Tamagotchis on Clearance?


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Sep 18, 2009
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So I was calling around the various Wal Marts around here to see which ones might carry Tamagotchi. One place said they had them but were clearancing them out. This kind of worried me. I'm just getting back into tamas. I have two that may or not work. I won't know if they do until we can get the worthless car fixed so I can go get some batteries. I'm hoping they aren't going to stop selling Tamas, because I'd hate to have gotten back into them only to find they aren't available anymore. I wasn't aware they were being discontinued, because I'm pretty sure I would have heard about it here if they were. I hope it's just that one Wal Mart. If not I hope the two I have work so I'll at least have a couple I can play with. Anybody else have a similar experience? Anybody know why they'd stop selling Tamas?

I doubt it. That store just probably wasn't selling any or wasn't selling a lot so they are clearancing them but otherwise nah I don't think Bandai has stopped making/ selling them.

Tamagotchis are definitely not discontinued. I can promise you that. ;]

Like Chloe said, it was probably just the one store that couldn't make a sale.

In my local Wal*Mart, they are still the same price they've always been, and still the same stock they've always been.

I hope not. I just popped a battery into my old V3 and am having a blast with him once again. I'd hate to think they'd stop producing them. I probably won't even like Music Star as much as my V3 and am debating on whether I want to buy one or not. But if and when I do I want them to be easy to find. I don't use Ebay so once it's out of stores it's closed to me.

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