TamaIsland - who did you pick?


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Which Tamagotchi do you want to stay on the Island?

  • Mametchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Androtchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Memetchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kuchipatchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ringotchi - Kicked out on week 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gozarutchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Masktchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mimitchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ichigotchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Debatchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tarakotchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Violetchi

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I voted for Kuchipatchi :rolleyes: And next time I'm going to vote on either him or Masktchi or Gozarutchi. I want Mametchi and Furawatchi out.

GO MAMETCHI! XD lol I'm just hyper these days... school strats monday >.< so I have to be happy until school starts

Well, as we should know (or I just noticed as I clicked), Tamagotchi Island has opened, and it is really a Tama-version of Bigbrother, I don't think there are any souvenirs involved yet.
So, just for curiousity, who did you vote to stay on the island (vote) and who do you want booted off?

Quite frankly I do not understand why they have Ichigotchi up there if he isn't on V3s. :(

Anyway, I voted for Androtchi/Robotchi, he was looking cute. x3 Next time I'll vote for Memetchi.

I want Violetchi/Ringotchi/Gozarutchi out, not sure why though.

And you?
I voted for mametchi. :huh:

I have grown to like the drawn version of memetchi lately so I think I'll vote for memetchi once next week. B)

I think that mimitchi and mametchi will be in the final.

It's exciting! XD :nyatchi:

-sk8er girl-

Ringotchi got out!!! Yay!(sry for ringotchi supporters) I support MAMETCHi!!!! YAA

Well, as we should know (or I just noticed as I clicked), Tamagotchi Island has opened, and it is really a Tama-version of Bigbrother, I don't think there are any souvenirs involved yet.
So, just for curiousity, who did you vote to stay on the island (vote) and who do you want booted off?

Quite frankly I do not understand why they have Ichigotchi up there if he isn't on V3s. :furawatchi:

Anyway, I voted for Androtchi/Robotchi, he was looking cute. x3 Next time I'll vote for Memetchi.

I want Violetchi/Ringotchi/Gozarutchi out, not sure why though.

And you?
... I voted Mimitchi... but seeing from the results of your poll, Mimitchi might get kicked off... ya never know!

Memetchi has to win she's so cute!(My best friends first Tamagtochi was a Memetchi so technically im saying that my best friend is so cute!)



I voted Kuchipatchi again this week!! I wonder who will get kicked off this week..

I voted for Debatchi! Everyone should vote for Debatchi because with her HEE-UGE teeth she could easily bite through coconuts and feed you all!


I SUPPORT DEBATCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nooooooooooo...Tarakotchi was my fave and now it's GONE!! I don't want to vote anymore! *votes for Violetchi* Oops, I changed my mind.

Nooooooooooo...Tarakotchi was my fave and now it's GONE!! I don't want to vote anymore! *votes for Violetchi* Oops, I changed my mind.
I know!! I just saw that Tarakotchi got kicked out. So sad. Though Kuchipatchi is my favourite :furawatchi:

Androtchi got voted off!! If Kuchipatchi gets voted off I'm not voting. Tarakotchi, now Androtchi.. What do people have against lipped tams?

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