Teen Preganancy


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I don't really care what the girl does, abortion, adoption, or they keep the baby. If it was rape abortion is totally understandable to me, but sometimes you just have to abort if you can't take care of it.

But honestly, if it wasn't rape then it was your fault and I think it's pathetic if they keep the baby then dump the child on the mother's parents.

If there's a girl who wants to be pregnant as a teenager, I think that's completely wrong as teenagers are no where near mature enough to raise a child. Believe me, my best friend wanted a child and she's fifteen, I yelled at her so much just for doing it at such a young age,

I think teenagers just have to be smarter, instead of getting wasted and end up getting pregnant. I think that's completely terrible and I don't even see how it's worth it going out to parties, getting wasted, then not even remembering it. Drinking is horrible for teens and they can be affected by it badly like doing something they'll regret.

Overall I think teen pregnancy is horrific. First of all you're not ready to take on that responsibility, and secondly, don't you have other things to do rather than banging guys?

I agree with the above post that abortion is OK if it's through rape, but not OK if it's through having sex too young.

Teenagers do stuff to feel grown up. It's all very well having an iPhone and buying designer clothes and perfume and having a boyfriend, but teen pregnancy is going too far with the whole growing-up-fast game. It's like little kids in a playground game; they have to judge how far to go, decide not to go as far as hurting other children in the game. Teens have to decide this too, except on a much larger scale. In a playground game, a child can fall over and get a bit bruised, but if a teenage girl has sex, it can ruin her whole life. She won't be able to get a job or complete high school, or else she'll have to give the child up to adoption or abortion.

...Woah. Like, woah. I can't believe TamaTalk has such discussion topics as this, but all I can say is that parents should keep an eye on their teenage kids, and that teenagers should be more sensible and realise the costs of getting pregnant too young. And if anybody ever, uh... Forces them too... get pregnant, then they should tell their parents even if they are too afraid or embarrassed to.

My opinion: It is what it is.

People seem to abandon the fact that teens were still getting pregnant back in the day, but the glorification by the media brings it in to light more than usual.

Why I say "It is what it is" , is because most teens that end up pregnant have it coming to them; stupidity during sex, lack of birth control methods, etc. Once it happens, the next step is up to the teen.

My friend Rachel is pregnant at sixteen and her due date is in about 2 weeks. Yes, I'm disappointed she got pregnant that young, but I can tell that she is devoted to her baby and is set out to be the best mother she can. I honor her for that.

My opinion: It is what it is.

People seem to abandon the fact that teens were still getting pregnant back in the day, but the glorification by the media brings it in to light more than usual.

Why I say "It is what it is" , is because most teens that end up pregnant have it coming to them; stupidity during sex, lack of birth control methods, etc. Once it happens, the next step is up to the teen.

My friend Rachel is pregnant at sixteen and her due date is in about 2 weeks. Yes, I'm disappointed she got pregnant that young, but I can tell that she is devoted to her baby and is set out to be the best mother she can. I honor her for that.

well one of the best things you can do is support her :)

I'm in the 8th grade, and many people hAve bragged about doing drugs, having..... Relations, smoking, et cetera.

The scariest time, however, was in the 4th grade.

One kid, we'll call him G, bragged about having... Relations... With a girl. She became pregnant at age 8 and gave birth at 9. I haven't heard from her in a long time. She left after the 4th grade. I'm terribly sorry for her.

im 18th, and virgin, i just cant imagine there are many girls who are younger than me, already became moms, they are really strong womans

and i cant imagine many people now are doing that in really young age, 9th-11th yo.. hearing that number of age just make me remember my childhood :s, played with friends, still ashamed with boys, and secretly loved someone..

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