Teens = Trouble ¬.¬


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Dec 25, 2007
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I have a V4, and it gave me a beautiful little boy. ^^

He is now a 1 year old Young Androtchi who simply refuses to play. =|

I’ve tried disciplining him but of course that didn't work.

I don't know what to do with him anymore, and I'm starting to become my mother...


Well, you pretty much need to give it a lot of time outs, or it's just that he's hungry, and tamas don't play when they're hungry.

And if it's not hungry, just feed it and it'll play.

Simple wimple dimple ;) But I don't think this topic belongs here, it might belong in the "Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners" Not that you're new, but yeah, you know it's your type of help that's kind of new. But hey, I'm not an expert in topic spots, so I might be wrong...

Yeah, you're right. Sorry. o.o

Well, I tried to feed him, and he's already 21lb, so I didn't want to go any further, or he will be obese and an even angrier teenager. :|

I suppose teens want to be left alone... And need space, so I'll wait.

Besides he already played once since I wrote the message. \o/

Thanks. :D

I'll try to get it right the next time... the topic spot stuff, I mean. ;)

If he's hungry, or too light he won't want to play. So try feeding him :(

If you want to play a game, the weight needs to be 3 more than the minimum weight. Let's say 20lbs is the minimum weight. You need to feed your Tama until it's weight is 23lbs, then it'll play. ;)


I'm having a similar problem, my tama won't play, and he's not hungry and won't eat, and disciplining doesn't work either. XP Mine is also a teenager. stubborn buggers.

Your tamagotchi needs to be 3 pounds or more over it's minimum weight. If it's minimum weight is 15 lbs, it has to be 18lbs or more to play games

Your tamagotchi needs to be 3 pounds or more over it's minimum weight. If it's minimum weight is 15 lbs, it has to be 18lbs or more to play games
Haha, that's quite funny. Exactly what I said. ^_^


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