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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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man I will never forget my history teacher. for 1 reason He loves the top 3 richest people in the world he talks about them like once a month its crazy :angry:

Oh yeah I remember one of my science teacher who had his, well "package" that he had to get remove in a jar (had some kind of liquid in it to keep it perserved) and he showed it to everyone! talk about making a first impression >_>

We were 7th graders back then.

Mrs. Redmond, my first grade teacher. She was awesome. Everything a teacher should be.

Mr. Herren My sixth grade history teacher. He could be pretty funny at times. He was tough, but fair.

Mrs. Miller, who tried to help me when I started showing signs of depression.

Mrs. Bynum. Evil in a dress. I'd call her a dragon, but that'd be an insult to dragons.

Mrs. Tupper. Another likeable and funny teacher.

i will never forgot mr king in grsde 5. he was the meanest teacher around, everytime he got angry he would punch a desk. but he gave us candy, so that was the only nice thing about him.

My grade twelve psychology teacher had the most unbelievable bizarre stories about rhesus monkeys from his time at boarding school in India. He'd draw mad diagrams on the chalkboard about how they'd form armies and go at each other. Quite violent stuff.

Oh god.... Here are the top teachers that I'll always remember, in a good and bad way.

Mrs. Hopkins - She always told us the funniest stories during class, like how her daughter got highlights and their hair stylist made her pray to God before they did it. xD

Mr. Wood - FUNNIEST. AND. BESTEST. TEACHER. EVAR!!!!!! I always laughed in his class, although it was sorta boring at times, but it was mostly HILARIOUS. xDDD

Mr. Collins - Hehe, he was my music teacher and taught me how to play the guitar and a bit of the flute(till I got lightheaded and quit. :p ).

Coach Wetzel - Oh god...... This guy was so scary.... Everyone called him sexist and.... Something else I wouldn't want to talk about.... But this dude was like from the military!!! He ALWAYS cussed at us and said the F word before he "quit"....

i will list all my teachers:

Mrs Johnson-primary teacher, she was kinda weird at first, i remmeber her saying that we can dump sand out of the sandbox in the class o_O i also recall that some kid put tomato sauce in my hair and my mom had to come and wash it out of my hair. xD

Mr george-2nd grade teacher- i skipped 1st grade so thats why theres no 1st grade teacher listed. mr george wasnt canadian, he was indian and we couldnt understand what he was saying half the time.

Mrs lee-3rd grade teacher-she was also, like mrs johnson weird. because she let us watch PG-13 movies when we where only 7/8/9 years old at the time ._.

mrs feeg-4th grade teacher-she has a weird last name. thats all i can say and she was a normal typical teacher.

Mr King- 5th grade teacher- he was really REALLY strict. everytime he got angry at someone/something or the entire class he would punch someones desk.

I forgot her name, but i had a weird grade 6 teacher.

And im going to grade 8 but thursday we have to meet my 2ND strict teacher, mrs quealit. mrs quealit was mean to me, she didn't care that i have autism and she said that i wasn't a normal child and she said this Excatly: "Your in Grade 7, we will not tolerate this behavior from you!" and she took stuff away from people, and one time someone was straching there nose and she thought that he gave her the middle finger (when he really did'nt)Screw report cards, im not going back to that devil woman! shes worser than Mr King!

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Mrs Averis.

She was my grade two teacher. I loved her. I was her favourite student. And she was like my best friend. I'd always give her goodbye hugs when I had to go home after school. And on the day she had to leave the school, I had the biggest breakdown I had ever had.

Miss Carr.

She was my 5th grade teacher. I loved her class so much, she was so supportive and seemed to always be there for everyone. Every morning we would sit in a circle and just tell stories, what was happening in our lives, the good things and the bad things, and basically just vent to each other. If we behaved well, she had a mini basketball hoop we could shoot at for rewards and candy. She always had such a positive attitude everyday and never seriously yelled at anyone. At the end of the year she put together an entire DVD of our class and all of our field trips, special events, and other things. Best teacher I've ever had.

I will never forget my third grade teacher. Man was she strict! I really disliked her but I realize she only wanted me to succeed.

I LOVE YOU! (third grade teacher)

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