tamagotchi wont play already tried diciplining


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Aug 30, 2004
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my tamagotchi wont play and it had no happiness right now...ive already tried diciplining...what do i do?? :blink:

tamagotchi wont play unless it can loose 3 pound for the jumping game and 2 pounds for the watch game.......select the first icon and see its wieght, if it wont play and uts unhappe, just feed it a candy or too... ( giving candy also raises happines hearts)... and itll play...

lol i figured that out right after i posted! (so the snack thing is like the old tamagotchi it raises happiness)

Thank you both!!!

o yea...isnt feeding too many snack's going to make the tamagotchi sick?

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Yaeh it will get a tooth ache. My friend gave it too much candy when i let him look at it :) . But he got it to 99 pounds in less than a minute :blink: . To fix it click on the Med box 2 times.

NEVER feed snacks to make it play! this will make your buddy spoiled :angry:

Make sure that all the hungry hearts is full, and that it's shaking head by offer of more food.

dont time out it! Maybe you should let it have a break from playing, and feeding it more food when there's an empty hungry heart. After potty breaking it will want a meal.

For sake of the principle, give it fruit for snacks. They will gain just as much weight as with any other snack, but will ensure that it grows to be healthy. I'm sorry to say this, but people who stuffs their pets full of sugar and makes them unhappy provokes me. When the pet is very overweight, they can get very depressed, and even die from depression. I've seen that...

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off course u can feed him snacks 2 play, just dont do too often

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