Tear Drop Tamagotchi - The Gift Awakens (Chapter 1)


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The Tamagotchi Guardian

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Apr 26, 2008
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Previous: PROLOGUE - https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/184620-tear-drop-tamagotchi-prologue/?do=findComment&comment=3215242

This is Chapter 1 of my new story, Tear Drop Tamagotchi, enjoy!

The sun beamed down into the roasting hot classroom. Sweat poured off its many inmates, making concentration impossible. The teacher, Mr West, warbled on and on about the rise of Communism in the Uncharted Tama Forests during the Great War of 1978. Britney and Melissa, sat next to each other at a desk, were exhausted and sweating like a pig ready for slaughter. They slouched on their chairs, and Britney stared absent-mindedly out of the window at the silent car park. They were meant to be taking notes, but with swelteringly hot temperatures like today, the hottest on record, notes were out of the question. Laura, the troublemaker of the class, couldn't even muster the effort to flick miniature balls of paper at her slowly boiling peers. Even Sidney, the class geek and teacher's pet, couldn't find the strength to write on his piece of paper. Mr West continued on, unaware. He continued his ramble about Miriam the Mimitchi and her role in the falling of the Tamagotchi Nines, but his words were wasted. Despite the soaring fire that was the classroom, he did not stop, not a drop of sweat trickling down his face.
'Based on the notes you have taken thus far,' Mr West said, 'Who can tell me why Mimitchis were victimised under the Equal Rights Bill of 1978?' Not a hand was raised. Very few people had even taken in what he had said.
'I said why the blooming heck were Mimitchis victimised you huge band of pillocks!?' he boomed. Mr West was aggressive, and at the best of times, very offensive. Politeness and courtesy were two words that he had never heard. His voice echoed around the room, waking the few who had drifted into a peaceful sleeplike trance.
'Not even you Sidney, you giant nerd and suck-up!?' he shouted. There would have been a time when the class would have erupted with laughter, finding the teacher bullying the most intelligent student funny. But this was effort.
'N...N....N....N....N...No s...s... sir' he stammered in fear, 'I was s...s...struggling to c...c...c...c... concentrate!'
'Shut up you filthy lay-about!' West yelled, slamming his cane on the table in anger. Of course canes were not permitted to be used on tamagotchi students any longer, but this didn't stop Mr Wild West from keeping his to threaten and terrify the children with.
'5000 lines! You will stay after school and write 'I will learn not to stutter like an imbessile and pay attention in class' 5000 times!'
'B...But sir, that will take...'
'6000 lines!'
'It will take...'
'7000 lines!'
Mr West scowled at Sidney, possibly one of the nicest students in the class, being unfairly victimised.
'I know exactly how long it will take you, you snivelling little crybaby because I am intelligent, and you are not. Assuming it takes you 20 seconds to write, that is 20 x 7000 which means it will take you 140,000 seconds, which is just over 2330 minutes or nearly 40 hours! You will stay from 3pm until 8pm for the next 8 school days. Understood?'
'B...B...But s...sir I, have a....'
'8000 lines!'
'9000 lines! Plus your rudeness in doubting my mathematical ability. 10,000 lines!'
'But... s...s...sir, I have a f...funeral tonight.'
'Not any more you don't, this room 3pm sharp, an extra thousand lines for every minute you are late!'
Somebody who had not seen this kind of rudeness before may have gasped, but the rest of the class were accustomed to it, just thankful that it was not they that had been picked on.
'Now somebody is still going to have to answer my question about Mimitchis,' Mr West hissed, pacing around the room, pausing in front of certain students' desks for effect to induce fear, 'And if they don't know the answer, they will be punished most severely.'
Britney was outraged. She and Melissa sat directly behind Sidney, on the left of the classroom by the window. He was a rubbish teacher, and worst of all a bully. She felt anger manifesting itself within her, pumping through her veins like fire. Britney was very tall, and muscular for her age (14), she could probably beat Mr West in a fight if she had the element of surprise, or enough anger, and knowing Mr West, he would be too cocky to resist a fight.
'Don't even think about it,' Melissa whispered, reading Britney's mind. Britney's fists were clenched and her face was almost as red as a beetroot, 'That idiot isn't even worth it, I'm meant to be the one with anger problems Brit, not you.'
Britney felt reassured. Whenever she was about to do something stupid Melissa could always be on hand to convince her otherwise.
SMASH! A long black cane swished onto the table inches from Melissa's hands, startling them both and causing them to leap back in fright.
'You seem to think it is appropriate to talk DURING MY LESSON MISS SILLETT!!!' Mr West exploded at Melissa, '15,000 lines. I will not talk during History of Tamagotchis and I am an insolent and unlikable little girl!' Melissa swore under her breath. '20,000 LINES!' he yelled, evidently hearing her. Britney was at boiling point, Mr West had no right to treat people like that, and at this rate, Melissa would be spending the rest of the term writing out lines.
