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Mar 6, 2007
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~March 9th

I have two tamas!! One is a v3 and the other is an old v1.

Tamagotchi Stats:


Name: Karl

Age: 6 yrs.

Stage: Adult

Gender: Male

Type: Mimiyoritchi

Weight: 53 lbs.

Training: Full (9/9)

Gotchi Points: 1528

Gen.: 3

(yeah, I know, I started a little late....)


Name: Larry

Age: 6 yrs

Stage: Adult

Gender: Male

Type: Masktchi :D

Weight: 99 lbs :huh:

Training: 7/9

Gen.: 3


~ Karl's mother was a Bill named Candi. I think his father was a Mimiyoritchi also, that would make sense! I am thinking about letting Karl become an oldie. I want the perfect mate for him!! I am hoping that Karl's baby (when he gets one!) will become either a Memetchi or a Violetchi, they are sooo cute!!!

Both of Karl's meters are full right now, and nothing exciting is happening.

~ I kinda forgot who Larry's parents were. Oh wait. Here it is. Hmmmm. His father was a Gozarutchi named Chclt (don't ask me lol). :p

I know it's sad...I've had this tamagotchi for a couple of years, and I'm only on the 3rd gen. But for a long time I didn't play with it. It was way in the back of one of my dresser drawers. The battery was dead. When I replaced the battery every tama I raised kept dying. I guess thats saying sumthing.. lol.But know Larry is a healthy adult, who just needs to loose sum weight!! He's going on a diet, starting now!



If you have any questions, or suggestions, or just want a friend, PM ME!!!


~ March 9th- Later

Hehe. Whoops I posted the Tamalog thing twice.... ooopps.

But I'll only continue on this one.

Nothing much has happened, except Karl now weighs 99 lbs....

I had to make him heavier for bump...but now I'm going to make him loose weight.

Larry hasn't started his "diet" yet. lol. He's stubborn. :D

Karl is playing with his clone thingy now...

If you want to know how to get a clone CLICK HERE!!

(Those passwords work on all v3 tamas)

I just bought Karl a melon!! HIS favorite food!!! :huh:

That's all for now...

~ Sunset :p

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~March 10

Karl and Larry are both seven now!! I'm just waiting for the matchmaker to come...

I hope Karl gets a Violetchi!! They are sooo cute!!!

**OMG** The Matchmaker just came for Larry and Karl!!!

Larry got a Masktchi...boring...I said no.

Karl got a Wooltchi! They are cute..but I still said no. ;)

I kept re-setting the time, so I could get the match I wanted.

Larry got a Hanatchi, and I said YES!! He now has a beautiful baby GIRL!!!!

I don't think Karl is ever going to get a Violetchi.... so I'm going to say "yes" to the next tama the MM brings.

Hehe. After like 15 times of re-setting the time, I've had enough. And Karl got a Wooltchi. Just like the first one. lol.

Now Karl has is the father of a beautiful baby GIRL, also!! YAY!!!!

I'm going to start thinking of names for them.

If you have any ideas, PM me!!! I'd love to know them!!

~ Sunset :ichigotchi:

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~ Mardch 11

I know, I know. The post shows the date!! BUT I LIKE WRITING IT!!!! :p

Not long until Karl and Larry leave!! Karl and the baby are only:


Happy: ♥

Guess I better fix that!! I gave them a fish, and some scones.

Since I don't like feeding my tama's too many snacks, I'll play a game to get them happier!!

We played Bump, and won all eight rounds!! We got 600pts.

Now Karl and baby are:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Larry and his baby got a headache, so I cured it. (duh!)

I'll post more when more happens!!!

~ Sunset :)

~March 12

Karl and Larry left today!! I named the new v1 baby Haley and the new v3 baby Karli! :furawatchi: They were really cute babies, but now they are toddlers. Still cute though!!!

Tama Stats:

Name: Karli

Age: 0 yr.

Stage: Toddler

Type: Mizutamatchi

Weight: 84 lbs.

Points: 1613

Training: 2/9

Name: Haley

Age: 0 yr.

Stage: Toddler

Type: Marutchi

Weight:99 lbs.

Training: 2/9

~ Karli visited her grandmother on TamaTown today. She got a bicycle souvenir and a plant. We grew the plant and got..... aww I missed it. Probably nothing. Her points didn't go up...

We visited Candi one more time and got a fishing pole!!! We went fishing, and Karli reeled in some Gotchi Points!! 700!!! Now we have 2313!

I'm going to make Haley and Karli best friends, lol.


~Sunset :angry:

~March 13

I accidentaly left my tamas un-paused today while I was at school. Ooopps! They were alright though. Just some messes and headaches. But while I was gone they evolved!!

Aww I like watching them evolve...oh well.

Karli is now a Hinotamatchi and Haley is an Oniontchi!

I've had my purple v1 for a long time and I have never gotton an Oniontchi before!!

Tama Stats:

Name: Karli

Age: 1 yr.

Stage: Teen

Type: Hinotamatchi

Weight: 99 lbs.

Training: 3/9

Points: 2313

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Name: Haley

Age: 1 yr

Stage: Teen

Type: Oniontchi

Weight: 99 lbs.

Training: 2/9

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****


~Sunset ♥


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