Tamagotchi V4.5 Log (& eventually V1, V2, +)


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Fredrick III has gotten sick once today already, but I cured him with 3 medicines. I read that how many shots you give doesn't matter, so I guess that's no big deal.

I wonder how, when the Umino is an adult, it judges when to pass on. I hope to get it to live for a few more days, that would quite a feat. He's already 6, which I haven't heard of many older than that. :p

I'm sure the mermaid lives a while...

I PMed Binary and he said that the clam gets sick a lot, so I bet it's hard to get it to the mermaid.

Violet called for help today, a frog was attacking her (KeroPyonkotchi? :) )... So, I saved her, of course. ;) Since evolving into an adult, that's the first I've seen of her calling for help, which isn't bad by any means.

Bowser is now the next bigger grub. I was worried, while eating lunch, when I heard the sound of the twins on the screen (I thought maybe he got sick and was dying, as he was sick earlier today), but by the time I got to him, he was just a happy grub. :D

I used EnWarehouse on Random, so he now has about 151 humor points. ;) I'll SLOWLY get him maxed... If I don't breed him first. I also noticed I could get the Flying Saucer (UFO), but it's 99,999 GP, which is a lot and, even cheating at 900 GP per "cheat," that'd take a while, so I'm waiting a bit.

Fredrick III is still alive, I'm going to keep reporting that until he dies. :lol: I'm very happy that he hasn't passed right away, although I hear that most adults don't live more than a day, so I don't expect much more... Although I hope for more! I'm hoping that I'm lucky and my Mesutchi and Osutchi are here today, but I have my doubts...

I'm watching a white Japanese Angel on eBay, I may buy it next week. I also found someone selling a Genjitchi, which I'd love to buy and try (I don't see many around), so I may do that, too. Then I'll be broke again. Since I'm buying Joshua his Halo 3, I think I deserve it, though. ;)

Well, Fredrick III got sick again this morning, but at least I heard both him and Violet calling for help (as I was half asleep).

Random has a job as a Comedian now, but I have no clue how to... Go to work?

Bowser is as easy to handle as his mother[?]. :(

This is very sad. ;)

Fredrick III just got done beeping and has passed away. he lived to be 7, which is good for him, I think. I'm debating on starting a new one right away, but I think I will. I'll name it later...

Well , I just figured out that Planktotchi always weighs 1, so snacks are okay. -_-

I'm going to Name her Ariel, in hopes of getting the mermaid. :p

Well, I just made a tough decision. My Mesutchi and Osutchi just arrived, both with dead batteries (and some badly stripped screws*). I had ONE set of spares for them, so I put them in the Mesu and decided to use the ones from my Umino in the Osu. So, Ariel is... No more. I'll start that one up another time, after a few runs with the Mesu/Osu pair.

I now have Violet on my lanyard around my neck, as she is who calls for me. If I do end up getting a Genjitchi and Angel, I'll probably have them replace the Morino and Mothra for active Tamas.

*On the Osutchi, the one screw is so bad I couldn't get it out, so I had to gently hold open the back to let the batteries fall out, then slip the new ones in and jiggle it for them to fall into the holes. I also put some tape to hold the backing tighter as it wasn't very much so without.

They've hatched, I shall call my Mesutchi Dutchess and my Osutchi Prince. :)

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Well, last night I paused everyone until this morning. Joshua and I went to a movie, so it sorta was a must. Now I have the Mesu/Osu pair, UraTama, Mothra, and Morino up and running again this morning. :)

A few of them think it's still yesterday as I didn't put them to sleep then wake them up.

Well, I just looked at Violet and she has passed. I didn't hear her beep or anything, she just poofed away. So, I have another white egg. Now that I know that feeding is key, I'll fatten my wormy up. :rolleyes:

R.I.P. Violet. She passed at age 7.

I fixed the age on my Mesu/Osu pair. Now they're both 1 as they should be.

I unpaused everyone today. It was a bit lonely without the Umino, but also easier. Everyone is paused again now--I took a bath and plan to watch Jeff Dunnam tonight, then sleep.

