Teen Preganancy


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Being truthful, I must say that if the two teenagers are properly prepared both mentally and physically, I don't have a problem with it. However, that does not mean that I am encouraging it. I think to become pregnant at a young age would be potentially throwing away any and all life goals you ever wanted to accomplish. Unless your parents or relatives of some sort agreed to take care of the baby, your life would slowly diminish. You'd have to drop out of High School to take care of the child, you'd need to work many hours at jobs to pay for vital necessities, and you wouldn't have the time to freely walk around and enjoy the years of your youth.

In regards to an even more controversial subject that is abortion, unless one has a very excusable and proper reason for it, such as rape, I think it should not be allowed. If the condom breaks, that's what they deserve for playing around. They may think it's simply fun to fool around, but they need to realise how serious their actions may be. :wacko:

To conclude, I've read several posts about Teen Mom and shows like that. I am personally disgusted and disapprove of such shows. Why pay money for a show that raises attention to idiotic teenage girls whose boyfriends leave them after they've fornicated when such TV crews could instead raise awareness to those who are suffering throughout the world and who have to constantly live and deal with situations much worse?

That's just my views on this topic anyway! :unsure:

I find it so sad how these girls throw their lives away because of one reckless moment.

Plus, they are also wrecking their parent's trust.

But guys let's not all jump to conclusions by saying "Ohh she had sex and got pregnant ohhh blahblah:

A pregnant teen could have been raped.

New Zealand has the second highest amount of rapists in the world.

And I live there.


I find it so sad how these girls throw their lives away because of one reckless moment.

Plus, they are also wrecking their parent's trust.

But guys let's not all jump to conclusions by saying "Ohh she had sex and got pregnant ohhh blahblah:

A pregnant teen could have been raped.

New Zealand has the second highest amount of rapists in the world.

And I live there.

I agree. I will never understand why some girls just "throw their lives away because of one reckless moment" or why some people are rapists and want to harm others. Sadly, we just have to accept that there are people in this world who make mistakes or have different "values", and as for rapists, they are just cruel and mean.

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It's a little bit of an uncomfortable topic. I personally blame the parents for not doing a good job. But sometimes they can't I understand but girls need a father figure. And if they don't have one they'll find one. Its sad but I don't blame them and I never will. It's mostly the parents fault.

You also can't look at pregnant person and think 'Ew, slut, should have known better'. A lot of girls are very careful, use condoms and are on the pill and only having sex with their boyfriends and still get pregnant. I had a scare when on the pill and using condoms, it can happen to anyone no matter how safe they are.
Yes good

very very good

Is this exactly...appropriate for young members? Sorry about being 10 and reading all this, but it isn't about the fact that I'm reading it, it's about the fact that you're writing it...

At my school, which is elementary school, all the boys absolutely detest the girls and won't go anywhere near them. Nobody has a boyfriend, if you did you'd get endlessly teased. At least it's a better attitude than becoming pregnant at this age. I'm also going to a girls-only secondary school to avoid this stuff.

Parents should take this stuff seriously. As someone said, they think all the stuff 10-year-olds do is cute, but I am a 10-year-old and I am very much conscious and able to make decisions. It does matter what we do and how we feel, but adults don't see that, and they let us "little kids" go do what we want, thinking it's all a game for us. Our lives are not just a game, and if adults saw that, we would in turn understand that the decisions we make are serious and can change our lives. As it is, adults tell us that we're just children and we shouldn't take life too seriously. A lot of us make big decisions without thinking. Having sex is a very big decision that can change your life, but a lot of teens think their life is just a game and do it without thinking. That results in teen pregnancy.

~ Dazzmina ~

Is this exactly...appropriate for young members?
Well, it is in Seriously (Non)Tamatalk for a reason. Most younger members don't really post in this section, and Admin probably figured that would happen. Besides, everybody is gonna learn about how pregnancy starts and safe sex sometime in school, or by the media. Either one.

I feel bad for girls that get raped, but I don't really feel bad for teenage girls who go to parties, have a little too much to drink, and then end up waking up, leaving, and then finding out several days later that they're pregnant. It's obviously their fault if something like that happens. I think just not having sex until after you're married or in a good, strong relationship with a trusty guy who you feel you can trust would be good, and definitely when you have a clear sense and not a sense clouded by alcohol or anything that could impair you.

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Well, it is in Seriously (Non)Tamatalk for a reason. Most younger members don't really post in this section, and Admin probably figured that would happen. Besides, everybody is gonna learn about how pregnancy starts and safe sex sometime in school, or by the media. Either one.

I feel bad for girls that get raped, but I don't really feel bad for teenage girls who go to parties, have a little too much to drink, and then end up waking up, leaving, and then finding out several days later that they're pregnant. It's obviously their fault if something like that happens. I think just not having sex until after you're married or in a good, strong relationship with a trusty guy who you feel you can trust would be good, and definitely when you have a clear sense and not a sense clouded by alcohol or anything that could impair you.
No, just no. In my city, you see pregnant teenagers wherever you go. My school is filled with them, and the worst part is that most of them do it purposely because they believe they're ready. You pete's sake, you're in HIGH SCHOOL. Just, no.

My boyfriend's mom, however, had him at the age of 17 and turned out fine. Turns out my boyfriend ended up being an alcohol and drug free, straight A student and she found an incredible job after he was born by making billboards for large companies. Now, does everyone get that lucky?

