Teenage years


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sry, i was just excited... i have a oniotchi and a young mametchi!

Hi Im new to this board...For some reason my Tamagotchi skipped its teen years and went straight to adult form (the alien one...)

Is this normal?!

the Ufotchi? Oh, thats a teen. the chart is wrong

I dont no the name of my tamagotchi teenage girl.She is in a onion shape with a mouth and legs.If anyone no's what kind of tamagotchi she is tell please! :furawatchi:

Thats an onionitchi, I've got one, and I've got another one but I cant find its name anywhere on the internet

Sorry, Evanesence, but I know that you're new. This topic is in the wrong section, could a Guide please move this to "What's on your Mind"

kthrne: Could you post an image?

Sorry I double-posted! :0)

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[SIZE=14pt]i am soo sry, i have no clue how to work this topic and post stuff, will anyone help???[/SIZE]

i got the uspide down strawberry :kuribotchi:

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Well i would move this topic to the appropraite area since it definitly doesn't belong in Group Hatchings.. but since it really had no main point im just going to close it. In the future please remember to make a topic about something specific and have it in the right area and to find out what area to put it in, read the pinned topics in each section. Thanx :furawatchi:

*Closed by RR*

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