Thanks for the memories


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2006
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emoland :D
any memories that you will always keep?

mines are

getting surgery once [ and the 1st time ]

and running away from a tiny dog xD


my friend falling in love with edward cullen xD

me "falling in love"

and umm summer :)

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Pwning everyone, except Stella and Super-Tall-Kid, at high jump =D.

I'm one of the sporty challenged people, so this is very important to me...

My primary school memories </3

Everything that has happened in primary school. All the amazing friends I have made. Everything that has happened in my life during these years. Every single thing that has happened, I will never forget.

From getting my first crush, to accidentally making human dominos, everything will stay in my heart. The stupid teachers, the time I peed my pants, the day I got in time out for the first and last time ever.

Okay, I better leave this topic before I burst into tears.

That one incredible party, the second degree burns, the twilight hardcore fans who decided it was smart to attack the one-hundred fifty pound-football playing-twilight hater [ Epic lulz for anyone on the blacktop that morning ]

And you people. Cause y'all are freaking incredible, and such a big part of my life <3

Everything that happens in my life is a big change to the future. :]

Actually, there was one moment that I almost cried to death O: I didn't tell anyone about this [except my family xD], Well, I went to camp and I got lost O: I was like, walking everywhere! I was stuck in a small forest, and finally one of my friends saved me :] Gosh, I feel embarrassed now e_o

One time I cried for no reason O_O That was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.

Ugh, I don't want to enter high-school. It looks so hard and complicated. Everybody isn't the same anymore X.X I think my used-to-be friends are zombies by now -__-

Yes, memories are incredibly valuable. <3

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My first crush. My friends, my first fish(don't ask, she was special, her name was goldie and I got her when I was two and she died five years later=(. ), my first dog, and the first time I went to the SPCA. The look of the ribbon made for my second cousin when he died at war, the first day of grade four when I met one of my best friends, my favorite books, and the first day I saw my best friend in five years.

all of the great times with friends.

all of the funny things we've pulled off, ily. <33

all of the great times at school, getting in trouble, etc.

that I will never forget? hmm.

i know i will never forget going to the hospital and all the drama last year,

i won't forget the cicadas in 3rd grade!

i won't forget my elementary school,

or the play in 6th and 7th grade.


ha, lame memories. :D my life sucks.

You know those small things when you're like, 6 and in the playground, just running around, laughing? The memories you think will never matter? Those. I just... I miss it, you know?

From the first day I talked with my crush, to the first time I kissed him...

From the first steps up to school, and the last ones down them...

Just, everything, all the tiny insignificant things, they matter to me.

I know it sounds so cliche, but it's true. Every memory you have will make you feel such a strong emotion... You wouldn't be the same person without them.

Sarah general.

Brandon general.


-Running away at 3.30am.

-Gardening on the phone.

-Making subs hate us.

-Silly string fights.

-Bilby making many failed attempts to impress me.

Theres so many more.

Gracie general.

Grace's dramatic fits.

Pagan and her many drunken moments.

So many more.

The 2 minute noodles.

Putting a bug in Mr K's coffee.

Meeting Sarah over a stamp.

All of you guys </3

We're making this slideshow at school about ourselves and I shall make a slide just about TT and all of you guys. Maybe I can put it on YouTube one day.

4th grade.

good year.

even though people were mean to me that year too, my friends; cory, daniel, and erin made it fun ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Trying to Run away when I was 5.

Being Random all the time and hyper lol.

I don't really remember this one but a friend told me this happened I ran into the monkey bars when I was 6 and lost a little of my memory. (Wait that would be ironic! Hehehe!)

Also eating a whole box of bourbon chocolate when I was 6 and falling asleep/ getting drunk lol.

Also terrorizing my little cousin/BFFFL =) ( I love you Rista! ) X3

My first kiss.

And I'll post more later.

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Me needing to go to the bathroom so much I cried xD (In English a few weeks ago. HE WOULDNT LET ME GOO >;()

When me and my friend face painted all over ourselfs-x

Natalie's last day ;_; (ily Nat-nat even though you don't have an account :) )

Esters's last day ;_; Miss you Ester (even though she don't have an account here either :eek: )

My friend running around the shop with a Jonas Brothers poster >.<

When I threw up in the shop all over the meat items when I was 3 LOL

Primary school memories ;_;

When I broke my arm..

And when Joseph grabbed onto me and wouldnt let go and I started freaking out

And so on and so on x3

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I will never forget anything. Ever.

Okay, that's not true. I am incredibly forgetful, and only the 'special' moments really stick in my mind. I remember all the amazing times I have had in England, and all of my gorgeous friends in America, England on TT. When I think of all my best memories, I think of laughing insanely over random things with my girls in the Summertime. And having a horrible day then speaking to all my beautiful lovelies here on Tamatalk, and cheering up instantly. I treasure everyone in my life who I love right now, and although I don't like thinking about the girl I used to be just a few years back, I will still always love the memories.

I love everyone who tells me they love me, and make me feel special. I love you all. <3

Those special moments that I'll never forget?

There are a lot, and a lot involve you guys... Meeting you... -cough me and feebee painting school hallways cough- xD ...

But irl... hmm.

I know I will NEVER forget the day my kindergarten crush gave me a puzzle <3

... and when I first hugged Michael knowing there was something more.

Being cornered in a dollar store by your crush with your best friend is always fun.

A lot of things, really.

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