Tamas on a plane


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Mar 26, 2008
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In a few months I'm going to Disney world and I was hoping to bring my tamas!!! But i've been afraid that the X-Ray will mess up my tamas!!! I was planning to bring there tamas










Music Star


I'm worried especially about the color!!! But dose it? Dose it only do it to certon ones?

Please help!!!

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:blink: It won't screw your Tamagotchis up. I bought my Tamagotchi v5.5 and v4 back to (insert country name here) once, and back. It didn't break.
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I've never had any problems with Tamagotchis in my jacket pocket, nor in my carry-on backpack when I've flown with them.

They do recomend you taking the batteries off during flight though.

Other than that it would be fine.

Wow thenks everyone!!! I feel better already!!! Id just hate to have my poor tamas break but I don't have to worry anymore!!! Again thanks everyone and I hope you all have a great tamatalking day!!!

They will be fine.

Although I suggest not bringing them at or, or bring just one. Disney World is the best place on earth, you will have loads of fun there! Trust me, you will be so occupied with what it has to offer lol.

The x-ray machine won't. -studies on x-rays-

But being on the plane will. Its energy source might screw your electronics up. [or at least something will malfunction; hopefully not the plane] I advise you not bring tamagothis along and take their batteries out.

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usualy they dont x-ray your tamas they just leave it like they did to me so thy wont have to cheack u but if they do they wont break your tamas cause i got 5 tamas and i brout all of then with me and thay did not break in am certian they will not break belive me they will be ok just stop worrying ok? please send back a message and ill see if i can help you more B) :ichigotchi:

I've brought Tamagotchis on planes lots of time (yeah, WITH the batteries in) I didn't actually try connecting my tamas while on the plane, but nothing was screwed up. I just kept it in my bag while the flight attendants went around to tell people to stop using iPods, cellphones, etc. 'cause I get the feeling they wouldn't understand what I mean when I say "No, wait, you can't actually turn the Tamagotchi OFF, it's always on. It's like a watch, know what I mean?"

I brought my Tamas with me when I went on a plane,

1. To Stop me from being bored

2. Because I couldn't bear to leave them behind.

The plane didn't mess mine up so I'm pretty sure it won't mess yours up.


ARGH! I thought this topic was about a horror movie where Tamagotchi's infest an airplain like that movie "Snakes on a Plane"...You got me...thanks dude.. :blink:

Wow thanks evveryone!!! I feel so much better!!! Oh and Lord Valphius when I read your post I always end up laughing!!! :) :mellow: :lol:I think i'll bring a few of my tamas. But I think i'll leave my color at home. You know just in case...

I have a very active imagination!!!

But again thanks and have a great tamatalking day!!!

Ha, I always end up cracking jokes even in the most serious of situations. And sometimes...I make just one person laugh. Hey, Laughter can be a good thing, even if things get too serious, it never hurts anyone to laugh.

The x-ray machine won't. -studies on x-rays-
But being on the plane will. Its energy source might screw your electronics up. [or at least something will malfunction; hopefully not the plane] I advise you not bring tamagothis along and take their batteries out.

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I took all 14 of my Tamagotchies with me on the plane. Only a couple of them had batteries in them at the time anyway, but they all hung around my neck on a lanyard. I had them on silent while I was in the plane, I left them on silent from earlier and I don't remember why, but the whole trip every now and then I was checking on them and they were fine.

So I really doubt that your Tamagotchies will mess up because of any of that. I'd be more worried about you losing them while at Disneyland. xD

I brought 5 tamas once and none got ruined... wait one did get ruined when i dropped it into water...

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