Tears of the Wind (3)


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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Soul Society
Crestovious Cave.

The word echoed through Sakura's mind, the same way it echoed through the hollow pathways in the cave itself.

Tamagotchis are supposed to be immortal, they don't die because of old age or because they get hurt, they die because they aren't well-raised, and with Sakura's full training points, everyone would be guaranteed Sakura could live through this small task without dying of starvation or illness. Well, if you thought that way, you aren't right and you aren't wrong, because if Sakura wasn't trapped in this lifeless cave, you'd be right, and it so happens that she is trapped in a lifeless cave, so at the same time, you're wrong.

"C'mon, there's gotta be a way out of this cave," Sakura raised a determination fist " I know there is a way, Ayuka, you can count on it!" Ayuka walked silently, kicking rocks on her way. "Yeah, Sakura." Ayuka agreed with a sigh "I guess there's always an exit, huh?" Sakura didn't answer, she was busy reading the hieroglyphics on the wall. "What'cha got there?" Ayuka asked, walking over. Sakura stared in amazement. "This our way out!" Sakura shouted. She traced the designs on the wall carefully, making sure she remembered every step of it.

Sakura and Ayuka followed the path, after making sure they memorized the path, and ended up in an ice cave, the caves you find behind waterfalls. This cave wasn't hard to get out, but at the same time, froze both Sakura and Ayuka to death. The two of them got out, and found themselves behind the waterfall. They followed the water, and then stood in front of the river that was full of souls. Shattered souls.


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