Tell me about your day.


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My mom bought me gir slippers<3Ohyes, they're epic.
I envy your epic slippers. D:

[SIZE=10pt]I ate food in school, then wrote about it for Home Economics.[/SIZE]

I then had a break and talked to my friends and played with Roberts hair. <3 So silky smooth, and long.

I then went to science and wrote about coal, then I had to talk about peat, while the teacher starred at me, like 0.0' 'cause he didn't know what peat was. EPIC FAIL. O:

I then went to English, where I wrote about adjectives, adverbs and comparisons, and learned a new word,[SIZE=14pt] raconteur[/SIZE], that means, a very skilled verbal speaker. Oh, yes, you can be jealous of my awesome knowledge.

I then had lunch,I got food, then went back to school, where I played with Roberts hair more. JEEZE, I love his hair. <3 <3 <3

I then went to maths, and I did co-ordinates, volume and time revision for a test in 2 weeks.

I then went to German, where I hadn't done my homework but the teacher didn't care, and, I learned how to tell people about my family, and revised for a test next week.

Then I went to my locker, got my stuff, and shouted at some guy. He was all, ._.' and ran away.

And, I played with Roberts hair more. I luff him. <3

My day was simply smashing.
Nah, it`s the same as always.

Go to class, hang out with my friends. Talk, laugh.

Me and my perverted buds always go around screaming,

" Come to the party in William Beckett`s pants ! Clothes are optional ! "

We always get yelled at, and get odd looks. Quite amusing really.

Three fourths of my school don`t even know who Bilvy is, what a shame.

Am I invited to said party? O:

Becaus I AM going to be William Beckett when I grow up.

And, referring to your fantastic signature, I envy that puppy.

^ Psh, chyea.

Anyone is invited, even Chuck Norris is, if he wants too.


I envy that puppy, too. When I die, I`m going to request for a Spencer smile.

Had exam, then went to lunch.

We made birds sounds at lunch cause were retarded, then Will and Brandon stole me and tried to rape me with their plastic, but I broke them because Im awesome :3

And at gym Laura made a point of teaching us the bible through Biology (Apparently, we come from seeds and when the god loves us he pulls us up X3)

Erm. and then I splept in Drama.

And Also, I comented on Jennifers current look and stole chris;s gum.

Then I went to Biology and is still the only smart kid in that class because its the only class Im good at

And then I slept in Math.

And then I worked.

And Then I was yelled at.

the end x3

Well for me today is a weekend and weekend means computer. Lets see...

9:30 Woke up.

9:45 Had a shower

10:15 Got out of shower and got dressed

10:20 Turned on my computer, but did not play it.

10:21 Straightened my hair, put on eyeliner, decorated shoes.

10:40 Cleaned and vacuumed my room

10:50 Daizy called me. We decided to find Emily's cuz and have a threesome. Not really.

11:30 Got off the phone and got on the computer

12:00 Playing computer

2:00 Playing computer

2:30 Made a sammich

2:35 Played computer

3:00 Had another shower

3:30 Straightened hair, put on eyeliner and took some photos of myself

4:00 Watched Supernatural. Dead Man's Blood, the vampire episode.

5:00 Had a five-way call with Daizy, Emily, Lauren, Emily's cuz Dale and myself.

And I am still talking to the four of them. I had a very eventful day.


I woke up, Messed around, and then changed. Went shopping. Went home, changed. went to Dinner, made videos with friends. Went home. Talked to Angelina and Michael.


Haha, it's 12:21 am

I woke up at 12pm. Had a shower and dried off and put clothes on. [blue skinny jeans, lime green singlet and then put a watermelon shirt over top] and brown sparkle flats.

Mum yelled at me heaps cos I had basically trashed the house at 1am this morning. I cleaned up. We went out for coffee. I got an iced espresso and a bagel. The we went to kmart. I bought nano chupachups and really chupachups to match [big and small versions!] It cost $8.94 Then to the supermarket. I bought marshmallows[a huge bag], cookies, cocoa, condensed milk, 4 gift bags and minties it totalled $18.36. I paid with my eftpos card.

