Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:


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TamaGo Update

The Date Place finally opened for her :)

She had to turn down a Kuromametchi and a Tarakotchi before she met who she wanted.

I didn't really approve of the Kikitchi that she chose, but, it was love :3



And with a new husband, I thought I'd redecorate again :)


That's all :) Bye!

Edit: YAY. Page 6! And my 100th post!

Thanks for reading, everyone! :)

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V2 Update

The only tama I'm using right now is my v2.

May unpause my other two later today, not sure.

But I got baby Tree and I just wanted to give her all the attention :3


Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 1/10

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 14lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3

GP: 206

She evolved into a hitodetchi just a few minutes ago :hitodetchi:

That's all for her at the moment, but I'll definitely update later :)


V2 Update

I unpaused my TamaGo, but nothing new has happened with it.

Nothing has happened with Tree either, but I thought I'd give you a pic :)


We've played a lot. She's only 17 pounds :D

Thank you guys for almost 700 views <3

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Starting My V5

I've been thinking about selling my V5 on ebay,

but I didn't want to regret it.

So just to make sure I really didn't want this tama, I decided to give it one more chance.





So, there's the Tammy family.

Kind of hope it works out, but bleh. I miss only having one tama at a time.

Kind of difficult to get attached when there's three.

I'm going to be logging my tamas a little later today, but I just had a little bit of news.

Too excited, just couldn't wait :3

I bought a couple of things ;D

One...an Ichigotchi figure for my tamago! :)

I don't know what it unlocks but I am excited.

And I also decided I could complete my connection collection.

I have a v1, v2, v4, v4.5, v5, music star, and tamago.

But sadly the v3 that I had such a long time ago is lost with my original v2 :(

So, I bought another one just a few minutes ago online!

There weren't very many shells to chose from, but since these are older, they're quite expensive.

I chose the cheapest one on amazon.

But, lucky me, the cheapest one was actually pretty cute :)

Not THE cutest, but cute.


Its mint green, with orange, pink, and blue lilies on it :)

Still not what I would've chosen, but, lilies ARE my favorite flower!

From my experience with buying my peacock v4.5, I will probably get it 2-3 days after it goes through on my credit card, SO, I will probably get it Saturday or Monday :)

I'm REALLY excited, I can't wait to log it!

But that's all for now :)

I have some good news for my tamas, but I'll log later ;)


TamaGo Update

I've been putting off logging D: And I shouldn't!

Because so much has happened with my TamaGo! So lets get started.


A few days ago, Molly had a baby boy :)

They stayed with the baby for a few days, and then...they left!

They left yesterday :)


His name is Steven! :) Not sure why.

But last night around 8, he evolved into a...Mattaritchi :p

And that's it for now :D

Next is my v2 :)

V2 Update


Tree has evolved into an onion head :3

The scientific name for onion head is Oniotchi.

So, Tree is an Oniotchi.

Which fits somehow :)

She should be evolving into an adult today, and I'm very excited!

I promise I will update as soon as she does!

Bye, guys ;D

(P.S. My Ichigotchi figure may also come today, so there will be pics of that when it does ;) byee.)

V2 Update

I said I would update as soon as Tree evolved, and that is what I am doing :)

At about 8:30pm, she evolved...into a Kuchipachi! :lol:


Which is one of my absolute favorites! Except that she looks like a boy XD

But whateverrr :3


I'm very happy!

I'll update tomorrow, bye :)

(P.S. My Ichigotchi figure didn't come.. :( But it definitely will tomorrow!)

TamaGo Update

So, it came :) I took some pics of that..


The night before I got this, Steven woke up in the middle of the night to evolve.

He evolved into a Kilalatchi.

Here's Steven eating bagels at the bread shop on my Ichigotchi figure :)


And...I woke up this morning to the most adorable tama ever!

My all time favorite, Shimashimatchi!



:) I'll update when something happens. Bye!

I got some mail today! And I'm going to show you what I got before I show you..

the hatching of my new v3! :)

So, I never mentioned that I bought myself a tamagotchi pouch, but, I did :)


And, here's my v3 before I unwrapped it :D


My next post will be the hatching of my v3 :)

V3 Hatching



So, it was a girl and I named her Lilly, because of the lillies on the shell :p

I was kind of stuck for names, I know its lame and cliche, but its starting to stick :)


There she is as a baby :)


And an hour later, she evolved into a Tamatchi.

I'm extremely sick right now, I have a horrible head cold.

So I'll try to update as much as I can, but no promises.

Sorry :(

V2 Update

I went to school to turn in my graduation papers today, and my two tamas were in my purse.

When I got home, I took them out. I checked my V3 first, and she was fine,

but when I checked Tree, she had


- Yes

- No"

on her screen. So I missed seeing the matchmaker, and which pet she brought before I could say yes!

