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Sep 24, 2006
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The Characters

There are over 50 characters. And believe it or not I'm gonna list 'em all, including their personalities. If you have a V1, check out the chart below. If you've got a V2, the second chart is the one to look at. And if you're the proud owner of a shiny new V3, you won't want to miss out on the final chart. So have fun exploring one of the largest and most informative character charts around!

V1 chart

Babytchi: Awww... a cute little baby! These cute guys need a lot of attention! Seriously, they need you like every 30 seconds! They take a five-minute nap which gives you a (little) break. Make sure to take good care of them so they grow up to be happy and healthy. They change after 1 hour.

Marutchi: You get him the first time you play. Marutchis are cute, friendly, children. However this cute circle is a bit spoiled and will sometimes call you for no reason. Don't worry though, this is perfectly normal. Give poor Marutchi a time out to increase his training. He won't like that! Give him a snack or play a game to cheer him up.

Kinakomotchi: The cute peanut tama! Kinakomotchis are proud little peanuts! You can only get one if you are on the second generation or higher and have HIGHLY trained parents. Kinakomotchi is definately more active than Marutchi! He loves to jump, is better at games, and is overall a very athletic tama!

Ichigotchi: Awww, what a cute little strawberry! If you've received Ichigotchi, it means you've done an excellent job at parenting. Ichigotchis love dancing more than anything! They are always creating new moves. You will notice Ichigotchi taking a bath before bedtime!

Young Mimitchi: This is one tama who wants to grow up fast! His favorite quote is: I want to be a grown-up like Mimitchi! Like Ichigotchi, if you have Young Mimitchi, you've done a great job of taking care of your tama. I think Young Mimitchi's cute, but I actually like the adult Mimitchi better!

Oniontchi: One of my favorite teens. Oniontchi is a cute little onion tama, of course! He's one rebellious teenager that loves to sing in his room very loudly! If you watch Oniontchi closely, you'll notice he sometimes runs across the screen and lands on his FACE! Ouch! Oniontchi has one of the cutest "happy" animations! But, if you get one it means you've done a not-so-great job at parenting. Try harder next time!

Hinotamatchi: A fireball head! Hinotamatchi is pretty rebellious, just like Oniontchi! He loves rock' n roll! But he's actually a nice tama. Isn't he cute?

Mametchi: Mametchi is one of the oldest and most popular tamas of all. They are polite, sincere, and have an IQ of 250! Wow! To get one, you must take very, very good care! I'm not sure what it's like to own one because I've never had one. I think Mametchi is pretty cute.

Mimitchi: An adorable tama! Mimitchi's got bunny ears:). He is smart, just like Mametchi. He is a favorite of mine. Mimitchi's personality is extremely similair (I don't think I spelled that right) to Mametchi's, so I won't repeat it here.

Kuchipatchi: I love Kuchipatchis! They are a favorite, second only to Kiwitchi! They are romantic, lovable, daydreamers, although they are lazy and usually late. To get one, take average care.

Memetchi: This one's a sensitive tama. Her large eyes are perfect for begging. If you disagree with her she will say, You're being mean to me! Take average care to get your own Memetchi!

Androtchi: Unlike most robots, Androtchi is actually cute! He has human feelings and cares about everyone. However, he tends to not say what he really feels. Androtchi is really fascinated with mechanics, but he doesn't know too much about them. To get one, keep his hunger needs satisfied but be forgetful with happiness needs.

Hanatchi: This snake-like creature has a very sensitive nose. He suffers from lots of allergies. Hanatchis are fragile, active, and very cute! Hanatchis can be gotten by the same method as Androtchi.

Tarakotchi: Tarakotchi is one mischeivious tama! He is a rolly, chatty, tumbler who needs friends. Some people don't really like Tarakotchi, but I personally think he's cute! Use the Androtchi/Hanatchi method to get one.

Masktchi: Masktchi's are very strong. They are shy, and use a mask to hide their feelings. Masktchis aren't my favorite tamas. If you want one, feed your tama a ton of snacks.

Gozarutchi: This tama thinks he is a ninja! He practices every day! I like Gozarutchi better than Masktchi. Use the Masktchi method to get a Gozarutchi.

