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Do you have one? no, to young :(

More? no

If yes, which ones?


Have you considered getting one? Yes, for a long time now, I cant wait till Im 16 when I can get one.

If yes, do you still want to? YES!

If yes to previous question, what & where? I wanna get a skull and spine going down my arm and ending in a mace at my elbow, and some more onmy arms and back, but not too many of course

General opinion on tattoos? I think their pretty cool, but when somebody has too many (especially on their face and chest) it's pretty gross. But otherwise their not bad.

I have a tattoo. It's a timeless design and one I will never regret.

I wanted to get Earthworm Jim but in the end I decided he was not quite timeless enough even though it was one of the funniest cartoons ever to be produced.

*look it up, it's worth it*

Anyway, when considering getting a tattoo, you must ask yourself what you are going to think of this thing when you are 40, 50, 70?

The things that are popular now are only popular for a few years at best. After that if you have it tattood on you, it tends to be really lame. You really need to think about it even if it is something that a lot of people love. I adore Harry Potter things and popular video game things but I'd not get one tattooed on me.

Do you have one? More? If yes, which ones? Where?


Have you considered getting one? If yes, do you still want to?

I really want one, I drew one, but it sucks. My mom said I could get one if I save enough money

But that'd be impossible, I cannot save money. I lack will-power.

If yes to previous question, what & where?


General opinion on tattoos?

They look alright, it depends on the size of the tattoo and where the person gets it.

I want some band/song/album names really badly.


'Folie à Deux' on one of my wrists

'The Black Parade' over my heart

And more I can't think of.

I also want two guns on my lower neck, tilted so they look like they're about to shoot my head. xD

I'm not a fan of tattoos when people go over the top with them. I only like small, simple ones or meaningful ones.

I want one or two small, easily hidden ones, no tramp stamps please.

I want a small star behind my ear and maybe a Sarah Michelle in a nice font with a small star beside it somewhere subtle.

My friend has only met her dad twice but he has her name tattooed on his wrists. One name on each. It's cute.

The last topic I could find on this was from May. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Anyways...tattoos. Like the real thing. Not the ones you stick on with water.

A couple of questions:

Do you have one? More? If yes, which ones? Where?

Have you considered getting one? If yes, do you still want to?

If yes to previous question, what & where?

General opinion on tattoos?

I have wanted one for a while. Mhhmm. Most people wouldn't guess it.

I want a Dark Mark, because I'm a nerd. Where? On my left arm, of course!

Also, I want the Deathly Hallows symbol. Maybe on my right arm, completely parallel to the Dark Mark.

Maybe the Harry Potter chapter stars. Though I'm not sure where.

And I want the "lumos" in white on one wrist, and "nox" in black on the other wrist. MAYBE.

And also "morsmordre" somewhere. I swear, if someone knows what this does without looking it up, I will freak out. O:

Also, a penguin. Maybe on my shoulder.

And the words "I can count on the sun to shine" on one of my limbs. Accompanied with the picture of a sun. Haha

Now that I list it out, I want a lot. O: But generally, I don't mind tattoos.

I swear on my life I did not look this up. I just realised that paper*cut answered it. I did not look at that either. I am a HP fanatic. Morsmordre is a spell that sets the Dark Mark in the sky!! Yaya ME!!

I don't have a tatt.

Never considered getting one.

I think tattoos are kind of pointless. You might get one, but it might stretch as you get older and they hurt to remove. They can aslo cost up 4,000 dollars juist to remove. I think I'll stick to temporary ones.

No, i don't have any tatoos. I never ever plan to either, i think they're a bad decision because once you get one, it never goes away and you can regret it later. and i hate needles, it would be too painful. I also don't find them attractive at all, i think its rather disgusting to see them on people.

I'd much rather have temporary tatoos, they're fun and they go away in a day or two. Or i draw on my hands with pens, it goes away after one hand wash pretty much. Fun, but no regrets later because it actually goes away and isn't expensive OR painful.

Do you have one? More? If yes, which ones? Where?

I'm turning thirteen in October. So, no. xD

Have you considered getting one? If yes, do you still want to?

I don't think I'd mind a tattoo, but I'd like to get something that's meaningful. Not just get a tattoo to get a tattoo, as SK said. Otherwise, I'd feel no need to get one. And if I DID get one, I don't think my parental figures would exactly love it. xD

If yes to previous question, what & where?

I'd probably get one on my wrist. Something small, probably. Words or a symbol would do it for me. [x] I really like this. So, if I ever get one, I'd probably get that on my right wrist. [x] I'd probably also get something like that somewhere on me. Christian and proud. :) Again: It would be small-ish. Probably on my left collar bone, so it would be close to my heart, but not all in my junk. xP

General opinion on tattoos?

I actually think they're pretty cool, and an interesting way to express yourself. That is, as long as it isn't something ridiculous and all-out. I'd get something like Ryan Ross' tattoos [Click.], or Cassadee Pope's. [Click.] Maybe just not as big. xD I can't say I dislike people with a lot of tattoos, because some of my heroes are people with tattoos all other theirselves. xD I just wouldn't go all-out with tattoos everywhere on my body.


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Do you have one? More?

I'm turning 15 in 3 weeks. Heck to the no.

Have you considered getting one? If yes, do you still want to?

Yes, I've thought long and hard about tattoos. I still want one, but I'm terrified of the pain.

If yes to previous question, what & where?

I would like the comedy/tragedy masks on my left shoulder blade (small!)

And I would like a treble clef & bass clef shaped into a heart prolly on my hip or foot.

General opinion on tattoos?

They're okay in moderation.... haha.

paislypuppy i dont think all tattoos are disgusting but yes some are, my aunt has the name of her daughter who died. i thought that was quite nice. and my brother has is sons name

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