TamaTalk Dreams...O.o


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I had an awesome dream that Diva, IF and I were rocking out with the MCR, PTAD and FOB boys! Also had one about the re-write of HSM that we are doing..makes a great movie!
I want to dream about the vampire HSM rewrite D:

A long time ago I used to but not anymore. I can't remember any at the moment...
I remember you saying (in a dead topic just like this) that you came home from somewhere, and all these TTers were trashing your house! The only parts I remember are when SK had sat on the table and broke it, the FAQ team and the guides were having a food fight, -|WeRide was smashing the printers in your grandpa's room, and somebody chanted this spell out of a book and Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Peach, and Daisy came out of the book. XD

I had a dream that Locky458 and I were at my old apartment and he was this tan, buff guy with really cool hair. Then we hugged. x.x
I remember you saying that in the same dead topic.


I have not had a TT dream ever. I want one though...

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I had a dream that a bunch of members on TamaTalk were in my PE class. GotchiGirl96 and kk445 both forgot their gym clothes at home, me and scribble were singing a song in French, wildcat_gal_101 and Tamagirl_desy got 2 minutes on the mile run and Mileyroxursox3242 and Fruit_frappae were too sick to run the mile so they sat at a cone making sure nobody cheated while they threw a teddy bear back and forth.

If you think about TT and its members a lot before you go to sleep you are more likely to have a TT dream.
*chants*tamatalktamatalktam... zzz


BTW- TL- TigerLily, lol.
I tried that...but it didn't work too well...I dreamt about my locker door breaking...again.

Randomness question: When I'm a person's dreams...what do I look like to you? Or am I a random floating blob with my username in it?

Good hing GG96 missed Acid~RainI would have tried to attack her xP
aww thanks! xD

I also had another dream once that this girl from my school who isn't even a member of TamaTalk became a guide and was in the school having a meeting with the other guides.

Another one: Tamatalk.Idol. x.x

WCG101 sang "Sirius Black" with Zoria, then started a catfight when WCG accually called Zoria a mudblood, and then they fought their way of the stage

Gotchigirl sang "Let the bodies hit the floor" o.o then some old, old members that are never one died and hit the floor D:

another! XD

When all the guides and Admin did the Caramelldansen dance O_O and like, paper*cut got jealous and threw some meat covored in BBQ sauce everywhere, since he couldent do the dance right so Jinta(the user here) had to use Cheese to defend us all, while Spiffy,Admin,Tama_mum,ect kept doing the Caramelldansen XD

This one was almost too realistic:

Mileyroxursox3242 had started a topic about how she had won free tickets to a Hannah Montana concert. Tamagirl#1 asked to go with her and then they were making plans about going to the concert together. Then Tama-Becca, paper*cut, wildcat_gal_101, and a few other people I can't remember started fighting with Mileyroxursox3242 and Tamagirl#1 about whether or not Hannah Montana was a good singer. They kept fighting and Bob the Disapproving Stalker :)l) came up quite a bit. Finally SK showed up and told them all to shut up and grow up (or something along those lines). xD Then TW/P and TL came and threatened to close the topic if they didn't all get along. Everyone stopped fighting for the moment, and I was just about to post a reply saying that I hated Hannah Montana when I woke up.

I seriously thought the dream was real until I went to my computer and discovered that there was no such topic.

Oh, I remember two of the other people who said they hated Hannah Montana:

Tamakiddy!! and ChibiMuffins.

Oh, and did I mention that was the most normal dream I've had lately? My other one involved two universes in one, harvest moon coming to life, a mansion, a robbery, my friends turning into different people, traveling miles in one step, and a GIANT banana cream pie. I think there may have been random TT members running around during the robbery but I don't remember who. And of course there was the one with the library collecting glue, the math song, and the swimming. No TT in that one.

I have a strange sub-conscience. O.O

Latest dream: Well for some reason Tamaw/pants wasn't a guide. Her karma box was TOTALLY red, like, the whole thing was red and she kept swearing and being all immature and dilibratly causing flame wars and spamming and I'm like o_O. Then I realised that she was the lucky one because like, all the guides and Admin and Jappyx were BANNED!!! And all the banned members/members with bad karmas were guides and co-Admins and I was Admin o_O. I thought it was actually real when I woke up until I went on the computer and fortunatly realised that the guides were guides, the Admins were Admins, the banned were banned, the members were members and I was >...Missbehave...<

Weird, huh?

This one was almost too realistic:
Mileyroxursox3242 had started a topic about how she had won free tickets to a Hannah Montana concert. Tamagirl#1 asked to go with her and then they were making plans about going to the concert together. Then Tama-Becca, paper*cut, wildcat_gal_101, and a few other people I can't remember started fighting with Mileyroxursox3242 and Tamagirl#1 about whether or not Hannah Montana was a good singer. They kept fighting and Bob the Disapproving Stalker :)l) came up quite a bit. Finally SK showed up and told them all to shut up and grow up (or something along those lines). xD Then TW/P and TL came and threatened to close the topic if they didn't all get along. Everyone stopped fighting for the moment, and I was just about to post a reply saying that I hated Hannah Montana when I woke up.

I seriously thought the dream was real until I went to my computer and discovered that there was no such topic.
Whoa! Are you kidding?! :angry: That sounds like us! lol! ROFL

another! XD
When all the guides and Admin did the Caramelldansen dance O_O and like, paper*cut got jealous and threw some meat covored in BBQ sauce everywhere, since he couldent do the dance right so Jinta(the user here) had to use Cheese to defend us all, while Spiffy,Admin,Tama_mum,ect kept doing the Caramelldansen XD
I know I get angry when I dontg know the moves to a dance D=

^_^ And I didnt know that when I dreamt it! :)

and then there was another, Admin said that he accepted to be sponsered by 4kids*dun dun dunnnn* and he reset the fourms, so when we got back on, The 4kids logo was everywhere. Tamagirl_desy,mileyroxursox, Acid~Rain and a few others had seizures, paper*cut,meowbark,Zoria, and a few others started a revolution/army to take down 4kids. The guides all quit, but the Admin said is was for the best, and how his Pie obsession had kicked in o_0

This one was almost too realistic:
Mileyroxursox3242 had started a topic about how she had won free tickets to a Hannah Montana concert. Tamagirl#1 asked to go with her and then they were making plans about going to the concert together. Then Tama-Becca, paper*cut, wildcat_gal_101, and a few other people I can't remember started fighting with Mileyroxursox3242 and Tamagirl#1 about whether or not Hannah Montana was a good singer. They kept fighting and Bob the Disapproving Stalker :)l) came up quite a bit. Finally SK showed up and told them all to shut up and grow up (or something along those lines). xD Then TW/P and TL came and threatened to close the topic if they didn't all get along. Everyone stopped fighting for the moment, and I was just about to post a reply saying that I hated Hannah Montana when I woke up.

I seriously thought the dream was real until I went to my computer and discovered that there was no such topic.
And then I loled. ^_^

@MissBehave- I had red karma and all the guides were banned? xDD

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