We went home. I made my ingredients into chocolate truffles. Ate lotsa marshmallows. Wraped them up and put them in the gift bags. Named the gift bags. Put the nano lollypop and the big lollypop into little bags I made last night with my sewing machine and stuck them in the gift bags. (Can't wait to give them to my mates tomorrow)

I chilaxed until mum yelled at me to clean up the kitchen. I did.

Then I got out the skirt I made a t school and took it up by half (It came below the knee!) and hemed it. T'is perfect now!


Ate dinner. Watched Stephin Hawkins Theory Of Everything. Got brain Baffle.

And here we are now.

Okay, I woke up at 9am. I went on the laptop while still in bed. Then at 11am my dad came to pick me up and take me to his house. We went there and then went to the shopping centre and my dad got a new mobile phone. Then we went to the book store and my dad bought me this book called 100 cupboards. I wanted Twilight but it was to expensive. Then we had subway. Then we went back to his house and I watched 3 hours of The Simpsons. Then we played board games. I had to go back to my mum's house. So he dropped me off. I came back home and me and mum watched Walking with Cavemen. And then it ended and I turned it to America's Next Top Model. Then I turned on the computer and here I am now on TT and watching America's Next Top Model.

Wore my new purple smock with white leggings and went to Church, then came home, hung out and made a snowman (snow! YESH!) then had some chicken pie for lunch and here I am! It's Sunday today, and I wanted to get my hair cut but apparently that has to happen tomorrow after school so yeah. My life should be a soap opera. :eek:

First, I complained about how cold it is. (58 degrees) We went out to breakfast, against my will, where I complained about how cold it is. Then we got a christmas tree, all the while I complained about how cold it is. Then I whined for three hours or so, then I went to the mall with ma homie. We got high because we sprayed all of the perfume from Macy's, Sears, Khouls, JCPenny's, and other places all over us. Then we went to a coffee place and I complained about how cold it is. Then I spent 130$ at places like Hot Topic, Rave, Aeropostale, and Wet Seal. Then we went to Dillard's and sprayed on more perfume. Then on the way home, my friend's mom nearly sufficated because of our light odor, and she had to open the windows while I complained about how cold it is. I really hate the cold.

I woke up and me and my mom drove far and dropped of my brother at Sunday school, then we went grocery shopping until 11. Then we went back to Sunday school and listened to the rabbi talk. Then my brother got out of Sunday school and we went to my grandpa's house for lunch. We hung out there till about three. We went home and I got on the computer for awhile, and cleaned. Then, I ate dinner, then went back on here. And it's dark out early. :lol:

My day yesterday was alright.

Made a Christmas bauble with a styrofoam (sp?) ball, pins and sequins.

None of my friends were in my group, so I sat with some people I know from my HPE classes.

Today there are no alternate activities, so it will be boring watching movies and stuff like that.

My day was the same, yet again.

Sadly, we didn`t receive a snow day, but half of our buses nearly went off the road because of how bad the roads turned out. Freezing rain, not so brilliant.

But, more snow today. Yay. Possibly more coming on the way.

I had a few tests today, pretty easy - peasy. Usual chitter chatter between me and my buds. Talent show and dance coming up. Surprisingly, me and my band lovelies are entering the talent show; again. And at the end, people kept throwing snowballs at people`s crotches. Quite cold, really.


Fun fun.


Talked to people, made a new friend.


(Quite chilly weather we have.)

Charity event.

Came home for a nice homecooked meal. [:

I had a funky day. YAY ME! :)

