. The Nintendo DS, again, its mostly kids using them here, but there are also games for adults on it that only adults would enjoy. This is the same for the PSP, most people I see with them, are children. Same with Cellphones, I have seen phones marketed specifically for children, yet a few years ago they were only for sophisticated adults. If I believed this marketing, I would probably drive myself nuts!

Also, they are cutsey and girly because they are a Japanese toy. Everything in Japan is like this, so thats why the website is like that and the packaging and stuff. In Japan its perfectly acceptable for a 40 year old woman to have hello kitty merchandise, and its normal for businessmen to be seen playing Nintendo DS on the subway, so they do not subscribe to the belief that everything that looks cutsey is childish, as America does. They will probably never change the image though, since it the toy originates in Japan.

I also think there is too much pink though, but we do need pink ones because they sell out fast and if there wasn't enough pink, then the prices for the pink ones would be really high and they would be hard to find, so if you wanted a pink one, that would be bad.

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In Australia it doesn't seem too bad, because all of the v5 designs I saw yesterday except for perhaps Love My Family are perfectly unisex. There's nothing wrong with a boy walking around with a pink Tamagotchi though.

In fact, ever since the release of the v4 I've seen more boys than girls with Tamagotchi.

yeah it stinks. there isnt a boy on any of the tama commercials and the site is so girly

I so agree. I am 14 years old. Whenever I go shopping I am the oldest person in the Tamagotchi Isle. Bandai America is screwing up all the time with girly designs. Remember how the v3 had boys in commercials. Now its only little girls 10 or 9 years old. I feel so stupid. But I love the Aussie designs. The Tamagotchi designs are so childish. I loved the Old School ones. The big problem for me is that I hate frilly flowers! Gawd No!!! All of my friends out grew Tamagotchis now. I feel like an Idiot. But when I look at it. "Its not the Tamagotchis fault! Its the idiots that make em' " I just with they would do something better.... -Sigh- I feel bad for the Male Tamagotchi fans. ^.~



Well, I suppose if you really didn't like the designs, you could just find a Tamagotchi with a base colour you like and then get an eraser and rub off the design! (It works, but you need to push quite firmly.)

Well I'm a boy! I hate video games and I love tamas. I may sound geekish, but I like something to be realistic! You try and put effort into someone/thing elses life. I like doing that. ;)


I agree. I think they should expand, but don't worry about it. If you like it that's all that should matter. Your friends willl respect that if they are truly your friends. Just be yourself, and if anyone denys you they aren't your real friend. :( :lol: :lol:

yeah, i feel really stupid walking into the aisle, where i see bratz and dolls and stuff to look at the tamagotchis. it's also really stupid that bandai would baby-ify the whole thing. i think all the v5 designs are very childish (but also happen to like 3 of them). and they make me feel nerdy w/ how flowery they are.

I definately agree! Bandai does make it a little too cute and girly. I mean even though I am a girl and I like those types of things I still think taht they should make a lot more boyish desighns for those boys who arent girly and for those girls who are tomboys or who just dont like cute things. The tama commercials should be covered with both girls and boys and shoulndnt use such a high pitched voice to describe the newest tama. I think Bandai thinks that girls are the only ppl who personally go out and buy a tama but thats not always the case.

Even though the majority of ppl who buy tamas are prolly girls there are still plenty of boys who like tamas. Someone should email Bandai and tell them this cuz they need to hear it more than anyone. ;) :) :blink:

PEACE xoxoxo

Yea, there are only like

two boyish ones and the rest are

girly. I am a boy, and I have the tama

house, v5

I am a 10 year old girl, so it's not much of problem for me. Also, I have never seen the commercials, since I don't watch tv. However, I am moving and going into middle school.(middle school starts in 6th grade in Princeton, New Jersey, just so no one thinks I stayed back a grade) and I do not know if people there will have tamas. If anyone knows about the Witherspoon Middle School in Princeton, New Jersey,USA, then please reply.I don't want to be teased on my first day! :furawatchi: P.S. I just feel stupid looking through ll the isles (including barbies & bratz! ew) until I find the tamagotchis. When I get to the right place, I feel dumb because I'm too short to reach the tamas, and most of the other stuff there is for boys.I also feel dumb walking around he toy section with my brothers holding an unwrapped tama. BanDai make stuff a lot worse sometimes! And I love tamas! ALL ages love them! from about 7-5900000000000

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