Tamagotchis In School


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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2006
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im curious to see what others plan to do.

im, of course, going to bring my tamagotchi to school and im going to turn the sounds off. ill check on it every once-in-a-while but i cant pay as much attention to it as i want because idk if they're allowed in my school.

whats everybody else doing since schools around the corner?

when i went to school i've done as yoy plan to:

Turned the sound off and checked it on every break i had....

Unfortunately it's risky, but sincerely, it's the only thing to do, imho....

I dunno, me thinks they are gonna get banned. U see every class last year had at least one tama addict. Peoples got in trouble for having them. And on the morning anouncements they said not to bring small electronics. But If they don't get banned for good(They were kinda banned before) then I'll do wat u do. And when it's time for PE I'll put them to sleep.

:nazotchi: nick_x3 what grade are you because if you are in 1-5th you can pause it (a& :angry: then wait for recess.or if you are in middle school pause, but if it is banned i have no idea
i turn the sound of and check on it every so often... but if you are worried about it change the time so it sleeps while you are at school.

Fortunately, we're not prohibited to bring any gadget to school, so it means I can bring my tama with me.. but of course I use it only when it's break time. ^_^

Since it's banned in your school, I'd advice you to just turn the sound off then just check on it every break time in the washroom. :blink:

I'd bring it 2 school, and pause it during class time, and then between classes and at recess and lunch, id play with it on secret

I'm allowed to bring my tamagotchi to school and other kids do it and the teachers see them and they don't mind. as long as u turn the sound off and u pay attention in class. so i can bring mine to school.

You are not gonna believe this but Tamagotchis are banned at my school. You can believe that. But...

My friend and I started this petition to have them un-banned at lunch and recess, and we got four pages of signatures! We haven't heard back from the principal yet... can't believe we actually did that!

StarTama :mametchi:

I take mine to school with me. Me and my best friend Kezia take them to school, make sure they're happy, turn the sound off, and check them every break or when we have to put something in our draws.

The teachers say that we can have them as long as they won't beep (sound off) and that we don't have them out in lesson time. They have no problem with them!!!

Giraffagotchi :furawatchi:

I am in school currently. What I do is turn off the sound, then pause it during the classes that my teachers are strict. Then my teachers that are nicer, I unpause it & play it under the desk because IDK if it's banned from my school, however, I know if I get caught in an easy class they'll just tell me to put it away. This has worked for me & I'm in 11th grade.

I only bring my debugged Tamas to school. XD That way I don't care if they get sick or die.... I leave my normal Tama at home on Pause.

tamagotchi's were banned in my school within a week of their original release, around 1997...thank fully im 21 and i work full time and the working world is a hell of alot more relaxed than school

Seems lik for you guys EVERYONE has tama's...i dont know a single person in my grade who has a tama...
i only know three people with tamas.. one is my sister.

the other two go to my school..

one is my best friend and one doesnt use hers much.

I normally did the same thing and kept the sound off and only played w/ them under my desk. At first, my teacher didn't mind. Then, they really got on his nerves. Once, he took my keyring w/ them on it and dangeled them from his belt and taunted me w/ them all day! Luckly, he let me pause them, but it was still heart breaking! Then he said that if he sees them again, they will go down to the office for the rest of the year! I kept them in my backpack then. This year, I'm running into a problem, though. I am going into the Jr. High school (7-8grade) and we have to walk through a metal detector everyday! If we get set off, we have to have our bag searched! A tama will set it off, and other wise I would have to set it on a table with the other metal objects. The world would be able to see it, and I'm not sure if there banned. I go back to school next tuesday (the 29th) and advice is needed! I think I will just take one to school. PM me advice!!!! PLEASE!!!! :huh: Tama_Lover

School has already started for me. Since I'm in highschool my only break is lunch. I keep them in my purse and check on them during class when my teacher isn't looking since I have a very very small school with only 5 in the highschool. But since My favorite died today :huh: I'm going to pause them from now on. I don't want my ninja guy or duck with no legs to die like my other poor tama. :eek: It was a very sad moment

I won't bring my tama to school, :p , they take the tamagotchi away from you...I'll pause it the whole time.

I think im gonna either pause mine or put it to sleep during the day becuz:

1-I my friends dont like tamas (unfortunatly :p )

2-I dont want it to get taken away from me

3-I dont want to get in trouble

4-I dont want it to get stolen

and 5- I cant really give them the attention they need @ school so if I bring them they might die

I think im gonna either pause mine or put it to sleep during the day becuz:1-I my friends dont like tamas (unfortunatly :p )

2-I dont want it to get taken away from me

3-I dont want to get in trouble

4-I dont want it to get stolen

and 5- I cant really give them the attention they need @ school so if I bring them they might die
who cares if your friends dont like them?

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