Otokitchi: If you refuse the matchmaker for a loooong time, your girl tama turns into Otokitchi, the old lady tama!

Ojitchi: If you refuse the matchmaker for a loooooooooong time, your boy tama turns into Ojitchi, the old man tama!

Oyajitchi: How do you get Oyajitchi? Well, it's not easy. You have to breed the oldies! The new tama starts as a baby, but skips the child and teenager stage! And you get Oyajitchi!

Nazotchi: Nazotchi is the secret character on V1! I'm not sure how to get him. I've heard that if you don't feed any snacks you receive this character... but I kinda doubt that. Anyway, he's available on debug mode.


V2 Chart

Yay! After days of waiting, I have finally started work on the V2 chart! Enjoy!

Petitchi: Very very similair to Babytchi on V1, but this time around he's got legs! He needs a ton of attention, you pretty much can't leave him alone for any longer than 3 minutes. Petitchi poops A LOT. Feed him enough, but don't let him gain too much weight, 7 pounds should be the maximum, preferebly 5 or 6.

Shiropetitchi: This cute baby girl needs even more attention then Petitchi, it's highly recommended you check her status every minute. She is basicily a poo-producing machine! Like Petitchi, don't let her get overweight, about 6 pounds is good.

Marutchi: To get this child, try to neglect your baby. Even if you do take bad care and end up with Marutchi, he's not what I'd call a consequence: Marutchi is an adorable circle that needs attention about every 15 minutes or so. He's very friendly but well known for being spoiled. If Marutchi has nothing to do, he'll roll around on the bottom of the screen, it's really cute! If he calls you and he's crying, praise him!

Kinakomotchi: A peanut Tamagotchi from V1. Well known for his love of jumping, the mischeivious Kinakomotchi will appear if you take excellent care of your baby. Kinakomotchi loves rolling as well as jumping, you'll notice him rolling when bored. When happy, Kinakomotchi looks adorable!

Hitodetchi: Meet Hitodetchi, a starfish tama. He's my favorite child and very well-behaved and popular. Take excellent care of your baby to get a Hitodetchi. He loves rolling, and is just, well, cute! What's not to love about a starfish tama?!

Kuribotchi: This is a little acorn tama! I've only had this guy once, and for good reason: you have to totally ignore your baby to get one! I find that odd, because this guy's personality is very mature. He acts really grown-up, but likes rolling and saying "Kuri kuri." He wants to act cool, but right now he's just cute!

Itchigotchi: This guy is just too cute! I mean, he's a strawberry tama. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. "Itchigo" means little strawberry! He just loves dancing! Never had one though. You've gotta take very good care to get this guy.

Young Mimitchi: One of the three teens I've never had. Pretty popular and cute though. No, not as cute as Mimitchi. (In my opinion.) He really wants to be like Mimitchi. If you have this guy, you are lucky.

Oniontchi: I just love this guy! Definately NOT among the most popular teens, unfortunately. Okay, he stays up late and sings really, really, loudly, but he's just so cute!

Hinotamatchi: "Hinotama" means fireball! I've had this wild rock'n'roll fan a few times. Not too exciting, but pretty cute.

Young Mametchi: Similair to Young Mimitchi, Young Mametchi wants to be just like Mametchi! Sadly, I've only had this guy once, but he was very fun and easy to keep!

Nikatchi: I've had this guy a jillion times. Fortunately, he's quite fun to keep, probably my favorite teen. He's a shark tama! To get Nikatchi, you have to ignore your child. Nikatchi loves showing off his huge smile!

Ringotchi: I've only had this guy one time. He's so cute! An apple tama! Very very fun to keep. He loves playing with friends, he's very nice to everyone!

Hinatchi: She wants to be really popular! Almost always the center of attention, Hinatchi is the subject of many photo shoots. I had her once, but I don't remember anything about her. She's okay, not one of my favorite teens, but okay.

UFOtchi: I've never had her before, but she's very cute! She's kinda clumsy though, and not very good at steering herself around. People laugh at her, but, not being the sensitive type, she doesn't mind. What she really wants is a boyfriend.

