Teen Life


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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
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^_^ = Lexie (Any other character is yours added or people in college)

:D = Ed

:D = Selena

:D = Matthew

:D = Melanie

:D = Violet

Lexie walked down the concrete path, and sighed with love as her crush Ed was walking down the opposite way. She stepped left and he stepped right. She loved him dearly. But, he was walking to someone, not past someone! He walked over to Violet, swept her up in her arms and kissed her for about 2 minutes! Lexie steamed. He was her match!

Angrily, :wacko: walked over to him and shouted "OH GET A ROOM!!!" and kicked <_< in the shins. Then she ran home crying.

"We Aren't Ready For That Yet!" Replied :wacko:

Then The New Kid Came Along.

It Was :lol: . His Name Was Robert.

B) kissed :huh: more. and :mametchi: looked over at them B) and :gozarutchi: huged :mametchi: .
:huh: was so mad, she cried and cried but another guy came along, his name was...
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Ryan shyly wnt over to Lexie, "Hello" he said nervously and then walked away. Lily noticed that he was acting nervous and sweating. She jumped for joy, Ryan liked her! Lily smiled and began skipping around campus, she didn't need Ed anymore! She had Ryan! She then...

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