Tamagotchi Version 4


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I have studied my USA V4 tama for a while, and mail will come at these times:







4:30 etc. until 7:30*

What kind of mail will you get?

the star= your fourtion. the more stars you het by each icon, (star, heart, lil dude) affects normal mail.

normal= it can be good or bad. a bugular can come and steal gotchi points, or the king can come and leave you items or points. the rest to be added!

[!]= important stuff! you will recive this mail when graduateing from pre school, elementry, etc.

You cannot send mail to friends without connecting.

*any further times, PM me and I will add it with a thanks. :D


Dude, this is really cool, but it always works for my firend, and for ONE of my V4s. For some reason i doesn't work with my second V4!!?? PLZ help

Once the king came and gave me a present. In the present was a chest that gave me 1000p.The next time it gave me another chest that turned me into an oldie! I stayed like that 'till my tama went to sleep. When it woke up, it was a young memetchi again.

So the king can give you presents also. On my friends tama the robber stole her stero.

The king / robber steal / give items as well. :ichigotchi:

Hope I helped,

Tama crazy
I know. The king can give any kind of present. one time, he gave me a love potion!

Thank you!!!! It worked on my friends but it didn't work on mine! does it have to be over a cetain age :eek: :huh: ?

Hey, my friend got a job at the cloths shop, and I was wondering, do you get paid??
ya you do get paid my brother got a job and gets paid 1000 gp!!!

I have studied my USA V4 tama for a while, and mail will come at these times:







4:30 etc. until 7:30*

What kind of mail will you get?

the star= your fourtion. the more stars you het by each icon, (star, heart, lil dude) affects normal mail.

normal= it can be good or bad. a bugular can come and steal gotchi points, or the king can come and leave you items or points. the rest to be added!

[!]= important stuff! you will recive this mail when graduateing from pre school, elementry, etc.

You cannot send mail to friends without connecting.

*any further times, PM me and I will add it with a thanks. :D


Thanx it worked

how do you send mail to friends? i have a v4 and v3 will it work?
You cnat sendf mail to others it is not a function on the V3 it is a new feature only on thge v4 so far sorry

Sorry to break this but you guys are going a little of topic. Also, SilverHanatchi,try to check some of your spelling before you post.Some people can not understand some of your words. But, anyways thanks for your studying. It was very helpful. :)


Shadows112, you too can try to read over your post. ;)

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acually, mail comes at like 1:00 then it`ll come at 4:30 and other times. it won`t come at following times like that. ! mail comes at random times though. but i may not be all that right. i`m only on my 1st generation.

:/ why don't i get any [!] mail?

i just got my tamagotchi yesterday.

:/ why don't i get any [!] mail?i just got my tamagotchi yesterday.
you have to wait untill your tama is an adult to get a job! ;) :D ;) don`t worry you`ll get a job in a few days!

Whoa Whoa Whoa.... You can send mail to OTHER Tamas? How? HOW? HOW?????????????????????????????????????????????? HELP!

thnx, u guys... this will b helpful when i get my v4 in like 3 weex....

please read my Signature!

i wish i had a job! my tama gotchi is 5 years old he's a ninja dude what ever its called and he cant get a job! i have to get more skill points! :huh:

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