Prepelloretchi: I have no idea why, but I really like this guy! I only had him once, though. Like UFOtchi, he's a romantic type of guy. He is well behaved, but stays up late working on his "Great Romance Novel." Maybe he and UFOtchi could be a happy couple.............. His name is never quite agreed on. I have heard him been called Puroupuretchi, Poupoutchi, and even just Prepellortchi. I refer to him as Prepelloretchi.

Mametchi: An extremely popular tamagotchi who I have never had. I like him a lot though! He's a sincere, polite, tama but he is a bit serious at times. If you're aiming for Mametchi, you'll really have to be a good caretaker.

Mimitchi: I love Mimitchi, and I had the joy of owning one once. He's a friendly, very popular tama that is very tolerant. He loves math and writing! Mimitchis are very lovable tamas.

Memetchi: She's a sensitive tama with her big eyes- handy for begging. She makes sure she always gets her way, but she's still nice. I've never had one before.

Kuchipatchi: It's hard not to love a Kuchipatchi. He is my second-favorite. Although he's lazy, forgetful, and always daydreaming, he's a very lovable tama. I owned one once. It was a great experiance.

Androtchi: Although he looks like a robot, Androtchi has human feelings. I had him once. A very lovable tama!

Hanatchi: A fragile, fun-to-have tama. See V1 chart for more information.

Masktchi: A strong-willed but very shy tama that I get too much.

Gozarutchi: I get him a lot too, which is kind of annoying. He's okay, I guess. Gozarutchi is training to be a ninja.

Tarakotchi: Let's face it. Most people aren't Tarakotchi fans. So here is my say: I personnaly love Tarakotchi. I find him very cute and sweet. This is reflected by the fact he often kisses the screen. There's just something about him. He is so sweet!

Furawatchi: I don't really like this guy. She's a kind, pretty tamagotchi. Furawatchi probably wins the award for the character with the most names. She has been called Flowertchi, Leaftchi, Violetchi, Furawatchi, and something else that starts with a K! I can't remember it right now!

Debatchi: Although I've never had this guy before, I get a kick out of him, and I bet you can see why. Check out his huge buck teeth! He's not too smart....... most of the time he only thinks about food! Debatchis love telling jokes. This bird-like tama is rising in popularity.

Dorotchi: Ooohhhh the mysterious ghost tama! I kind of like Dorotchi. But I've never had one...... he's probably interesting.

Wooltchi: This one is really funny! V3 fans will notice he's identical to Kurokotchi in the color picture, except Wooltchi is in a sheep costume! I've never had this funny tamagotchi before, so I don't know his personality.

Marumimitchi: The mickey mouse tama! Marumimitchi thinks friendship is the most important thing in the world! Yet again, I have not yet had him.......

Pyonchitchi: Very cute! Pyonchitchi is a funny tama with a great sense of humor. Let's say it together: i had her

Gingirotchi: Yes! Finally one I have had! Also known as Gingerotchi. I absolutely love Gingi! In the color picture he looks like Elvis! He's a friendly, helpful, tama.

Pochitchi: Awwww! The cute dog tama! For some weird reason, Pochitchi loves to drive! But, NO, I have never had one!

Kusatchi: The Bellsprout plant pot tama!! I've had him several times! Oooohhh he's cute! Kusatchi loves heavy metal music and is sickly!

Nyorotchi: A balloon head, snake body thing! I like Nyorotchi, he's cute. Unfortunately, like Kusatchi, he's sickly! Nope! I've never had one!

Kiwitchi: My favorite tamagotchi...... isn't he sooooo sweet, I've had him twice! Kiwitchi is curious about his surroundings, kind to others, and has a good sense of humor! He is the cutest tamagotchi of all in my opinian... he was my first tama, and he seems like a friend to me! My love of Kiwitchi went so far, I even created a plushie Kiwi! (Seen on the home page). His "big" animation is just too adorable! I could go on and on about this lovable tama! Kiwitchi is by far my favorite, and if you want to see the the full story of what it was like owning one check out the Dippy Kiwitchi section! I love Kiwitchi!

Woah thank you! And on your 3 post! Your well on your way to getting green Karma!