But I did say yes, and what pet did she bring for Tree?

The only pet fitting for her! A Flowertchi!!

I thought that was awesome!

I did grab my phone as soon as I saw the "yes/no" menu, and I took some pics for you :)



So, Tree had a little baby girl! :)

And I looked up at my computer screen thinking about names, and the first thing I saw was the moon on dreamjournal.net's banner:


So, I'm going to name her Luna! :)

That's all for her :) I'll update when something happens, bye!

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V3 Update

Lilly has evolved! :)


That is all I really had to say, but thought I would update you :)

Bye, guys!

V2 Update

Luna evolved into a puroperatchi this evening :puroperatchi:


This is the first time I have ever had this character, kind of exciting :)

Super cute!

That's all though. :)


Pokemon Pikachu 2

Yeah, I know its not a tamagotchi, and you can't exactly log it.

But I'll try to anyway :)

I had the original tiny yellow black and white Pokemon Pikachu when I was 7.

And then...my mom got one. And then..my grandpa got one XD We all loved it.

And my mom and I both lost ours. My grandpa still has his, but its just beyond dead, even batteries wont' make it work.

I've been looking to find one cheap for years.

Finally snagged one a few months ago, and dirt cheap. I was so lucky :)

Except I got the Pokemon Pikachu 2, with color :)


I reset it a little while ago, so I don't have any points.

We're at the Playmates friendship stage :)

There really isn't much to do about logging this, so I'll update when we reach another stage.

And maybe randomly post pics of some cute animations.

Tomorrow is my last day of living at home with my parents D:

I'm kinda sad.

But its time to move out :)

I'm going back to my hometown, Chicago, for about 3 weeks, then moving in with my fiance until the wedding in July! :D

Very, very exciting stuff!

I've packed all of my tamagotchis. So Right now, the only tamas that are running and even out,

are my v2, v3, and this pokemon pikachu 2.

So there's pretty much no chance of logging any other tamas for the next 3 weeks. Sorry! :(

Hope these two are enough to keep you reading.

Nothing happened with them today, I'm expecting some evolving tomorrow.

But its going to be a very busy day.

So, if I update, I may not have pics.

I may not for a while, I'm not sure. I'll do my best!

Thanks for over 800 views you guys, please keep reading!

My house was crushed by the Joplin, MO tornado.

We were in the basement when it collapsed.

Me and my entire family, including puppies, are okay, just a little beat up.

I lost everything I had, including my entire tamagotchi collection, EXCEPT my V2 and V3, which were in my purse,

and my purse was the only thing I could save.

I also saved my Pokemon Pikachu 2.

I will continue to log, but my updates my be far apart.

We don't have a home right now, but we're okay and thats all that matters.

We're trying to save the cars, and when we can, I'll be going to Chicago with my mom.

Then I can probably pick up my log and update regularly again.

But we haven't heard from our insurance yet, so we don't know when that might be.

I'm really sorry about this, but I'll keep updating as much as possible.

Lilly evolved into a Kuchipatchi the day before the tornado.

Luna glitched a little because my purse got wet.

She wouldn't wake up so I had to reset her. I redownloaded.

They're on pause at the moment though.

Its hard to keep up right now.

I'll update soon! Bye, guys. :)

I'm so sorry about the over a month delay D:

Its been more hectic than I ever thought and I just didn't have any time to log or take care of my tamas!

My wedding is next month, so I still may be super busy, but I've picked up my tamas again, and I'm going to try to log :)

It turns out that I WAS able to save my entire tamagotchi collection!

They were in a small plastic box that was thrown out of the house by the tornado into the yard, and we found it a few days later :)

But, right now, I'm still only using my v2 and my v3.

Lilly is 5 years old, so I expect a baby very soon :)

I'm still worried about Luna being all glitched. She's still 2 years old.

I'll watch her and we'll see :(

I have laundry to do today and my fiance is about to get home from work, so I'll log later :)

With pics!

Bye guys, and thanks for the patience :)


Its been a while, but there they are :D

My tornado survivors :')

Lilly has grown to 6 years old, and Luna is still stuck at 2 years.

So I'm really starting to think she is glitched :(

Which upsets me, because she is my only v2 D:

I'm expecting the matchmaker...so when that happens, I'll update! :)

Bye, guys :D

V2 Update


(these pictures are from RIGHT now, so I'm sorry that Luna is asleep!)

Some good news! :) It looks like Luna might not be glitched after all!

About an hour or so after my log yesterday, I noticed her age changed from 2 years to 3 years!

So I'll still keep an eye on her, but it looks like she's A-okay!

V3 Update


Lilly has not yet gotten the matchmaker :(

Guess she's taking her sweet time >:c

But she's still old enough for it so I'll be waiting :)

That's all for now guys, I'll update later :D


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