Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies II


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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2012
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The Scrap Yard (in the US)
I know the lyrics to the songs in Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies but I'm confused about the lyrics to Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies II. For those who have the Teddy Ruxpin interactive storyteller plush and the Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies II book and/or cassette, help me out by giving me the lyrics to each lullaby in Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies II.

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I had the 90's version... My siblings had the original. (atleast I think so)

Help you out how? Google for you? They are likely on a wikipedia page.

Sorry. I still can't find the lyrics. Please help me, SailorRosette. Do you have the Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies II book/cassette?

No. I don't own that one. I had the books but those went over to another family member's home.

Maybe you are looking too hard. Like Teddy Ruxpin Songs (not lullaby) then they will show up where they do. It may involve looking around many places. The less keywords in the search, the more expanded the search, but more results.

Sorry. I still can't find the lyrics. Why don't you go buy the Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies II book and cassette. That would make my day. Plus, Teddy Ruxpin kinda reminds me of Ubooly, the orange teddy bear without arms or legs.

Go Buy them? sorry. The 90's are way over. If you want to go buy them, be my guest. It would be days anyway before receiving them in the mail anyway dear. I am sure you can go find them online. It takes longer then a few minutes to find things from the 90's from Google. Its not appropriate to ask someone to gather information on your behalf and then purchase what you want.... I am sorry if that sounds mean at all, it is not intending to sound like that at all.

Wikipedia can be your friend for information.

You could even try to find some fan-made pages...

As popular as these are, as long as they have been around... Someone has bound to put something online.

Yes, to purchase. Online, if you use a search engine like Google. Then type in Teddy Ruxpin Lullaby, then hit search... Then they will link to tons of songs that will likely have the lyrics too. Not everything needs to be purchased. You would be looking up the info on those lullaby, not having to buy them online. You might be able to see if people have old video of Teddy Ruxpin on youtube. That might give you more things to look at/enjoy too.

I miss having mine working due to battery corrosion. I had to give up my books since he didn't work. I have the tapes still, but with my teddy not working, they are fairly useless unless I run them into a tape.... Which would probably ruin them.

If you know the lyrics... You could post them. If you want to understand them better, I can try to help you out that way...

Pango - you made this topic to ask for help understanding the lyrics in a lullaby.

It is not appropriate to tell members of TamaTalk to buy an item on your behalf.

Please don't make any more topics like this if you intend to use them to try to control others or make decisions for them.

If you don't understand this request to make no more topics like this, please do PM me and I will be happy to explain it more clearly.

If you really want to find out Teddy Ruxpin lyrics you would be better advised to visit a forum that talks particularly about this character and ask the members there for the lyrics. Here's one of the Teddy Ruxpin forums: https://www.teddyruxpinonline.org/forums.html - why not visit and see if the members there can help you? ;)


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