The Characters
There are over 50 characters. And believe it or not I'm gonna list 'em all, including their personalities. If you have a V1, check out the chart below. If you've got a V2, the second chart is the one to look at. And if you're the proud owner of a shiny new V3, you won't want to miss out on the final chart. So have fun exploring one of the largest and most informative character charts around!

V1 chart

Babytchi: Awww... a cute little baby! These cute guys need a lot of attention! Seriously, they need you like every 30 seconds! They take a five-minute nap which gives you a (little) break. Make sure to take good care of them so they grow up to be happy and healthy. They change after 1 hour.

Marutchi: You get him the first time you play. Marutchis are cute, friendly, children. However this cute circle is a bit spoiled and will sometimes call you for no reason. Don't worry though, this is perfectly normal. Give poor Marutchi a time out to increase his training. He won't like that! Give him a snack or play a game to cheer him up.

Kinakomotchi: The cute peanut tama! Kinakomotchis are proud little peanuts! You can only get one if you are on the second generation or higher and have HIGHLY trained parents. Kinakomotchi is definately more active than Marutchi! He loves to jump, is better at games, and is overall a very athletic tama!

Ichigotchi: Awww, what a cute little strawberry! If you've received Ichigotchi, it means you've done an excellent job at parenting. Ichigotchis love dancing more than anything! They are always creating new moves. You will notice Ichigotchi taking a bath before bedtime!

Young Mimitchi: This is one tama who wants to grow up fast! His favorite quote is: I want to be a grown-up like Mimitchi! Like Ichigotchi, if you have Young Mimitchi, you've done a great job of taking care of your tama. I think Young Mimitchi's cute, but I actually like the adult Mimitchi better!

Oniontchi: One of my favorite teens. Oniontchi is a cute little onion tama, of course! He's one rebellious teenager that loves to sing in his room very loudly! If you watch Oniontchi closely, you'll notice he sometimes runs across the screen and lands on his FACE! Ouch! Oniontchi has one of the cutest "happy" animations! But, if you get one it means you've done a not-so-great job at parenting. Try harder next time!

Hinotamatchi: A fireball head! Hinotamatchi is pretty rebellious, just like Oniontchi! He loves rock' n roll! But he's actually a nice tama. Isn't he cute?

Mametchi: Mametchi is one of the oldest and most popular tamas of all. They are polite, sincere, and have an IQ of 250! Wow! To get one, you must take very, very good care! I'm not sure what it's like to own one because I've never had one. I think Mametchi is pretty cute.

Mimitchi: An adorable tama! Mimitchi's got bunny ears:). He is smart, just like Mametchi. He is a favorite of mine. Mimitchi's personality is extremely similair (I don't think I spelled that right) to Mametchi's, so I won't repeat it here.

Kuchipatchi: I love Kuchipatchis! They are a favorite, second only to Kiwitchi! They are romantic, lovable, daydreamers, although they are lazy and usually late. To get one, take average care.

Memetchi: This one's a sensitive tama. Her large eyes are perfect for begging. If you disagree with her she will say, You're being mean to me! Take average care to get your own Memetchi!

Androtchi: Unlike most robots, Androtchi is actually cute! He has human feelings and cares about everyone. However, he tends to not say what he really feels. Androtchi is really fascinated with mechanics, but he doesn't know too much about them. To get one, keep his hunger needs satisfied but be forgetful with happiness needs.

Hanatchi: This snake-like creature has a very sensitive nose. He suffers from lots of allergies. Hanatchis are fragile, active, and very cute! Hanatchis can be gotten by the same method as Androtchi.

Tarakotchi: Tarakotchi is one mischeivious tama! He is a rolly, chatty, tumbler who needs friends. Some people don't really like Tarakotchi, but I personally think he's cute! Use the Androtchi/Hanatchi method to get one.

Masktchi: Masktchi's are very strong. They are shy, and use a mask to hide their feelings. Masktchis aren't my favorite tamas. If you want one, feed your tama a ton of snacks.

Gozarutchi: This tama thinks he is a ninja! He practices every day! I like Gozarutchi better than Masktchi. Use the Masktchi method to get a Gozarutchi.