'Don't Britney,' Melissa warned, sensing Britney was about to rise to her feet, 'He's not worth it.'
'NOT WORTH IT AM I!!!??' yelled Mr West, louder than ever, '30,000 LINES!!!! AND BRITNEY KEEBLE YOU CAN HAVE 40,000 FOR EVEN CONSIDERING HAVING A GO AT ME!!!!!!!'
I'm calm, Britney thought. I'm calm, I'm on a nice beach with palm trees and I'm relaxing and I'm very calm, she desperately tried to think. It was no good. She was anything but calm. Britney shot into her feet in fury, knocking over the table in the process. Mr West was the tallest teacher in the school at over 6ft, but Britney still towered over him. He retreated backwards in fear, although attempting to mask it.
'Stay away from me Keeble, or I will make you regret it.'
Britney paid no attention, she darted towards him, forcing him up against a wall.
'You do not ever speak to people like that, not now not ever West' she hissed, her body beginning to press up against his, 'You are a bully and you are scum and I could have you on the floor in pain begging me for mercy right now if I wanted but Melissa's right, you aren't blooming worth it. I'm not gonna beat you up, as much satisfaction as it would give me. You will not give Sidney, or Melissa, or me lines, and you will stop being such a rubbish excuse for a teacher and accept we cannot concentrate because it is hot!' Britney's body was pressed up against Mr West's face. She stared down at his puny body, like a lamp post compared to hers. She didn't need the element of surprise, if she wanted to, she could easily destroy Mr West outright. Britney glared at West one last time and then returned to her seat.
Mr West no longer had the same respect from his class after that. He continued teaching but the students stopped even pretending to be listening. Melissa high-fived Britney.
'You should be proud of what you did out there Brit, you're a great person.'
'Really Mel?' Britney replied, 'Thanks babe. I'm still so angry with him though, if anything more angry than before.'
'I know what you mean. At least we don't have to do lines any more!'
'Haha I know right!'
But it wasn't over yet, Britney was still livid. True she'd humiliated the teacher the entire school universally hated the most, but he had bullied Sidney and Melissa, and plenty more people before them. He deserved much worse. I wish a bookcase would fall on him, Britney thought, not truly meaning it. I wish he would get crushed by a bookcase.
There are not words to describe what happened next. The room did not have a bookcase, as Mr West thought them a waste of room. Instead the text books and exercise books lay on piles at the back of the room. There was no bookcase in the room. As if by magic, a bookcase manifested itself on the back wall. The remainder of the class were in a trance as Mr West murmured with humiliation about the Night of the Long Tamagotchis. Only Britney noticed the bookcase appear. There was no mistaking it, it had just appeared. Brown, stretching across the entire wall with five long shelves filled with various random books, there was a bookcase.
'Melissa, look!' Britney exclaimed, waking her friend up. 'Look at the back wall!'
'Melissa craned her neck to look at the wall. Unlike Britney, Melissa was tiny, barely able to see over the desk, but a black belt in tamagotchi karate (even probably able to beat up Britney). Melissa gasped. Others in the room began to stir and notice the arrival of a new huge item in the room. Mr West was blissfully unaware.The big bookcase was fastened to the wall, through a mixture of ropes and metal hinges, clearly a piece of work that had not been done in a split second, making the sudden bookcase arrival even more confusing.
As quickly as it had arrived, the hinges and ropes disappeared and the bookcase began to wobble backwards and forwards precariously. Britney knew what was coming next. She didn't know how it had happened, but she had wished for this, and therefore she knew what was coming next.
'Mr West, watch out!' she yelled, trying to protect the teacher she had nearly attacked just moments before. But it was too late, the bookcase sored to the floor, luckily not crushing any of the students, but beating a History teacher to a pulp. Students rushed forward to lift it. How had this happened? Britney wondered. She had wished for this, but she didn't have magic powers, she couldn't just make things like that happen. A teacher she hated had been hit by a bookcase just because she subconsciously wanted it to happen. She didn't really want him to be hit, she just thought it on the spur of the moment. And now he could be dead, and it was her fault.
She wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't. What she could be certain of, was that it was entirely her fault. There wasn't a bookcase there before, it had appeared. Bookcases don't appear, she had somehow caused that. But how? And what else could she do?

Thousands of miles away in a top secret location.
'Boss, I think we've found the Tear Drop Tamagotchi,' a big fat henchman said, double the Eiffel Tower in size (not quite, but he was very fat!)
'Did she exhibit any of the signs?' a man behind a desk enquired.
'Yes boss, she performed the magic.'
'Then I think Baines, we need to find her and take her as quickly as possible.'
'Yes boss.'

Coming up in Part 2 - release date 20th-25th February:
Britney discovers more about her remarkable powers
Melissa discovers the truth about her evidently magical friend
We find out more about this top secret organisation and why they want Britney

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