Teen Pregnancy.


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The school nurse once asked every year eight (12-13 year old) girl if she was pregnant. My music teacher almost died.

Anyway - it's really unique to the teen whether they'd be able to cope with a child. If they have enough knowledge, money, etc., to care for a child, then it's nobody's business. But, I think it's wrong to then go sell your story to a magazine and live off benefits.

I don't see why anyone would be for it. It causes the kids to drop out of school usually, so they won't get the education they need to excel in life. Also, they may not be able to provide for the child.

As for being fixed after 7 children, you should be able to have however many kids you want. You're bringing life into the world, why is that negative? It's a free country. Why do you feel that way? They do that in China and kids are suffering in orphanages. It's terrible. Why would someone want it?

Hah. Wow. Some girl in my grade is Pregnant. I'm Fourteen, and in 8th grade.

I can't figure out if I should feel bad or be laugh at her. She smokes and drinks almost everyday. She can't provide for a baby. She had sex with some senior all the time, it was bound to happen. I never liked this girl, but I just can't help but think.. what will happen to this baby?

Hah. Wow. Some girl in my grade is Pregnant. I'm Fourteen, and in 8th grade.
I can't figure out if I should feel bad or be laugh at her. She smokes and drinks almost everyday. She can't provide for a baby. She had sex with some senior all the time, it was bound to happen. I never liked this girl, but I just can't help but think.. what will happen to this baby?
I would feel absolutely no sympathy toward this girl at all, but to her unborn baby.

My opinion on teenage sex is just this; don't do it. I really think losing your virginity to a boy who will probably break up with you in a month is ridiculous. In my opinion, a girl should wait to have sex for the first time until she finds the man that she wants to be with for the rest of her life. I suppose, since I can't stop anyone from doing anything, that if a teenager was to make love, they should use protection, because obviously they aren't ready for a baby.

I might sound harsh, but i think its really a girl's choice. they chose to have sex they chose to not protect themselves. but if they think they are able and willing to have a baby, so be it. 56 year old woman are having multiple babies. why not a 16 year old have one?

I have a story as well: My best friends older sister had a baby, its one year old. she can support her and her baby, and her boyfriend is staying with her because of it. i think if the boys knew they would have a child, they would want everything to do with the baby. which brings me to another story

Story: my dad was 16 and his gf was 14, she had a baby, and my dad was willing to help out, but the parents didnt want him to.

But i also understand the babie's point of view, and, I know it must be really strange for them, maybe even saddening, but of course they dont know whats going on

I think you should wait until marriage to have sex. You shouldn't just give it away. And there are a lot more (dangerous) problems with having sex (Even protected!). STD's. A lot of them can KILL you. Even with condoms you can still get them.


I might sound harsh, but i think its really a girl's choice. they chose to have sex they chose to not protect themselves. but if they think they are able and willing to have a baby, so be it. 56 year old woman are having multiple babies. why not a 16 year old have one? I have a story as well: My best friends older sister had a baby, its one year old. she can support her and her baby, and her boyfriend is staying with her because of it. i think if the boys knew they would have a child, they would want everything to do with the baby. which brings me to another story

Story: my dad was 16 and his gf was 14, she had a baby, and my dad was willing to help out, but the parents didnt want him to.

But i also understand the babie's point of view, and, I know it must be really strange for them, maybe even saddening, but of course they dont know whats going on
I don't understand your reasoning here. I feel like you made an irrelevant comparison.

16-year-olds are just kids. Immature, irresponsible, have no experience in the real world. A 56-year-old should already have a steady job, be responsible, and have experience in the real world. See the difference?

Another thing too-- in the USA it's a repeating cycle for pregnant teens to get on welfare(something I as a taxpayer pays for my whole working life). This should be stopped totally. These girls should be more interested in finding a JOB instead of having baby after baby and being a parasite to society, and getting the best education possible. They will be on welfare their whole life!! I don't know about you, but I'm tired of spending my hard-earned money on freeloaders who don't contribute anything to society. They figure their mom did it, so why don't I. Free money to have a baby, free medical, visiion, and dental, where I work for a living, and I have to pay for my health insurance. As far as I'm concerned, welfare only should be available to the elderly and people who cannot work at all. Tenn moms, no.

PROTIP: Have sex when you're able to take care of yourself financially and emotionally. Especially when you're on your own.

I've read several posts where people are like 'It's their fault for not using a condom'

Well, a condom isn't 100% effective. Mum told me I was conceived even though they'd used condoms every time.

Getting pregnant and keeping the child can screw the girls life over.

Dropping out of school and missing out on education, financial strain, being frowned upon.

A child is a burden, my Nana had her first child when she was 15 but got pregnant at 14. She keeps telling me, as much as she loves her son, he was a major speed bump in her life. She got kicked out of her catholic school, found it hard to get a job, got disgusted looks from most people. She told me if I get pregnant she'd want me to abort it for the benefit of both myself and the unborn thing. Her son was adopted out a about 3 months as she couldn't provide for it and thought he deserved to grow up with a family who could provide.

A child at a young age is definitely a burden.

I've read this whole topic now and the things that keep coming back are: use contraceptives and you won't get pregnant, if you don't you're an idiot and also you should wait until you're married. Also, abortion is wrong.

