Tamatalker's Preview


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... cult. -gigglesnort-

I love the word cult. It makes me think of the Volturi in the Twilight series.

I can't wait to see the whole thing~!!

It's going to be amazing. 8D

MB-we are a little like a cult. :ichigotchi: I think we're brainwashed and obsessed with this site. :furawatchi:
Your preview looks awesome and I can't wait to see the rest!
Well -your- on the second page. With a canary on your head,

Awesome! Your a great drawer. Oh, can I be in it? =3 If so, sometimes I'll be in Mew form(this(yes, I'll be tiny like the normal size of a Mew)). When I'm not in Mew form I wanna be a person without a certain label like goth or anything, if you know what I mean.


Awesome! Your a great drawer. Oh, can I be in it? =3 If so, sometimes I'll be in Mew form(this(yes, I'll be tiny like the normal size of a Mew)). When I'm not in Mew form I wanna be a person without a certain label like goth or anything, if you know what I mean.
Sorry, kinda to late to ask. I need to finished drawing it.

Well I've been kinda sick lately. Headaches, and dizzyness. It's been hard on me. I'm trying to get this done with.

Take your time. :) Don't rush something just to get it done. If you take some extra time, you're art will look much better. :)

It's better to do a slow very thoroughly done job than a quick messy job. No rush, meowbark ^^

I promise I'll resume working on it tomorrow! Urg. I had no idea how long it took to draw a series comic. Oh well, I SHOULD have it done before school starts.

can i be in it? pwease?????*wolf cub eyes(XD)* i'll be a wolf! pleaseeeeeeeee???? XD a black wolf who's left eye is purple and has scars on it while the other eye is amber. bears red markings and is quiet(me:Zzz)(tottaly random. XD) PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE

Sorry, kinda to late to ask. I need to finished drawing it.
Well I've been kinda sick lately. Headaches, and dizzyness. It's been hard on me. I'm trying to get this done with.
It's okay. You've been sick, your priority should be healing. We don't expect you to have a deadline to finish your comic. :D

We'll wait. You just need to get better.

Get well soon!

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