Period 1! Eh, boring. Period 2! Stupid answers on test! Yay me! I might fail! Period 3, left to go to the orthodontist. Period 4! I came back. Some dork stopped calling me by my first name, Katherine. YES! Period 5! Gah, boring. Period 6! SPANISH BORES ME! Period 7! That was fun. Band! Me and two of my friends (who are boys) were acting stupid, and it was fun. :( They started fighting, so Mr. L. was like "Katie! You have GOT to keep them in line!" so I was like "Fine! STOP FIGHTING!" and I put my arm between them and I was like "Keeping you guys in line!". Then, they both pick up something slightly heavy, and they were like "Put you arm there again!" and I was like "I'm not dumb! I know you guys will crush my arm!" and one of them was like "No, I'm going to 'accidentally' drop it on your arm!". Then we started stealing each others' stuff. Then one of them took my pencil case. I got it back but I still wanna kill him. Period 8! Just art. Nothing too crazy. Art club! Yay art club! I was the first one there! We turned on the radio, and I started singing. Then "Hot n' Cold" came on and I sang along. I naturally sing it, so when it came to the part where she sings "Like a b****, I would know," I forgot that I was in school and that there were younger people in the room, I almost said "b****." I was like "Like a bi-oof!" Katy Perry said "chick" instead. Pretty funny. Then the teacher was like "You can bring snacks!" so I was like "YES!" and pulled out Goldfish Pretzels out of my lunchbox, and shared it with peoples. Then I called my mom to pick me up and I was like "Mom, the rain is wet!" "What?!" "The rain is wet! Can you come pick me up?". Then I told my friend on AIM that the rain is wet, and he said I was a genius. XD

So yeah. I've had crazier days.

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Let`s see, my day was odd, like always. I`m glad it`s Friday too.

Took a few more easy - peasy tests. Did some work. Played Dungeon and Dragons with my buds. Drew some epic bandom drawings in art class, tried out for the talent show. And my band lovelies and I were the first ones to get accepted. We played Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship. Me, as the drummer. The `christmas` dance was today, I didn`t go because the teachers only play corny music.

I`m bored and awaiting for me and my lovelies to go ice skating and to the mall.


OMG. I CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED. No, I'm joking, today was boring.

I got Starbucks. A teacher said something to me about kids my age shouldn't be drinking coffee.

In theatre I sat in this blonde emo boy's lap. I'm just about the most least emo person alive, but the people who are think I'm hilarious for some reason I can't comprehend. He was stroking my hair, and he told me that I reminded him of a barbie doll, then I leaned back onto him, so he buried his face in my hair and said that I smelled better than the girls he hung out with. It was a situation that made me feel better about myself. Then my luver tried to hug me, and he growled at her and said that I'm his now because I smell good and my hair is soft. Then my luver sat on me, and it hurt.

I went to choir, and my dears put my hair in braided piggy tails.

In Texas history we played truth or dare, and I had to lick the wall, kiss a girl on the cheek, and other stuff I can't remember.

In science the teacher watched us like a hawk, I couldn't do anything but watch the stupid video about the grand canyon with the music that sounds like an elevator.

The rest of my day was boring.

woke up. got on my computer.(On TT!), had to leave at 8:30 am to go to my dad house because my mom had to go to her job, jad McDonalds for breakfast, played a new game I got for wii, and another, and another, then I went to a HUGE grocery store, (I only got a FEW things.) went home, had lunch, watched TV for an hour and a half, TRIED to wake my dad up from his nap, talked to my mom on the phone, wake my dad up, (FINALLY) told him yo make dinner, talk to my mom on the phone again, then I went on the computer to play on TT. Now I`m talking about my day!

I just wore a t-shirt and some jeans today, and my drainpipe chucks. DDRing clothes, man. DDRing clothes.

So then me and my BFF went to the arcade, actually, we walked around for an hour waiting for it to open and while we did, invaded shops and looked at stuff, I bought a dinosaur toast cutter, and I asked some random girl if she had any contact with Darth Vader in the past two weeks, and she was really mean. DDD;

So at noon the arcade opened. We played DDR for a while then shooter games and pinball, and then went back to my house, where I did all kinds of exciting rule breaking.

It's only the morning so I'll do yesterday.

I woke up at about 10am and then my mum and her boyfriend went to this orchestra thinggy and I stayed home with my laptop. They came back at 4 and then they went to the shops. I stayed home again. Then they came back again and we went to the video ezy to return our dvd's. Then we came back home and my mum's boyfriend left back to his house. Me and my mum sent the rest of the day playing checkers and watching T.V. Very boring day...

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