Tamagotchi's Life


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Dec 31, 2006
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Casey walked through the door Of Tama High School with her head held high. She knew that she had all eye on her before she even stole a glane at the low-lifes gawking at her. Casey knew they had a good reason to stare. Who would'nt? That morning, she looked perfect. Her beautiful Mimitchi ears were perfectly curled, and her new shirt from Tamacrombie was the latest in fashion. Being a high-class Mimitchi, the kind of tamagotchi every tama strived to be, that was her job. To be perfect. Looking at her, you saw a happy, confident girl that you wished was your best friend. Nobody had to know that Casey had'nt fallen asleep until 2 am that morning, or that the dark circles under her eyes were only momentarily covered under mounds of concealer. She glanced down only for a moment, and then looked stricken. She scolded herself insde, hoping nobody noticed her moment of weakness. She continued to strut down the hallways as if it were a runway, and again, on the outside; looked perfect. Who would've guessed she was more unhappy than she even knew?

PM me or reply if you like this story and want me to continue. thanks.


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