Otokitchi: If you refuse the matchmaker for a loooong time, your girl tama turns into Otokitchi, the old lady tama!

Ojitchi: If you refuse the matchmaker for a loooooooooong time, your boy tama turns into Ojitchi, the old man tama!

Oyajitchi: How do you get Oyajitchi? Well, it's not easy. You have to breed the oldies! The new tama starts as a baby, but skips the child and teenager stage! And you get Oyajitchi!

Nazotchi: Nazotchi is the secret character on V1! I'm not sure how to get him. I've heard that if you don't feed any snacks you receive this character... but I kinda doubt that. Anyway, he's available on debug mode.


V2 Chart

Yay! After days of waiting, I have finally started work on the V2 chart! Enjoy!

Petitchi: Very very similair to Babytchi on V1, but this time around he's got legs! He needs a ton of attention, you pretty much can't leave him alone for any longer than 3 minutes. Petitchi poops A LOT. Feed him enough, but don't let him gain too much weight, 7 pounds should be the maximum, preferebly 5 or 6.

Shiropetitchi: This cute baby girl needs even more attention then Petitchi, it's highly recommended you check her status every minute. She is basicily a poo-producing machine! Like Petitchi, don't let her get overweight, about 6 pounds is good.

Marutchi: To get this child, try to neglect your baby. Even if you do take bad care and end up with Marutchi, he's not what I'd call a consequence: Marutchi is an adorable circle that needs attention about every 15 minutes or so. He's very friendly but well known for being spoiled. If Marutchi has nothing to do, he'll roll around on the bottom of the screen, it's really cute! If he calls you and he's crying, praise him!

Kinakomotchi: A peanut Tamagotchi from V1. Well known for his love of jumping, the mischeivious Kinakomotchi will appear if you take excellent care of your baby. Kinakomotchi loves rolling as well as jumping, you'll notice him rolling when bored. When happy, Kinakomotchi looks adorable!

Hitodetchi: Meet Hitodetchi, a starfish tama. He's my favorite child and very well-behaved and popular. Take excellent care of your baby to get a Hitodetchi. He loves rolling, and is just, well, cute! What's not to love about a starfish tama?!

Kuribotchi: This is a little acorn tama! I've only had this guy once, and for good reason: you have to totally ignore your baby to get one! I find that odd, because this guy's personality is very mature. He acts really grown-up, but likes rolling and saying "Kuri kuri." He wants to act cool, but right now he's just cute!

Itchigotchi: This guy is just too cute! I mean, he's a strawberry tama. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. "Itchigo" means little strawberry! He just loves dancing! Never had one though. You've gotta take very good care to get this guy.

Young Mimitchi: One of the three teens I've never had. Pretty popular and cute though. No, not as cute as Mimitchi. (In my opinion.) He really wants to be like Mimitchi. If you have this guy, you are lucky.

Oniontchi: I just love this guy! Definately NOT among the most popular teens, unfortunately. Okay, he stays up late and sings really, really, loudly, but he's just so cute!

Hinotamatchi: "Hinotama" means fireball! I've had this wild rock'n'roll fan a few times. Not too exciting, but pretty cute.

Young Mametchi: Similair to Young Mimitchi, Young Mametchi wants to be just like Mametchi! Sadly, I've only had this guy once, but he was very fun and easy to keep!

Nikatchi: I've had this guy a jillion times. Fortunately, he's quite fun to keep, probably my favorite teen. He's a shark tama! To get Nikatchi, you have to ignore your child. Nikatchi loves showing off his huge smile!

Ringotchi: I've only had this guy one time. He's so cute! An apple tama! Very very fun to keep. He loves playing with friends, he's very nice to everyone!

Hinatchi: She wants to be really popular! Almost always the center of attention, Hinatchi is the subject of many photo shoots. I had her once, but I don't remember anything about her. She's okay, not one of my favorite teens, but okay.

UFOtchi: I've never had her before, but she's very cute! She's kinda clumsy though, and not very good at steering herself around. People laugh at her, but, not being the sensitive type, she doesn't mind. What she really wants is a boyfriend.