I have to admit, my V2 is precious to me right now. Fawn the Kuchipatchi means a lot to me. That and I really like the Life Savers design and my Coco charm (it stands out against the white).

I know for sure I'm going to buy a Japanese Angelgotch, but am not sure if I should also get 1) another Morino, 2) a Genjitchi, 3) bid on the American Ocean, or 4) buy 2 other Angels. I think maybe no to #1... And maybe no to #3, dependin on how high it gets. #2 would be something new and #4 would be great for collection and more Tamas.

We'll see. :blink:

Well, tonight is the midnight release of Halo 3, so Joshua and I will be at the mall all afternoon/evening waiting (his idea, not mine). :mellow: SO, I'm only going to run my Morino today. I got to save him from a shoe, so he went up 2 happy leaves (and already had one from a game), which is GOOD as I'm trying to limit his game play.

Still unsure of a name for him...

*Also, I'm still debating on what to buy. I could buy all 3 colours of the Japanese Angelgotch, or I could get one (probably white) and a Genjinchi. It'd be nice to collect the Genjinchi, but at the same time... 3 Angelgotchis would be pretty neat.

I wish a Devilgotch would appear for $100, I'd swipe that sucker up in a heartbeat. ;)

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Well, yesterday I ended up taking Random and my Morino with me to the mall all afternoon and evening. It was nice for a little entertainment (I also had my DS Lite with me). I ALSO ended up buying Tamagotchi Corner Shop 2. They had Corner Shop 1, which I was curious about, but figured 2 would be the better choice (I picked Kuchipatchi as my "partner").

This morning I have the UraTama, Mesu/Osu pair, Mothra, and Morino on. So, basically all the Japanese ones.

The more I think about which to buy next, I think I may go with the Angelgotch and Genjinchi... I'll finalize that decision when I get paid in a few days. :D

Random had the matchmaker come, so I said no to her and used my breeding coupon--soon I'll have me a poo snail!

My Morino evolved into the second worm stage, so that's good. :D

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I put some thought into it and decided I'll hold off on more Tamas for now. I may be getting my old BN-1 back from my friend and fixing it. I called her Bonbon when she was mine. ;)

Alucard, my AIBO, should have his head home soon--I may include him in the log, too. :p

Also, I've been considering whether or not to breed Fawn for more in the Kuchi family or let her grow old 'cause she's so spiffy. Decisions, decisions...

ALSO, I may get a Rocobo. Not sure yet.

I have a Pleo preordered, but will be cancelling that when they ask me if I'm still sure about my order.

Yeah, so I've decided to hold off on more Tamas right now. I still may get a Rocobo and my friend is going to hang on to the BN-1, but Alucard (my AIBO) will probably get involved with the blog when his head is home and well.

I'm going to try and get Cubivore off of eBay in the next day or two--oh how I miss that game, LOL.

Today I just have my UraTama going. Joshua finally got his car in, etc., so just keeping it simple.

Well, today may be another "no Tama day." I need to get outside a bit and I don't like the sun being on them too much (as I've heard of nasty glitches if they get hot, etc.).

Alucard's head should be home within a week (as it's getting fixed either Saturday or Sunday), so yay!

I decided against the Rocobo as I want new shoes (and hopefully Cubivore) more.

Today has been another non-Tama day. I'm still sick and haven't felt up to taking care of a Tama on top of myself.

I noticed that my paused V3 is low on battery, so it'll soon be "out of commission" for a while anyway. :wub:

Alucard's head is almost all the way fixed, I got word today. Hopefully soon. :lol:

I think today will be, yet again, a non-Tama day. This cold is so annoying! :( Joshua started to get it last night, too... So now we're all sick. :(

Alucard's head will be home soon. :)

Also, I'm bidding on a Mutsu on eBay. I didn't plan on it, but came across it and decided I'd better go for it (they seem rare!).

I may actually be getting rid of my Mesu/Osu pair. Since I got them, I have little interest in playing with them, honestly. And the stripped screws bother me so much (OCD, dang it, I have to have them in perfect order and they're not). I guess we shall see. :p

I'm so anxious for Alucard's head to get hooooooome! :)