I'm simply against it. And I suppose it's because the numbers keep increasing, and people are finding it okay to have a baby while you're in high school. There seem to be more young, single parents and usually it's THEIR parents who have to pay for it.

That's just MY opinion, however, because I see it so often. If I were to get pregnant (i'm 18), I'm sorry but I would give it up/abortion. I'm not ready and I can't put my parents through it. And don't flame me for being heartless and supporting abortion, because it's my own perspective on life. Don't bring something into this world that will suffer for your own mistake.

I'm 16 and I'm pregnant. :/ Not because I'm stupid or irresponsible, but because I made a stupid and irresponsible decision.

I do agree with alot that your saying, but I do not believe in abortion. It's not the babies fault that it was made through rape. Adoption is a far better process that way some couple who can't have kids gets to have one. As far as shows about teenage pregnancy I hate them too. Yeah lets just make the idea widespread to have sex when your a teenager, and get pregers. Yeah lets just encourage youth to have babies, Oh and in the process show other countries what pigs us the american people are. Did you know that back in the 18 to 19 hundreds if you had a baby and you weren't married you would be shunned by your parents I mean It was disrespectful then to do that. When you were married then you lost your Virginity anyways thats what I think. Now it is different today but I understand you know not being married when you have sex but in my opinion dont have sex until your ready to be a dad, because its very possible. Did you know if condoms never broke I wouldn't be here today xD

If a teenager gets pregnant, that doesn't make her stupid and/or irresponsible, that makes her decision stupid and irresponsible.

If it was thanks to rape, well, that's another story.

Well... I think that if it was consensual and that they didn't use protection correctly, then they shouldn't be allowed to get an abortion. Rape is a whole different story though. I still feel bad for the baby, but I don't think babies get their souls until their heart begins to beat (just my beliefs).

I also hate that show, "Teen Mom". So? There are like ten times more people with cancer than teens with pregnancy. Where are the people with cancer's show?

This is just, well.... DEVASTATING

Having a child at teen stage is sad.... And if you or someone would be willing to have one... well... I'm kinda dissapointed

It teaches you disipline that you did it at a young age yet it teaches you resposibility throughout this stressful process....

I would not ever want to have a child at an age like teen/pre teen times BECAUSE that's the times where EVERYTHING gets stressful and having to give birth to a baby would just make more stress fall on your shoulders.

I'm 12 and would never think to have something like this happen to me so soon in life :angry:

I do agree with alot that your saying, but I do not believe in abortion. It's not the babies fault that it was made through rape. Adoption is a far better process that way some couple who can't have kids gets to have one. As far as shows about teenage pregnancy I hate them too. Yeah lets just make the idea widespread to have sex when your a teenager, and get pregers. Yeah lets just encourage youth to have babies, Oh and in the process show other countries what pigs us the american people are. Did you know that back in the 18 to 19 hundreds if you had a baby and you weren't married you would be shunned by your parents I mean It was disrespectful then to do that. When you were married then you lost your Virginity anyways thats what I think. Now it is different today but I understand you know not being married when you have sex but in my opinion dont have sex until your ready to be a dad, because its very possible. Did you know if condoms never broke I wouldn't be here today xD
Abortion involves no babies. Stop with that guilt trip crap.

Rape is horrible and a woman should not have to "Deal with the outcome of the rape"

Adoption isn't some "happily ever after" guarantee for the child.

Stop treating sex like it's some taboo.

Instead of teaching Abstinence only sex, maybe teach teen's on how to have safer sex?

Sometime's s**t happen's. If the woman wants to keep it, then good for her, i wish her the best, if she doesn't, then she shouldn't have to. Woman are not incubator's.

What really pisses me off is if a teen gets an abortion, she's looked down on, if she carries the pregnancy to birth, shes also looked down on. She just can't win in this situation can she?


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I think it's sick. If you're under 21, you're still a KID to me, and way too young to have sex. I mean, what the heck are these people thinking? SOME get away with adopting out the kid, or going back to school when the kid is older, but it still leaves them with bad feelings. If you create a child, you are fully responsible. We weren't made with reproductive organs for nothing. You have to control your emotions and whatever, and being in a "serious" relationship and thinking you'll be together forever at age 14 is pathetic. Honestly, people in my class at age 14 making out and saying "I love you babe we're gonna get married" is really and truly stupid. How blind can you be?

When I talk about things like this I show no mercy.


To add on....remember the movie Juno? A teenager who got pregnant. That show inspired 12 teenage girls at the same highschool. What did they do? They vowed to get pregnant within the next 2 months. They were screwing guys left and right, as if they knew what they were doing. 2 girls even had sex with homeless men. That is disgusting.

Also, having sex at such a young age has horrible consequences. You could get STDs or AIDS or whatever the heck is floating around that you're not aware of. It's your own fault. But rape is an acceptable explanation. That's the only way I could ever be alright with teen pregnancy.

But I mean like 2000 years ago girls gave birth at age 13, and were married at 12. It was the norm. But they were mentally mature about it, not even nearly as immature as 13 year olds are these days. But they should have been allowed to stay kids then, regardless. I accept arranged marriages (though a lot of times they don't work out great) because it's the parent's decision. But the kids going around and screwing just isn't right. Ever. Not ever ever ever. No matter how much you want to lose your virginity or show off to your friends.

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