The ability to interpret dreams.


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Jul 6, 2006
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So I had this dream the other night, and I have this weird ability to interpret dreams. I think God gave me this dream, I recently re-dedicated my life to him, and he gave me this, now it's gonna sound weird.

There's an Indian being hanged and a Nun runs and saves the Indian.

Now that's just the general idea. But the Indian represents independence and self-reliance, and the Nun represents commitment and being true to what you think is right. Call me crazy but I think God's telling me that if I stay committed to him that he'll help me with my problems. (I have problems being by myself, I'm very dependent on other people.)

Does that sound sane to you?

:] that doesn't sound insane to me and i think that God just gave you knowlegde to understand dreams

I don't think you're crazy. ;D It could be a dream that God sent you, or it could just be coincidental.

For example, a few months ago I had the scariest dream of my life. I was in my own body, dying and going up to whatever our after life is (heaven?). I'm not even going to go into it; it was so believable. I took it as a preminition or something, and that whole week I was on edge, ready to die. But it never happened. So I don't regard it as a preminition anymore, just my imagination playing with me. When I had this dream, I was at the point where I wanted to die, so I think I was subconsciously playing out what I wished would happen. Maybe the same thing is happening to you??

Or maybe it was just your mind realizing that God is always there to help you, and showing it to you in a dream. :)

Either way, I'm happy that you know that God is always there for you!! ;D

God promises that already: "I will never leave you nor forsake you"- Um.. well God. :D

He can give you special dreams but just because you have a dream like that doesn't mean it's like FROMGODHIMSEFLOMG

Ya know? It could be though He has already told you that. ;]

I'm not saying it's a God-given talent to interpret dreams. I'm saying that I think something just clicked inside me and I guess I got the dream. Cause I mean... Seriously? Who dreams about Nuns and Indians?

I'm not saying it's a God-given talent to interpret dreams. I'm saying that I think something just clicked inside me and I guess I got the dream. Cause I mean... Seriously? Who dreams about Nuns and Indians?
I dream about Zombies and Puppets having Ice Cream Parties.

We all have differnt inner thought's dear.

I'm not saying it's a God-given talent to interpret dreams. I'm saying that I think something just clicked inside me and I guess I got the dream. Cause I mean... Seriously? Who dreams about Nuns and Indians?
I dream about tap dancing bananas.

I do, actually.

I have nightmares about dance recitals and dance classes all the time. OO;;

I have dreams where I die a lot too.

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