Tell me what to do PLEASE


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New member
Nov 12, 2005
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:wacko: Hi i have just got my first tama and i want to hear all the tips and stuff, I would appreciate any ideas .....

Thanks Heaps :furawatchi:

Dont worry i know what its like

To type it in you go to the shop and press buton A A FEW TIMES UNTIL THE SHOP keeper looks upset then type in one of the codes which ever you type in last yyou will not get , instead you get a veeeerrrry rare mimitchi costume.

ACBCABAC - for this code you get a hair potion

BCBACABA - for this code you get a love potion called honey

BACBCACB - for this code you get a steak .

ABBACBCC - for this code you get a whole cake

CBAACABC - for this code you get a costume

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The best tip I can give you is to:

1. Visit the Tamagotchi Codes section of this site and read the pinned notices at the top of the page - there is lots of info there

2. Go to the Tips & Tricks section of this site and read through the topics on page one - they should give you some good ideas

3. Take a general roam around the site reading through different threads - you'll be amazed what you find out - and how quickly it all makes sense!

I will move your topic to help for new owners - that is the best place - more members will see it there :(

Best, etc.


*Topic Moved from What Happended To My Tamagotchi? >>

Help for New Tamagotchi Owners

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