The 2 luvers


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bye bye!!! and nearly scotched them with her fire, then Joe utterd in a coputer voice "extermenate!!" for benny forgot to mention the killing robot that looked like Joe his brother.

Kevin saw a bucket of water and tipped it over Joe he cried"NO! I'm melting!... you fools!....I'm melting....I'm melting...."Kevin looked up at the dragon but saw a giant doom pit and in the pit was the dragonas as he roared a death spike moved from the cieling a bit, suddenly 50 Joe's were on the other side of the pit shouting 'extermenate' but then the dragon roared as the robots flew over and the Joe's got burnt and came tumbling down the pit, giant scorpion's came rushing towards them but they came in the pit. then the death spike came down and killed all of them. A huge flood came from the tunnel and filled up the pit, then unfortunentley it overfilled and came rushing towards the perfect couple

Kevin, who was the school swimming champion, grabbed Leila and swam quickly

He managed to swim out of the pit with Leila, and they made their escape.

Outside the cave, Leila asked,"What...about, your brother?"

"That wasn't my brother. It was a robot. Probably a trick of Benny's" Kevin replied.

"Yeah..." Leila agreed. "Luckily there'll be no more tricks..since well, we're outta here"

But Leila was wrong. That was only the beginnings of their troubles.

Benny had many tricks up his sleeve.

kevin and liela ran ran back home and told there parents about what happened but they laughed and laughted but didn't laugh when they found out kevin and leila's thing for each other

At university the next day, Kevin spotted a new girl in his lecture on Teaching. A memetchi sat in the back of the hall and had her notepad out. a robotchi beside kevin was loosing his marbles, chanting " hot hot hot!" :( The memetchi hated robotchis, because they always leak 'oil' onto your washed hair. :) Kevin waltzed over to the folding chair next to the pretty lady.

"Do you mind if i sit here" he whispered

the memetchi's face soon turned- ;)

(was this because kevin was really ~hot!~ or was it because memetchi is leila in disguise?)

The memetchi told Kevin that she was Leila in disguise.After a few minutes the real Leila arrived, but Kevin did not notice. Memetchi was actually Leila's sister, Ann. Leila saw him and cried because she thought that levin did not like her anymore.

leila cried and cried. when she finally got the courage to talk to kevin a again, she saw leila's sister and kevin kissing. leilas sister put a love potion on kevin. leila knew this. kevin! she screamed. you dont love her! you love me! she put a potion on you!! tears streamed down leilas cheeks. she cried and pleaded a kevins feet. finally she decided to leave she walked out the door, makeup smudged, criying and head held low. suddenly kevin rememebered. Leila! he whispered, breaking free of ann's love spell. he ran after leila, with out saying anything, he scooped her up in his arms and gave her a long wet kiss. i love you leila. kevin whispered. i love you too. leila whispered. they decieded to run away together, away from evil and forbidden love. they got a new house in the woods. they were all alone so they......

They decided to look for anyone else in the woods.Then suddenly, they heard a high and squeaky laugh."Heeheeheeeheeheee...".Then they heard someone saying "".They got scared.Was someone.... watching them?

turns out it was just a parrot!(Or was it).....Few months later.....they decided to have a baby (since Kevin is also a doctor :) ) Leila became pregnant.they loved each other very much they had strolls with each other and Leila will always look down her tummy and give it a pat..then the same voice came again.."Ke.....Vin......"then they heard sounds of ninjas surronding them.....then came the same voice this time thee was two ""IT WAS BENNY!!On Benny's head there was a spy parrot....then Benny said:"You thought you could get away with this,Kevin!!"But this time Benny didn't look like Benny....his left eye is robotic and solid red and his skin was burnt!!"You!You stole my girl and left me in the cave!!I cried forhelp but no one replied!!Fellow ninjas!OUT!!"Then ninjas surrondoed them...for the worst part ,2 ninjas hold Leila's arm making her unable to move!!and a gangster punched her tummy!!REALLY HARD!!!Leila screamed her head off!!It turns out that Benny's plan is to kill the baby inside Leila's tummy!!Kevin refused this to happen and stopped them(Kevin is also a black belt in taekwandoe)Kevin was afraid that the baby was dead so he carried Leila to a nearby town and begged the doctor to examine her.Fortunately,the baby was ok!!but might have a wee bit problems when borned....upon hearing this leila and Kevin is worried...few days later the baby was finally borned~now they were no more lonely

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(that is so boring! I shouldn't of left T T even for a month!) somebody knocked the door of keven and leila. there was an erie silence as kevin(07 LOL!) opened the door (much better!)

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