Tamagotohi + FM + Color?


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2018
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Yes, that’s how JD spelled it. 

The Tamagotohi is a fake Color Tama that came out a year after the real one (so, 2009). It has a built in FM radio, IR communication like real Tamagotchis, and photos can be transferred via USB to use it as a digital photo frame. 

The only known screenshot was posted here on TamaTalk a few years ago, but the link provided there leads to a blank page with no archives.



A reserve image search revealed that it had originally been shared to another Tamagotchi forum back in 2009. Google Translated English version here.



Fun facts- The Tamagotohi originally retailed for $6 USD adjusted for today. If you look closely on the box, it shows drawings of the different characters.

User MadamBoss of Tamagochy shared a photo of the toy and box, confirming something: this was made by JiDan. Look at how the model number has “JD” before it. This is how every virtual pet by JiDan (under their original name) is stylized:


Interestingly, the Touma Pet (a recent fake Color by M&D) has a similar model number, only this time it has “OK” before it. (Plus it uses stuff from A-Watch and QPet Quolor.) Where have we seen that before? Oh yeah! Are M&D, OK, and JD related? Who knows. If so, a Bootleg Tamagotchi conspiracy would prove that reality truly is stranger than fiction.

The gist: Color Tama fakes are nothing new. And, the Handwarmer Pedometer Handwarmer Powerbank Tamagotchi is the tip of the iceberg for mutant bootlegs.

At the moment, there are no known videos, other photos, or old listings. The lack of any info makes it more illusive than even the Tamagezi. This can be considered “lost,” as there is no actual documentation left online. With that being said, if anyone here has more things like pictures or one of these perplexing devices on hand, it would be much appreciated if you could help solve the mysteries surrounding this strange bootleg.

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Looking more revealed that there actually are listings on other sites, but they’re all a few years old.

There are two listings on Lulusoso.


Notice how there isn’t a visible FM receiver on this one, but still says Tama + C + FM. And if you look closely , there is an official Tamagotchi character! Is this the original QPet Quolor? Actually, no. This has completely different features from that (assuming the description is correct). The link says it includes street food. I wonder other new things this has in store. Compared to the QPet, there’s actually a lot missing. The branding is listed as DigiKing, known for Digimon bootlegs, and it is JiDan under a different name. For those really wanting one, you can inquire about one here.

Personally I don’t find it worth the hassle but it’s there if anyone wants to take one for the team. Lulusoso is a wholesale site but I don’t see a quantity requirement as usual, so maybe it would be possible to just get one or two? Well, that’s assuming they still have any.

Also there are some on another site. Great news: Another new pic of the bunny character! Yay! Unfortunately it has a min. order of 10,000. Wow, I want one but not that badly.


Seriously, who would want that many? They would probably have a better time just selling individually. Whatevs -_-


The company has a website where there is a more “fancy” shell design.

No FM radio function is listed, but then again neither is the pet game. It just mentions the digital photo frame, which for whatever reason was all the rage back in 2009. Maybe it is just a few games with no vpet, but then again it would still be worth a look at. JD used to make many different versions of their fake v-pets, so it’s possible that they did the same with the Tamagotohi. This site also has a section to inquire, but again it’s not a guarantee. 

I think this is the closest we’ll get to finding a listing for now. My hopes are that they either get rereleased or one randomly turns up somewhere. 

They're selling them in 10,000's because it's a wholesale listing, those are for sellers.

I remember seeing this fake looong time ago, I kind of regret not getting it back then.

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