Th story of a rising hero


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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There once was a :huh: named Jack. He lved with his mom because his parent were divoced. Jack was really sad. Everyone at school picked at him and he couldn't defend himself. But jack always was very happy to see his mother who was a ^_^ named Melissa. The thing Jack hated most about his life was his moms new boyfriend. He was a Kuchipatchi name Joe and he was really mean to Jack. One day, Jack came home from a rough day at school. He went to see his mom in the living room, but instead he saw Joe and his mom kissing! :huh: :eek: Jack raged with anger. He felt hot. Jack couldn't take it anymore. He yelled,

Please continue

No one gets killed, Jack grows up to be a hero. I don't care how.

"MOM! HOW COULD YOU? NO ONE CAN REPLACE DAD!" Jack started to cry. Then he ran off. That night, he packed up a suitcase and ran away.........

He couldn't believe his mom had betrayed him like this! Kissing Joe when she knew he was having a hard time at school. He sat outside his favorite buger joint his tears soaking his fries. Then returning his plate to the counter he picked up his suitcase and walked to the Grey Hound bus station. "Bus 64 to San Fransico, CA departing in five minutes!" Jack gathered the money he had saved from his allowance and got his bus ticket. In the back of his mind he could hear his mother crying wishing he could come home. He pushed the thoughts away as he said his good byes to everything he loved in L.A. Unfortunately his mother was no longer on that list. "Hi I'm Sabrina!" squealed a cute girl that Jack recognized as one of the kids who tutored at his highschool. "I'm Jack nice to meet- oh sorry m-m-my suitcase" stutered Jack as Sabrina sat by him. She smiled a sad smile as she waved to her parents who were just beside the departing bus. "I"m going to a college in Frisco, they offered me a scholarship for my art and extra cirricular activities. I'm going to be an art major. I graduated early. Sorry I'm just blathering on aren't I? Anyway where are you going?" she asked pulling her hair into a ponytail. "I"m going..." stuggled Jack "I'm going to find my way in this in Frisco. Maybe after I get a job I'll go to Stockton, that is where my dad lives...

Jack thought about it, yeah, he'd live with his dad. his dad was the best.His dad was a :D . All of the sudden there was a crash of thunder and a bolt of lightning. The bolt of lightning hit the bus and the bus stopped. Sabrina started to cry. "I'll never make it to art school!" she sobbed. Then Jack,

Okay, Joe can die, but not now.

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