TamaTown for Wii!


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2009
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I was just thinking. I always want to go online at TamaTown for my V.3, but my computer is too slow for such an interactive site. So, I was thinking, since there are already Tamagotchi games for the Wii, why not make a TamaTown game for the Wii?

You'd type in your username and passcode for your Tama, and then you get to go on without any internet aquirement! You can play games, get new codes, buy stuff, etc, just like you do online!

Plus, you can visit other tamas from other generations from your tamagotchi, you could also do other fun stuff with your TamaPet, like go to amusement parks and stuff. And what could also be cool, is TamaTown goes by real time and days! So when it's dark out, it's dark in the game, when it's sunny out, it's sunny in the game. And at late night time some of the stores can close.

Also, there could be a hotel for your TamaPet, or you can spend Gotchi Points on buying your TamaPet a house for it to live in and decorate for whenever you visit TamaTown. And you can continue to use that same house over and over again when you continue on in your generations, and it could be like a legacy house. Or, you can just buy a new house for your new TamaPet.

I myself think this would be soo fun, and I don't really see why it would be too hard to make. Just make a city place with malls, games, codes that can be used for your Tamagotchi, and a housing lot to buy houses. There'd also be the little apartments where your previous generation Tamas lives, and the King still has his castle.

If this game was real, I'd play with it every day. :blink:

Wow, I love this idea. [:

That game would be so much fun! :D

I like how it would change from light to dark, oh & the hotel & houses idea! :D

Thats a good idea but they already made tamagotchi party on which is similar to tamatown but not as good as the actual website. :lol: :unsure: :ph34r: :( :wacko: :angry: :rolleyes: :D :eek: :blink: :( <_< :lol: ;) :mellow:

I think that it is a great idea, but instead of a full fledged wii game they should make it for wii ware.

wouldnt you have to get a game for it? it would be very confusing.

Thats a good idea but they already made tamagotchi party on which is similar to tamatown but not as good as the actual website. :lol: :unsure: :ph34r: :furawatchi: :wacko: :angry: :rolleyes: :D :eek: :blink: :( <_< :lol: ;) :mellow:
The game is completely different to Tama Town and isn't interactive with any Tamagotchi toy.

That WOULD be so cool!! but don't they already have some type of tamagotchi wii game?!?! (But not tamatown I think....) but still, it would be VERY cool.

'Cept I don't have a wii.... grr, grr, grrr. Wii is so cool! Espeically if it had a tamatown game!

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This would sound really great, but they should make it for every system such as Xbox 360. That would be awesome! But I like your idea. :blink:

Too bad my parents won't get me a Wii... :D :blink: ;)

:D perfect Idea:) so beneficial ICY STAR OF APPROVAL for you too :wacko: :D
thats cool! using nintendo wifi connection to connect with other users! :D :D :blink: :lol: :D :wacko: :D

Since I do all my internet surfing via wii (when i post i call it "postIIng) i must alert you that TamaTown is already wii-compatible.

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