Prepelloretchi: I have no idea why, but I really like this guy! I only had him once, though. Like UFOtchi, he's a romantic type of guy. He is well behaved, but stays up late working on his "Great Romance Novel." Maybe he and UFOtchi could be a happy couple.............. His name is never quite agreed on. I have heard him been called Puroupuretchi, Poupoutchi, and even just Prepellortchi. I refer to him as Prepelloretchi.

Mametchi: An extremely popular tamagotchi who I have never had. I like him a lot though! He's a sincere, polite, tama but he is a bit serious at times. If you're aiming for Mametchi, you'll really have to be a good caretaker.

Mimitchi: I love Mimitchi, and I had the joy of owning one once. He's a friendly, very popular tama that is very tolerant. He loves math and writing! Mimitchis are very lovable tamas.

Memetchi: She's a sensitive tama with her big eyes- handy for begging. She makes sure she always gets her way, but she's still nice. I've never had one before.

Kuchipatchi: It's hard not to love a Kuchipatchi. He is my second-favorite. Although he's lazy, forgetful, and always daydreaming, he's a very lovable tama. I owned one once. It was a great experiance.

Androtchi: Although he looks like a robot, Androtchi has human feelings. I had him once. A very lovable tama!

Hanatchi: A fragile, fun-to-have tama. See V1 chart for more information.

Masktchi: A strong-willed but very shy tama that I get too much.

Gozarutchi: I get him a lot too, which is kind of annoying. He's okay, I guess. Gozarutchi is training to be a ninja.

Tarakotchi: Let's face it. Most people aren't Tarakotchi fans. So here is my say: I personnaly love Tarakotchi. I find him very cute and sweet. This is reflected by the fact he often kisses the screen. There's just something about him. He is so sweet!

Furawatchi: I don't really like this guy. She's a kind, pretty tamagotchi. Furawatchi probably wins the award for the character with the most names. She has been called Flowertchi, Leaftchi, Violetchi, Furawatchi, and something else that starts with a K! I can't remember it right now!

Debatchi: Although I've never had this guy before, I get a kick out of him, and I bet you can see why. Check out his huge buck teeth! He's not too smart....... most of the time he only thinks about food! Debatchis love telling jokes. This bird-like tama is rising in popularity.

Dorotchi: Ooohhhh the mysterious ghost tama! I kind of like Dorotchi. But I've never had one...... he's probably interesting.

Wooltchi: This one is really funny! V3 fans will notice he's identical to Kurokotchi in the color picture, except Wooltchi is in a sheep costume! I've never had this funny tamagotchi before, so I don't know his personality.

Marumimitchi: The mickey mouse tama! Marumimitchi thinks friendship is the most important thing in the world! Yet again, I have not yet had him.......

Pyonchitchi: Very cute! Pyonchitchi is a funny tama with a great sense of humor. Let's say it together: i had her

Gingirotchi: Yes! Finally one I have had! Also known as Gingerotchi. I absolutely love Gingi! In the color picture he looks like Elvis! He's a friendly, helpful, tama.

Pochitchi: Awwww! The cute dog tama! For some weird reason, Pochitchi loves to drive! But, NO, I have never had one!

Kusatchi: The Bellsprout plant pot tama!! I've had him several times! Oooohhh he's cute! Kusatchi loves heavy metal music and is sickly!

Nyorotchi: A balloon head, snake body thing! I like Nyorotchi, he's cute. Unfortunately, like Kusatchi, he's sickly! Nope! I've never had one!

Kiwitchi: My favorite tamagotchi...... isn't he sooooo sweet, I've had him twice! Kiwitchi is curious about his surroundings, kind to others, and has a good sense of humor! He is the cutest tamagotchi of all in my opinian... he was my first tama, and he seems like a friend to me! My love of Kiwitchi went so far, I even created a plushie Kiwi! (Seen on the home page). His "big" animation is just too adorable! I could go on and on about this lovable tama! Kiwitchi is by far my favorite, and if you want to see the the full story of what it was like owning one check out the Dippy Kiwitchi section! I love Kiwitchi!
Wow, o.o Thats amazing, You listed them all :furawatchi: That mustve took awhile to write, Thanks for the list :unsure:

i wonder how this thread would look like if everybody full-qoutes this list^^

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