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It's okay, I'm deathly afraid of balloons... I can't stand the noise when they pop. It just sends me into hysterics for no reason. The fact that they might pop just frightens the living bajeezis out of me. I get all jumpy and nervous when there is any chance that there is going to be balloons. The guy who has a locker next to mine had a birthday recently so his friends decorated his locker with balloons. I freaked out and had to go home sick that day... I still haven't gotten any better at controlling or subsiding my fear of balloons. I guess this is what they call a mildly obsessive phobia. :)

LOLz. Chalk? I eat chalk! I know its weird but I LOVE the taste of chalk.Spiders ekk me out. I slept in the lounge for 9 days beacuse of a spider web but dad removed it on day 1 but i wanted to make sure it was clear before i wen tin. Spiders are common to be afraid of.

Im afraid of vinegar but thats cos im really allergic to it.

I like dogs but i ♥ cats more
Oh, I'm sorry you're allergic to vinegar... It's one of the main ingredients of sushi rice... Back on topic- It's okay to be afraid of many things. Spiders are just creepy, and animals that are bigger than me and can push me around just make me so afraid *shiver* Anyway, ducks are pretty weird. I'm not to fond of them myself.

oh don't worry. There's no such thing as a "stupid" fear.

to tell you the truth, I'm afraid of baloons. No, really. I'm not so scared that I won't get near one, but I don't like it when people touch them and stuff because I'm afraid it's going to pop. I've had bad experiences with popping baloons.

If the fear really worries you, than counceling is good. Don't be afraid to get help, because I'm sure that you aren't the only one out there afraid of ducks, or water. I'm sure that you'll feel better about it is no time!

edit: not to mention that I'm the kind of person that will pick up a tarantula and say "cool" yet I wouldn't get near a baloon if it was about to get poked with a needle.

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i'm really afraid of ducks and can't get over this fear. I hate it and live next to a river where ducks live. I'm terrified cos when I was little 3 ducks attacked me and have never gotten over it. Addvice neededI'm also afraid of water and won't drink it but i have a swim instructor helping get over the fear and i can swim again (I almost drowned once and have always been afriad to drink water) I don't know why

EDIT: I'm not afraid of ducklings just ducks
I can understand your fear I must say it would be kinda of stuipd if you were afraid of ducks but never had a bad expierience with them.

Heyas don't wory about it. Stupid fears are just a part of natural human life. i mean, lotsa us are scard of the dark, but if u think about it...what is so scary about the dark anyway??? :p Maybe the three ducks that attacked u were high or sumthin ( XD AFLaAAACK) :p

The point is, if there is an apple tree with a twenty apples in it, and the first three apples to fall down and bonk u in the head are rotten, it dozn't mean the rest of the apples r mean, doz it now? :p Give the dux a chance, my friend. If you learn to luv u will be luvd.

ch-ch-ch-ch-chatter...box :p

The point is, if there is an apple tree with a twenty apples in it, and the first three apples to fall down and bonk u in the head are rotten, it dozn't mean the rest of the apples r mean, doz it now? :D Give the dux a chance, my friend. If you learn to luv u will be luvd.
I like that, just because one duck is mean, doesn't mean they all are! So maybe you drink rotten milk, don't stop drinking ! Just be wary of teh expiration date! lol

I got over the ducky fear. I feeded them off a bridge the got closer each time until they ate out of my hands. At a petting zoo I patted some and made friends with a mummy duck and her bubbies.

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you are afraid of ducks? they're nice little birds! i am scared from pencils i played the flash game named "four second firestorm" which cointains many mini games.one of mini games said "sharp this eye!" i seen a man with one huge eye and "you" is holding a sharp pencil,i clicked and his eye blooded!!!!!!! is was a secret why i scare of pencils.

i'm really afraid of ducks and can't get over this fear. I hate it and live next to a river where ducks live. I'm terrified cos when I was little 3 ducks attacked me and have never gotten over it. Addvice neededI'm also afraid of water and won't drink it but i have a swim instructor helping get over the fear and i can swim again (I almost drowned once and have always been afriad to drink water) I don't know why

EDIT: I'm not afraid of ducklings just ducks
^_^ Your fear is not stupid, I am afriad of a sink when theres running water! ^_^ (P.s I mean when I like go downstairs and I haven't turned the sink on and its running) my brother usaully doesn't turn it off and it still scares me.

Most of the members pretty much have got the right idea. Ducks won't hurt you unless you hurt them or antagonize them. Other than that, they are pretty friendly.

I have a fear of frogs, clowns, fish.

i do not suggest this but, get a gun and shoot the crap out of the ducks!

like i said, i do not suggest this!!!!!!!

when i was 3 i almost drowned too and i couldn't swim till io was 8 or 9 so ur not alone. anyway, you should study ducks then maybe try interacting. like giving them food. but that's all i canthink of. *hope this helps* ;)

Well, when I started to read what you said, I thought "that's a weird fear" but you have a good reason for it. You don't have to go up and pet them, but just remember that chances are they won't hurt you. As long as you don't have bread in your hand lol. Most ducks won't hurt you. Geese, on the other hand...lol just joking, they're just very...enthusiastic.

And about the fear of water, why do you have it? Water's much less likely to hurt you than soda is. Soda has water in it, you know. There's absolutely no harm in drinking water, just tell yourself that. If it's chemicals and stuff you're worried about, remember that there's many bottled waters that are pure H2O.

The best advice I can give on fears like that is just to face them and tell yourself logic. I'm afraid of the dark, but I don't have a nightlight (I can't sleep with nightlights, anyway) I just remind myself that it's not the dark I'm fearing, it's the unknown. I tell myself that the dark is hardly more dangerous than light. I'm just about over that fear now, if not all the way over it.

Yea i know juice contains water its water by its self that scares me. I can drink water easy as if it has food colouring in it but not if its clear. Why? Who knows. I have been assured that i am sane. I also need food colours in my clear fizzy drinks. I hope my year 9 fears coach can help. As for swimming in water im back in there. YAY! I swam again and have entered a triathilon. I have a huge passion for sports now!
Oh, one more thing: if you'[re swimming, chances are you'll swallow some water. Clear water. And it probably has chlorine in it. Nothing ot worry about, as far as drinking water. Just remind yourself that drinking water is as harmless as it gets.

Have U tried hypnosis? I know it sounds stupid, but it worked 4 me. I was terrified of dogs (even little ones!)

Have U tried hypnosis? I know it sounds stupid, but it worked 4 me. I was terrified of dogs (even little ones!)
I'm not scared of most dogs, EXCEPT chihuahuas. *shudders* Well, they're already annoying, but plus they're always so grouchy! The little ones are the scariest! (but that might just be because I used to have a german shepard)

Dear cluck_cluck_chicken,

I know how you feel. Unfortunatly, I have a silly fear, too. I do agree with some of the members, try feeding the ducks. Remember, we are not forcing you into anything!

Juliet Capulet

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