Tamagotchi two, toot toot!


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After playing the singing game a considerable amount of time, I got the bonding to 20% and was able to take these images:


9 images

The first is just a normal happy tama.

The third is actually the second. When you press © they look surprised, and then the second picture is the third, they start walking up.

The rest is deduceable that it is the walking-up animation. :D

The last two, I was lucky to catch them in the process of pooping (to say it somehow), so this is their marvellous crowned-potty. xD

The last is when they eat although it is not a very good shot.


I had intended to use this as an avatar, a happy Mausucchi, but it was too big


Maybe Mausucchi means Mouse-tchi?


I also noticed that "Omoide" (memories) doesn't work, because the stats are more extended than I thought:


Screen 1






Screen 2





Screen 3


2 generation

13700 (G)


Screen 4


Chounan ♂


Screen 5


Chouji ♀


Screen 6


Jinan ♂


Screen 7


Okaasan ♀


Screen 8


Otousan ♂


Besides each one appears the figure of the parent or the character in question. A•ra•mo-docchi is basically the Purincchi with some more stuff on.

Also, I did some research on Mausucchi. It is a mouse, but not a mouse that the cat chases but a computer mouse!! xDDDD

Third starting from the left

Heehee, how funny!


There you can also see other characters I've had.

Mimifuwacchi, the first, has been a baby more than once.

Mattaricchi is the green circle with three hairs. Whoa, I always imagined he would be orange, but anyway!

Sakuramocchi is the pink one next to Mattaricchi with a leaf on her head.

Berucchi (Belltchi) is quite obviously the bell-look-alike tama next to Sakuramocchi.

The other three I will have some other day, hehehe.

Chounan = eldest son

Choujo = eldest daughter

Jinan = second son.

Hope I helped!

Chounan = eldest sonChoujo = eldest daughter

Jinan = second son.

Hope I helped!
Thank you Coco Boy! :lol:

(sorry, I didn't see that before)

I also saw several new animations of the two parents pouring tea for the Chounan, hehe; and right now they are eating. I accidentally let a heart down before packing my stuff, but I have refilled it again.

Yaaaaay! I'm in Barcelona (with Elisenda, my best friend for those who don't know, hehe).

Anyway, even though it has only been little over 24 hours, we have tons of updates.


Royal Famitama:

My children have evolved into:

1. Kikicchi (a monkey thing)

2. Ichigocchi (a strawberry)

3. Nonopocchi (young Kuchipatchi)


Anyway, I left 30 percent (special characters don't work very well on this computer) bonded, but since Elisenda and I have been playing the singing game non-stop we are now 100 percent bonded and have discovered all the possible animations.


0 percent - no animation

10 - 30 percent - walk up animation

40 - 50 percent - they walk off the screen, come back and fall flat on their faces

60 - 80 percent - they blow little hearts to each other which turns into one huge heart

80 - 100 percent - they walk up and you see a close-up of each of them


We also bought a new battery for my V1 ConneXion which by the way did not offer me the download function!!!!

So I had to raise it from scratch. It was a baby girl, called DIOSA which means goddess in Spanish since Eli's tama is called GOD.

GOD became a Tarakotchi today and swung his hips a lot.

They connected once DIOSA the Shirobebetchi became a Marutchi and she gave him a poo and a illness. Then she gave him flowers.


(I found out GOD was a boy :D )

But the best news which I have saved is...

We are in Barcelona, which is a nice huge city. :)

So anyway, we drove out of the little village (not that little but anyway) and we went to the Ramblas (famous street) and went to the biggest Corte Ingles I have ever seen. It was about 8 stories tall. And Tamagotchis (well, toys in general) were on the 7th floor so that was a lot of escalatoring up to the top floor.

Anyway, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw this pile of V5s looking so pristine on a shelf and Eli and I ran right up to them and unhooked the black design with Gozarutchi charm and I very happily paid the 21.95 euros they were. I wasn't able to buy a Kuchipatchi pocket pouch because the offer of free pocket pouches came only with Jinseis (I complained about that and said they should take the offer sign off the V5s if that was not the case ¬_¬). Elisenda did buy a Mametchi pocket pouch though (I have one at home).


Anyway, so we went off, tra-la-laing, with my Royaltchi in Meme pocket pouch, V5 in Corte Ingles bag and V1 still batteryless in this handbag thing I was using. Anyway, we just raised them, and the babies were:




2. OMOTUTCHI (or something like that, I can't remember) - female

3. FUTABOTCHI (I think: A thing with propellers on it's head) - male


Elisenda had the same only that first a female OMOTUTCHI and then a MIMIFUWATCHI.

Anyway, they evolved into:






and Elisenda's into:






We also discovered that they can connect with the Royaltchi!! (Although it appears as Nazotchi)

After playing for a while on TamaTown we have noted some differences.

V5 pays very little money.

When you win a normal game on Royal, you get 700 gotchi while V5 only gives you 100 gotchi.

On the Ferris Wheel game, 5/6 gives V5 30 gotchi, Royal 100 gotchi.

Either way, although it makes moneymaking a harder process, it is still fun.

We also forgot to mention that our design is the black and gold one. (Hehe, I just found the percentage sign %)

Today Elisenda and I raised the family bonding up to 100% (well, actually it is about 90% now, hehe).

Elisenda's Tarakotchi got some boots and Marutchi got a ball. Yay.

We bought every single object in the way of souvenirs and items from the TV shop, and have been trying out most of the new games on TamaTown. There is a new game in the Rollercoaster park or however it is called in English (we have to play in Spanish) and there is a new game called Score a Goal, although the game has nothing whatsoever to do with the title because one has to dress up a ghost thingy called Uhyotchi and there are no footballs in sight. Hehe.

Well, our Tamagotchis evolved again. :D

The Royal became a tooth, Prince Tamako and some glass of wine (I'll look at the names later)

The V5 became... I already said.

Eli got Bakotchi the bomb, Chamametchi and... can't remember (I have a great head today).

Also purchased Tamagotchi Corner Shop 2. ^__^

I'll elaborate more later/tomorrow... Right now I'm too busy I think.

My V1 just evolved. B) It is a Mametchi.

Royal became the large family, again??

(Well, the Purin family actually)

I don't understand, I barely overfed them, and Princess Tamako was so cute. =[

I forgot how V1 Mametchi was, but so cute. :D

Too bad Eli mated her Tarakotchi with the matchmakers Mametchi, and had a baby girl. Now DIOSA is a bit abandoned, but I will try to have her mate with the Matchmaker's Mimitchi, or another Mametchi. :D

Yes! B) My V5 only just evolved!




:D Sukatchi looks quite strange, but is the cutest closeup. The name is a bit "cruel", it sounds almost as if it sucks or something. :eek:

Mametchi is very cute too, although it looks strange close-up. I don't like it's animation there quite so much. Memetchi looks good as ever. :D

Mated the Royal FamiTama. The female one, the one who used to be Princess Tamako before evolving into a Purin, and mated it with the tooth brought by the matchmaker.

I got two eggs, although I have had to pause them to have time to study.

Saw V1 cleaning teeth too. :)

You can connect a V5 to a Royal FamiTama, you know that, right?

Spiffy, U can purchase the protein to let the purin turns back to normal...=)
Oh! If only I had known that! >.<

Anyway, now they have two babies, Pantsucchi (girl) and Futabacchi (boy).

The V5 is still the same because I had it under pause. Yesterday I went out with my friends and had them all on pause so they wouldn't die.

Right now Sukatchi (V5) is eating from the fridge and Mametchi (V1) is brushing his teeth.

Soon though the two babies ought to evolve (Royal).
