~|Tazama's v5 Log {#1}|~


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Dec 1, 2008
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12/1/08- Hello! I'm Tazama and I'll be posting my tama logs for my current V5 (red dot design). I'm getting another v5 later on today, but I'll be making a seperate log for that one. Before I forget, my family name is Kirch, 1g, Blended family with 4470 gotchi points.

Anyway, I'd like to introduce my tamas to you! All 3 are toddlers/children.

First we have..

An Ahirukutchi named Charlie! He's the eldest of the three.

Next we have..

A Mousetchi named Jacob! He's the youngest of the three.

Last we have..

A Tororotchi named Lacey! She's the middle tama of the three

And now, my tama log/diary.

I have achieved a 30% bond earlier today. 20% of the bond came from a toy, while the remaining 10% came from training.

I have trained Charlie, Jacob and Lacey today twice. I chose the "smart" option both times.

All Hungry/Happy hears are filled.

I bought some new food off of the Tv Shopping Show! I had also used a cheat to get a Steamed bun which I had fed to my tamas earlier today.

I had entered Earth Expo earlier today. To be honest, I don't like it much because there isn't much to do. However, if anyone would like to explore around, I'll provide Charlie's Login code, which would be ..

01183 20001

That's really it for now. The day has been slow, but I'm very excited to get my new tamas! I'm leaving shortly. Lastly, Charlie, Jacob and Lacey (Or CJL as I like to call the group) have a little something they want to say.

Hewwo everyone! Dis is Charwie, Jacob and Wacey speaking. When we speak together, the font color will be wed. Below we will give an intwoduction about each of us. Enjoy!

Charwie speaking! I'm an Ahirukutchi tama as you might alweady know. I'm the owdest of my bwother and sister. I love music, pwaying wif toys and my siblings. My favowite toy is the basketball. I'm often descwibed as loving, fun, independent and sometimes a wittle blunt. That's it fer now!

Hi! I'm Jacob, the Mousetchi tama. I'm the youngest of my bwother and sister. I love sports, hopping awound, pwaying wif toys and my siblings as well as eating yummy snacks. My favowite toy is the wittle alien. I'm often descwibed as webellious, comical, a wittle rude and fun to be awound. See ya!

Hi there! My name is Lacey. I'm a Tororotchi tama. I'm considered the "mwiddle tama" of the family. I love reading, writing, learning and teaching. My favowite item is the book. I'm often descwibed as intelligent, caring, cweative and sometimes I'm a know-it-all. My bwothers get on my nerves sometimes *glares at Jacob* but I still tolerate them. Ta-ta fer now!

I'll continue this later with any new updates. Be sure to keep your eyes open for my other log, which will be started later on today! Goodbye!

~Tazama :wacko:

Notice: If you'd like to comment on my log, please PM me instead of posting here. Thank you!


My three little tamas grew up! Yes, while I was at school they turned into teenagers. Charlie is a Mamekatchi, Lacey is a Chamametchi and Jacob is a Korokotchi! There isn't much more to our day though =/

I trained them a bit, selecting the smart option once more.

I came home to empty hearts and poo. Fixed all of it in a matter of minutes ;)

That's all for now!

~Tazama :blink:


I woke up this morning, at exactly 7:17 AM, to find my little tamas already awake. One hunger and happy heart was missing, but I quickly fixed that.

I guess even teenagers aren't potty trained ;-; I cleaned up their little mess after I came downstairs.

Charlie, Jacob and Lacey connected with their younger friends, Kristine, Grant and Zack as well. CJL were dominant in bowling!

No training calls yet. I'm hoping to increase the now 40% bonding into 60-80%. That's my daily goal!

Hi there! Charlie here. So much has happened since the last time we talked! I'm now a teenager, and I speak normally! Whoo! I'm working towards become a conductor, since I love writing music and I love being in charge of it. That's really all for now!

Sup? It's Jacob. You already know I'm a teenager. Whoop-di-doo. Anyway, I don't have much to say. I'm supposed to go to the movies with a ton of my friends! Peace out!

Hi, it's Lacey! I'm so excited...I'm a teenager! I finally dropped that ridiculous baby talk. I just got some tests back from school today, all A+'s! Tazama's sooo proud! My teachers are hoping I could tutor Jacob, since he brought home C's, D's and the occasional F! That's it for now!

I'll post any new updates later. Thanks for reading!

~Tazama :(


Jacob, Charlie and Lacey are all grown up! I had to leave them to go to my friends, and they turned into the ninja family -_- ; The plus side is that Charlie married a Suntchi or whatever they are and is now the proud parent of Erick the Iwatchi!

Lacey and Jacob...dissapeared after Charlie married. ;-;

*UPDATE* Erick evovled! I'm not so sure of what the tama is called, but he's that little blue star guy with the rainbow under him!

That's all for now!

~Tazama ;)

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