I'm 24 years old and I've had an abortion this year.

My boyfriend and I have been living together since may and we've been together for a few years. We love eachother and we want to spend the rest of our lives together. We do not need a piece of paper saying we're married to prove that, thank you very much. In the future we want to have children.

Last august a friend of mine committed suicide. Since I live on the other side of the country, I was driving back and forth to support his family over there and go to work over here. In the chaos, I forgot to take my birth control pills when I went there one night. So after that, my boyfriend and I used condoms.

Funny thing though, I got pregnant anyway. But we live in a tiny one bedroom appartment and can't afford anything better than that right now. We both have a full time job at basically minimum wage and are studying to get better money to be able to afford the best for our future children.

Funny thing though... when my friend who died was born, his parents were in basically the same situation. They earned next to nothing and lived in a crappy appartment. They kept the baby anyway, and because of that couldn't afford to study or change jobs or anything like that. And because emotionally they weren't ready to have a baby at all, he was raised in quite a difficult home situation.

He had such a miserable live that in the end he committed suicide. I am not saying his parents are to blame, but his home situation sure didn't help make him a happier person altogether.

Having that in mind, we decided not to keep this baby. Why? Because we do not want to make our child's live a living hell just because we're not ready to have children. Financially or emotionally.

It hurt to have to give this child up, but I am glad we did. I do not want my children to end up like my friend.

My conclusion: contraceptives don't always work and abortion can be less cruel than keeping a baby.

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To Attica: What about adoption? That way the baby will at least have a chance to live. I do agree that contraceptives don't always work though, and it's a lot safer to not have sex than to abort a baby.

[SIZE=14pt]Um...STDS people! They are FFFFFAAAAAARRRRRR worse than getting pregnant. [/SIZE]

To Attica: What about adoption? That way the baby will at least have a chance to live. I do agree that contraceptives don't always work though, and it's a lot safer to not have sex than to abort a baby.
I assume she couldn't afford to carry the baby though. I feel her though. :\

Now that I take Family studies class, I have a whole new respect for teen moms.

The class i'm taking is for a gr.11 credit. In that class, we get to run a nursery school thing during the semester, basically, we students are assesing the children to see where they're at physically, Intellectually [Cognitive], Emotionaly, and Socially [PIES]

But yeah. Teen Moms can take care of their kids. They aren't all party W***es who leave the kid with the grandparents all the time.

If it doesn't affect my life at all, do whatever the hell you want. That's pretty much my motto.

We all make mistakes. I have four good friends who have children. Granted, they're fifteen. But I'm sure they won't make that mistake again.

Do I think it's horrible to have to deal with pregnancy as an adolescent? I do.

Does it affect my life personally, or those friendships? No.

i no a 13 whos prenant. shes gonna be a bad mom. she cant even take care of herself an shes a terrible person gets high constantly unprotected sex with loads of different guys, shes not even gonna be there for it most of the time. she wont give it up for adoption tho.

my opinion is if u have sex u can have a kid. if ur ready for sex ur ready for children. so if ur a teen and u dont want to take car eof another responsibility DONT DO IT. i think its completely avoidable. if ur 17 or older it might be a bit different but like 13 is just to younge

oh and i mean most teen moms i no are great but there not 7th graders who are terrible trouble makers and they have a guy who will help and they have parents who will. the 13 year olds guy wont help hes a 12th grader. he dont care about anything or her. he left her

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Well, I think teen pregnancy isn't something to be encouraged, but Shayna, someone who I wouldn't trust with anything, she was quite a rebel, had her baby girl several months ago, she's just started back at school and it has changed her. She makes an excellent mother. She said, "I know it sounds clique, but having a baby helped make me mature"

i no a 13 whos prenant. shes gonna be a bad mom. she cant even take care of herself an shes a terrible person gets high constantly unprotected sex with loads of different guys, shes not even gonna be there for it most of the time. she wont give it up for adoption tho.
She can't be forced to give it up for adoption. I'm sure although the mother may not always be there for it, the baby will have a loving family and home. I'm not saying that it's the parents responsibility to look after their daughter's child, infact far from that, but just because she's a teenage mother and a bit of a rebel doesn't mean that the best thing for the child is to be placed into care. I'm sure if not straight away, as she grows older and becomes more responsible, she'll be a great mother. All she needs is support from her family.

Well, I think teen pregnancy isn't something to be encouraged, but Shayna, someone who I wouldn't trust with anything, she was quite a rebel, had her baby girl several months ago, she's just started back at school and it has changed her. She makes an excellent mother. She said, "I know it sounds clique, but having a baby helped make me mature"
Yeah, that's probably true in many cases, but I think it's more the exception than the rule.

I think that if you're going to have sex before marriage, you should always be safe and protected. You would think teens would be more educated with all the media about how common and sucky teenage pregnancy is, but I think a lot of it is 'accidental' - "We got carried away, it started out as nothing and turned into sex."

I actually knew a girl in England who went to my Church and got pregnant at 16. I don't think she came out of it quite as well as this Shayna did, and since her family was religious, it must have been even harder for her. She kept the baby but lost a significant amount of her childhood and it was unfair on her parents who had to live with the disappointment every day. And take care of another human being. They love it and everything, but it's far from the ideal, and she would definitely do things another way if she could.

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