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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2005
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My drama teacher said that we shouldn't brin tamagotchis to drama class for the reasons:


1. They make noises and they distract the puplis.

That's all..


But he also said that they are sorta useless because it's as if they are taking controll of us by saying as if feed me now or bathe me now or play with me now or take care of me now. he says that they brainwash kids. I kinda have to agree with that.....but also they are like children..I tihnk it's preparing kids to adulthood and taking care of kids..excluding that part that they die faster...but still..


I dont know what to think....

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Not to be rude, but could you try not to use such bright fonts? It's really hard to read and the site isn't really highlight friendly.

I think he's actually kind of right.. Some people do let their tamas control them in a way. And they are distracting in class. I personally don't think tamas should be allowed in school.

I think Tamagotchis should be allowed in school. :wacko: They're not a disstraction unless they make noise.


Of course, what do I know. I'm homeschooled so I can care for my Tamas without being a dissraction. :eek: :eek: :eek:


-Tamaguy#1 :wacko:

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