Tamagotchi V4 Games


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Nov 20, 2004
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Somewhere out there in the world
Games of the Tamagotchi Version 4 and How to play it here:

First you must know the buttons. The "A" button is the button all the way to the left of your tamagotchi. The "B" button is the button in the middle of your tamagotchi. The "C" button is the button all the way to the right. You will need to know this for these games.In the v4, there are 20 games total.

Baby Stage Games

Jumping Rope:

The way to play this is pretty self-explanatory, you just jump rope. You can use any of the buttons. When the rope turns, you will have to press one of the button and jump. It must be on time so you won't trip and fall. This is pretty self explanatory.

Child Stage Games


The way to play this is, there will be another tamagotchi character with you in the game. Both of you will be next to you and your tamagotchi will watch the other tamagotchi's moves. When the other tamagotchi freezes in a certain pose, your tamagotchi will start dancing and when it reaches the same pose the other tamagotchi is at, you will press any of the button, preferably the "B" button and mimic that pose, hence the name of the game, "Mimic".

Teenager Stage Games


Ok, for this game, there are several shapes. There will be two sides, the left and the right where certain shapes will fall, when the shape starts to fall down, you have to press the "B" button to change your shape you are holding to match the shape that is falling, and when you have matched it, you will press the "A" button to let your shape go to the left or press the "C" button to let your shape go to the right, depending on where the other shape is falling. You must have quicks hands for this because you will have to match 30 to win the game, and it will get faster and faster.


Ok, for this game, you will be dancing. It is not like the dancing in the Tamagotchi Version 1 though. For this game, there will be several circles above your tamagotchi, three to be exact. There will be one circle to the left, one in the middle, and on circle to the right. The circles will be darkened, and you must press the buttons that correspond with what circle has been shaded. For example, the left circle is shaded, so you will have to press the "A" button since it is the button farthest to the left, and if the middle circle is shaded, you will have to press the "B" button which is the middle button, and if the circle farthest to the right is shaded, you will have to press the, you guessed it, you will press the "C" button which is the button farthest to the right, but sometimes two circles maybe shaded, so if both the right and left circles are shaded at the same time, then you will press the "A" button and the "C" button at the same time.


For this game, it is exactly like the Tamagotchi Version 3 game of flag. The buttons that are used in this game is the 'A' button and the 'C' button.Your tamagotchi will hold two flags.The flag to the left is a black flag and the flag to the right is a white flag. When playing there will be symbols above it telling which flag to raise up. When the symbol above shows a white flag, you will have to press the button acording to where the tamagotchi is holding the white flag and your tamagotchi will raise that flag up. The same thing if a black flag is shown. When both flags are shown black and white, then you will have to raise both flags.Sometimes it will trick you and show a flag that is shorter than the others. That is a trick, don't raise your flag up for that one. Wait to raise your flag to the right flag, the longer one. The short flag is a trick and the slightly longer flag is the one you want to raise your flag up to.

I will update this topic when I get to more of the games, because as of right now, my tamagotchi is a teen and this is all the game it knows how to play. Stay tuned!!!!

Sincerely, Tamapal3000

PS. please dont steal my informatin because this info was created by me.

Thanks for posting this!


This is really helpful for new Tamagotchi V4 owners. :blink:

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