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Did someone ever make fun of you because you owned a tamagotchi?

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2006
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Marianas Trench LAND! :)
I was just wondering if anyone has ever made fun of you or someone else because you /they had a tamagotchi. I have been 'bothered' by it but i didnt let it get to me! i know really old people that play with things that are too young for them or what people might think is too young for them to be playing with. :D ;)

I'm a 17 (18 in almost 2 months) year old BOY, and nobody's really made fun of me for having a tamagotchi. They've joked, but most people are like

"...IS THAT A TAMAGOTCHI? OH MY GOD...WAIT. THIS IS YOURS?" And I'm like "Yes >_>" and they go "THAT'S SO CUTE."

So yeah. But I imagine people could get made fun of in younger grades. You know, the ages tamagotchis are made for XD.

No, beacuse tamagotchis are a craze in my school- a craze that I started!!! :D

yes, they do make fun of me. they pretended they had tamas too, but I could tell they were lying. (and laughing at me inside...)

My friend started the tama craze and my other friend got me 1 for my birthday. Another girl who I absolutely HATE SOOOO MUCH made fun of me for having a tama once. She used to have one, then it ran out of baterries and she never replaced them. I took out my tama and she said, "Why do you still play with those, they are sooo uncool." And I was so angry :) , but I was playing with my tama, so I said, "No, they're not, they're awesome." And she said, "I can't believe you say that." Erg, I'm so angry at her. I really didn't care that she said that anyway, cause my friend which is her friend, too, has tamas and she never makes fun of her.

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Acutally people are really jellous of my tamagotchis. :furawatchi: why would someone make fun of a cool toy? There's nothing wrong with them at all! Their just really cute....

im actually the first person in my school to have a v4! i thought people were gonna critizice me but they didnt! all the ppl with v3's started crowding around my desk wanting to have a glimpse at the tama. but i left it at home and brought the instruction sheet to school. alot of people were crowding around to look at all the cool new features!! :eek:

I hate being made fun of. :marumimitchi: I remember one time at lunch at school I was standing in the lunch line and playing with my V3, and people said something about tamas being for 8 year olds. I don't remember exactly what they said because I was ignoring them. And even worse, my friend who used to love tamagotchis and always call my V3 "the little dude" now claims to hate tamagotchis just because people say they are childish! I don't let it bother me though. :puroperatchi:

I remember one time I was over at one of my male friends house a couple years ago, I was about 10, he had some friends over, and they made me feed my tama untill it weighed 99 pounds! I was sooo mad at them!

well i am 11 and the biggest prblem is not bieng made fun of and i dont think people want to because one dude made fun of m name and i tore right through him like he was butter and when i brought a tama everyone started laughing and said that if i would like a diaper but i remained quite and then threw it out

Yep! My first "Tama taunt" happened a week or so ago on the school bus. Some boys started teasing me about it, but by the end of the conversation they seemed mildly interested in them, actually. Every time they even walk past me, they tease me about it. Who cares? I'm not gonna let that get to me. Tamas rock!

Random time: OMIGOSH I MADE A KEYBOARD SNAKE! -------:> lol

My friends usually try to reset or "play with" (read:feed to oblivion) my tamagotchis when they see them. I have to shelter them usually at school. However, when people I don't really talk to that much or a passerby sees them, they usually say something along the lines of "omg, is that a gigapet!? I used to play with those!"

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