That sounded wrong.


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See I have a bad habit of saying 'Your Mom'

And one time me and my friends were talking at Camp, There was alot of other kids we didnt know there so my friend was like "Lets go up to random kids and say Hi!" and I was like "YOUR MOM IS HI!" and then it was silent and I was like "Woahhhhhh im sooo sorry I didnt mean it like that" xD

And one time we were talking to this guy named Liam and my friend was like "Your name sounds like lime" and he was like "Im just a fresh lime just waiting to be squeezed" and me and my friends fell on the flooring laughing "That sounded wrong!"

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I can't say anything to people anymore without people thinking I'm a pervert. Honestly people, when I say things or stuff, I'm not referring a dude's penis.

One time I was talking to my friend about her crush moving and eventually I just started to get annoyed about it and she said "What should I do?" and I shouted "SCREW HIM!!!!!" xD I got tons of weird looks.

(Ok,even my recap of this will sound wrong) In class,if you get an A on youtr spelling test,you got a piece of candy. The sickos/monkeys in my class,Cody and Brennan got lollipops. They would put them in thier mouths,take them out and slap them together,then put them back in their mouths. Brennan asked me "Do ya wanna play???" xD Then when he sees I'm laughing my head off along with Kristin,Emily A,and Rachael,he tries to rephrase it "No no! The lollipop game!" that made it even worse as you can imagine. xD

*sigh* Good times. Good times...

We were playing dodge ball a few days ago and a boy was taking all the balls, so I ran t9o him and said, "I WANT YOUR BALLS! LET ME HAVE YOUR BALLS!" We were in the same team, so he gave me them and I left, then laughed with everyone. It was creepy.

Okay, well, a few days ago, I was researching with my friend Taylor for a project. We were on seperate computers at school....

And then I showed her a recipe for "Sushi Balls"! It's a Japanese recipe, hardly meant to sound wrong, but she thought it did.

She went like, "Eewww!"

And I was thinking, Jerk!, and then I said, "Well, you know, I bet in Japan they don't even have this wrong talking stuff!"

And, of course, that just made it worse, as you can entirely imagine.

Okay, well, a few days ago, I was researching with my friend Taylor for a project. We were on seperate computers at school....And then I showed her a recipe for "Sushi Balls"! It's a Japanese recipe, hardly meant to sound wrong, but she thought it did.

She went like, "Eewww!"

And I was thinking, Jerk!, and then I said, "Well, you know, I bet in Japan they don't even have this wrong talking stuff!"

And, of course, that just made it worse, as you can entirely imagine.

The wrong people on my bus would point out the wrongness of your siggie.

(I like my hamsters)

Not to offend you or anything...

(And boy that's really wrong xD)

My class was doing an assignment. So my friend's all, "Did you do it?" And I thought he ment the assignment, so I said, "Yeah." And he said, "Ew! You did it! You're too young." And I was all "Shut up."

My friend brought in something and I was like, "The screws are falling out." Later on, this guy was bugging her and she was trying to screw the screws back in with her pen. And when the guy left she said to me, "I wanna screw him." And I was like O_O She said, "Oh my god! I mean, 'hurt him!'" I was laughing like crazy.

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One time my friend was going to the zoo with her little sister and her dad. She was brushing her hair and her dad like "Hurry up!" and shes like "Just a sec!" and her dads like "we have no time for secs" LOL say it out loud to urself it will make more sence! ~giggles
ROFL! :puroperatchi:

(Rolling On Floor Laughing)

God i it ALL the time! lol x]

~ One time in science our teacher was talking about how different people are better at different things so he is all like, "examples of this is, Jess (me xD) is really great with comming up with ideas, emma (ma friend) is really good reasoning and um... Hayden (ma BF =3) yea hayden is really good with his hands" and the whole class cracked up and people started shouting, "oh yea jess knows all about that" xD it was funny.

~ One time i was walking home with my friends from school (there was shenae, stewie ((like my bestie forver!)) there was hayden and there was hayley) and stew was on his bike and he started to ride a little bit ahead so me being me i decided to shout out..." Hey stew! Give me a ride!" all of my friends just started kaking themselves xD

~One time in footy (it was tackle) i was on the oppisite team of stewie and i tackled him, we ended up in the worst postition, me ontop of him and our faces were so close that i could actually feel the heat coming from him and im all like "Wow, your really hot..." and he is all like "we are best friends!" and all i could hear was the others laughing xD

Well, didn't happen to me but it happend to my Teacher LOL!

We were in gym class and we were all fooling around especially the guys, and our teacher got so fed up and she said ''Hold your BALLS!!!!'' and all the guys were like ''miss!!??''


Happend to me..

We were doing some spelling thing,I had to read this sentence out loud and One of the sentences was:

''The childs balls'' and everyone started to laugh! I am like oops!


This was soooo embarrassing!!!!! Okay, I was at skating when my coach was teaching a new jump. She told me to put my right hand in front and my left hand in back when I started. The second time I did the jump, I got the hand positions confused with another jump so just to make sure I asked her, "Is this the right hand?" and I held out my right hand. She looked at me strange, and she goes "Um, YEAH." so Im like what the heck did I do wrong, then I noticed she thought I meant "right hand" as in left and right, but I really meant it as in "correct hand." Since then she thinks I have direction confusement, I'll have to try to explain it!!!

One time my friend was going to the zoo with her little sister and her dad. She was brushing her hair and her dad like "Hurry up!" and shes like "Just a sec!" and her dads like "we have no time for secs" ~giggles
I just like laughed for 5 minutes at that. lol XD

lol, i have sooo many of them

During lunch, i dropped my water bottle. It landed by my boyfriend, Austin. And so i said. "can you give it to me?"

You should of seen how red he turned, and then he grinned. "how hard?"

(stupid pervy, austin)

^ xD

One morning at school,Brennan was about to go inside the building and he had all this crap on his desk (folders,paper,backpack) and he says to me "Don't touch my stuff!" and I'm like "Eww Brennan! That didn't sound right!" "*turns a billion shades of red* I didn't mean it like that!!" xD

We had to make up a snack food for media, and make a commercial on it...

Mine and Rea's was called "Banana Bites"

Afterwords, Nicole was all mad at me for something pointless, and she was all "I'll Banana Bite you!!"

one time it came out as " I'll bite your banana" o_o

I bet I've had a lot, but I can't really remember any, so I'll post something this girl in my class said. xD

Okay, so we're in grade 6, right? We learn about Ancient Greece in grade 6. This girl in my class is like, "You know, we don't really need clothes." Man, that sounded wrong. >.< And you know how men in Ancient Greece competed in the Olympics nude, right? (O_O!!!!!!!!!!) Well, this other girl in my class is like, "Won't they get infected?" wow. o_O'

Oh, and another thing. These boys in my class were fooling around, and one person's just like, "He's trying to touch me." o_O That REALLY sounded wrong.

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